10th house in astrology

Let’s dive deep to decoding 10th house in astrology:

Before beginning the discussion about 10th house, I will like to add that I have already made dedicated posts on astrological aspects like 1st house, 2nd house, 3rd house, 4th house, 5th house, 6th house, 7th house, 8th house, 9th house, and so on. If you have not read them yet, do read these astrological facts from these links because this will enrich your knowledge in astrology. According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, 10th house is lord by Saturn and Capricorn is considered to be the 10th house of the cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha.

Bringing into light the Significance of 10th house in astrology:

In astrology, 10th house leaves the most significant impact on human life because it is the house of ‘deeds’-the house of ‘Karma’. What kinds of deeds the native will do-will it be the right deeds or it will be the heinous deeds- depends on 10th house. It is the house of professions. What the native will become-a doctor or a CA or a police inspector or a engineer- is determined from the 10th house. Again if the native will be able to earn respect & money through his professions is determined from the this house. According to Maharshi Parashar, respect & establishment in the society of the native depends entirely upon the 10th house.

Unlocking what is represented by 10th house:

According to Vedic Hindu astrology, 10th house indicates the boss of the native. How will the relationship between the native and his/her boss be is seen from the 10th house. If the this house is bad, the  boss of the native will always pose troubles for the native irrespective of how many jobs does the native change. In this maya or in this human existence whatever the native achieves is determined from the 10th house.

May be that the native has achieved success out of his luck-but again to materialize his/her luck into reality deeds have to be performed because without action nothing happens and the work that the native does is seen from the 10th house.

Here, you will have to remember that according to Astrological facts, whether the native will get engaged in jobs or business are seen respectively from the 6th & 7th house. But what kinds of jobs or what kinds of business the native will do is determined from the 10th house. I mean to say that suppose 6th house is indicating that the jobs will be a better option for the native as compared to business.

Now in the sphere of jobs, will it be a govt job or private and whether becoming teacher or CA or army chief will be a better option for the native or not, are determined from the 10th house. So, 6th house is the house of jobs, 7th house is the house of business and 10th house is the house of ‘Karma(Dedds).

Foer precise astrological predictions, you have to be able to discriminate. Selection of the sphere of profession is determined from the 6th or 7th house and what the native will do or how the native will perform in that particular sphere of profession is seen from the 10th house.

So, in astrology anything related to earning or professions/career  will be determined from the 10th house.

If a native will become an artist or writer or work in a govt. office will be seen respectively from the 5th, 3rd & 6th house. But whether the native will be able to execute his/her talent of writing for his earning or whether the native simply write at home as a passion- is seen determined from the 10th house . Because you will get success, respect and reputation in the society only through the works that you will do executing your talent.

So if the native will be able to work or perform action executing his/her talent to becoming a bright star in the world of writing is seen from the 10th house. So if the native will be able to do justice to his talent or expertise through his work or not is determined from the 10th house as far as Vedic Hindu Astrology is concerned.

So the status, reputation of the native in the society-all will get determined from his mentality to act & perform executing his/her talent or the platform bestowed on him by luck because without performance with steel strong mentality to work harder & harder, nothing can be achieved-and this action is determined from the 10th house. So it can be rightly said that name & fame also depends on the 10th house.

10th hosue is the house of father, name-fame, relationship with the owner of the rented house, relationship with the teacher & boss-all are seen from the 10th house.

Without action(Karma) nothing can be achieved in life-in vedic hindu astrology 10th house determines this ‘deeds(karma)’ of the native. Such is the importance of the 10th house in humanly existence.

10th house in astrology

Discovering the Professions/careers ruled by the 10th house:

  • According to Vedic Hindu Astrological facts, 10th house indicates jobs in govt. sector. This house also indicates kingship-so all the politicians or others engaged in performing deeds to execute direction from the king or the govt are indicated from the 10th house. So all the administrative services or govt services are seen from the 10th house. Politics, politicians or all the ministries of a govt-are indicated by the 10th house. Hence, high authoratative jobs under govt are seen from this house.
  • High courts or supreme courts or any kind of govt. organizations working to mainatain law & order are indicated by the 10th house.
  • All the organisation working on providing social services are also seen from the 10th house in astrology.
  • professions relating to Carry forwarding the father’s initiatives are also seen from the 10th house.
  • Top level doctors-more specifically surgeons are determined from the this house.
  • According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, Any kind of secret organizations like RAW or FBI are indicated by the 10th house because this house indicates govt or kingly duties. Secret organisations are the most integrated part of the govt. Hence, secret organizations or any kind of organizations working under the control of the Govt. fall under the impact of the 10th house.
  • Politicians build connection between Govt and the masses. As in astrology 10th house indicates Govt or kingly duties and as 10th house in astrology is the house of the karma(deeds), the popularity of the politicians among the masses are indicated by the this house because the actions of the politician for the masses determine the popularity of the concerned politician.

Let’s conclude facts about 10th house in astrology:

It’s been really a matter of great pleasure for me to be able to share my views on astrology with you all. And if this post on 10th house has been of any help to you, I will consider myself fortunate. If you have any more issues, do write to me in the comment box.

Thank you all.

Who is the owner of the 10th house ina astrology?

10th house in astrology

According to Vedic hindu Astrology, Capricorn is the 10th house in the cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha and this is the own moon-sign of Saturn. So quite obviously, Saturn is the lordship planet of teh 10th house.

Which planet is good in 10th house?

10th house in astrology

According to Vedic Hindu astrology, the 10th house in the cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha belongs to Capricorn which islord by saturn. Hence, Saturn is quite simply very good for 10th house. Again Jupiter, the planet representating growth, wisdom & spirituality provide incredible results positing in the 10th house.

Which planet is not good in 10th house?

10th house in astrology

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, Rahu poses hindrances in the sphere of career & finances if it posits at the 10th house which is ruled by Saturn. So, Rahu is not considered good in the 10th house.

By sandip

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