11th house in astrology

Let’s begin the discussion about 11th house in astrology:

11th house in astrology is the house of income-it is the house of the fulfilment of the native’s desire(any kind of desire that the native has gets fulfilled through this house. So, whether whatever we wishes for get fulfilled or not is seen from the 11th house. The fate of the native is seen from the 9th house. According to the fate, the native starts working & how and what the native is working is seen from the 10th house.

11th house in astrology

Now after all his/her hard work, comes the question of the outcome i.e the profit & income that the native will receive and it is seen from the 11th house. And how much the native will be able to save from his income or the bank-balance of the native is seen from the 2nd house.

Significance of 11th house in astrology:

So the cycle stands thus: Fate(indicated by the 9th house)–work or effort(indicated by the 10th house)–profit or income from his performance(indicated by the 11th house)–savings or bank balance that the native has made for himself/herself(indicated by the 2nd house).

Again 2nd house is the 4th house from the 8th house and 4th house is the house of pleasure. So how happy will the native feel regarding his/her income or the pleasure derived out of income(indicated by the 11th house) is seen from the 2nd house.

Very often we come across people about whom we tend to say that he/she works really hard and is very very humble. But the native hardly earns satisfactorily. In such case, the 10th house of the natal chart of that concerned native is positive and he is putting forth that much effort into his work but his 11th house(the house of profit or income) is negative and it is for this reason that the native is not being able to earn satisfactorily.

Again we will find people who earns handsomely but always found speaking that ‘nothing is left at the end of the month’ because he/she is not being able to save anything from his income. That suggests that the 2nd house of the native is not good.

Elder brother11th house in astrology indicates the native’s relationship with his/her elder brother. How many elder brothers will the native have or the native himself/herself will be the eldest son/daughter, or will the native get benefits from his/her elder brother, or what will his/her elder brother do-to be precise every single detail about elder brothers is seen from the 11th house. Whereas the younger brother is seen from the 3rd house.
Friend CircleAgain 11th house in astrology indicates the native’s friend circle. Will the native have supporting & positive friend circle or will the friend circle of the native lead him/her towards destruction-everything about friend circle is seen from the 11th house. So, the planets positing at the 11th house in astrology or the planets aspecting the 11th house determines the friend circle of the native.
Very often we see people having all kinds of friends. In the morning the native is going to office and in the evening he/she tends to spend in a different haunts. That suggests that Saturn, Rahu, Jupiter & Mercury all are posited at the 111th house or aspecting the 11th house.
Significance of 9th house in astrology

The most significant about the 11th house in astrology is that every planet delivers positive result positing at the 11th house only.

Remember that unexpected gains are seen form the 8th house. To explain it can be said that 8th house will find you the unexpected but whether that finding will become profitable or not for you is determined from the 11th house, because 11th house represents profit & income.

Again 9th house controls your fate but whether you will be able to make profits from your fortune is determined from the 11th house in astrology. Again 10th house indicates the karma or deeds of the native, but whether the native will be able to make profits from his deeds is seen from the 11th house.

Professions/careers ruled by 11th house in astrology:

  • If 11th house in astrology is playing the most significant role in determining the native’s career direction, you should read about the fields of professions indicated by the 11th hosue for hitting the smartest choice in terms of the career of the native. There are certain methods executing which we can reach a decision to determine the house playing the most important role in terms of your career. I will discuss about the method in my another post and the link will be provided here also.
  • As I have already told you, zodiac signs, planets and then houses play the determining role in terms of choosing career fields.
  • Aquarius zodiac is the most favorable zodiac for the 11th house. Hence, business or career options related to Aquarius zodiac may match the career fields indicated by the 11th house.
  • As 11th house in astrology is the house of monetary profit & gains, all financial institutions are controlled by the 11th house. Even the banking sector falls under the control of the 11th house. Consultancy & management institutions are also controlled by the 11th house. 11th house controls the sector of business.
  • 11th house in astrology is the house of the network & contacts of the native, any kind of networking organizations such as network marketing, Telecom network industries and IT industries are controlled by the 11th house. If mercury & Rahu posits at 11th house or aspects the 11th house, IT industries will be the most favorable option for the native.
  • As we have already read that 11th house in astrology possess the qualities of the Aquarius zodiac and we all know that Aquarius zodiac indicates defence services, 11th house indicates defence services. For any one to become successful in the sector of the defence services, the 11th house of the natal chart of that concerned native must have to be strong. Hence 11th house indicates professions related to arms & ammunition. any kind of arms & ammunition industries or industries performing the dealing of arms & ammuinition, are controlled by the 11th house in astrology.
  • As aquarius zodiac is main zodiac of the 11th house and as aquariu zodiac is an air borne zodiac, any kind of industries or business related to air such as aviation industries, aero-space industries and so on are controlled by the 11th hosue. If the desire of the native to become a pilot will get fulfilled or not is seen from the 11th house.
  • Again nuclear industries are also indicated by the 11th house in astrology. any kind of business related to neuclear power is seen from the 11th house. Again space research projects are also seen from the 11th house as Aquarius zodiac( Baayu Tatwa rashi or air borne zodiac) indicates research.
  • 11th hosue indicates politics. 11th house plays the most vital role in terms of becoming the member of parliament. Again 11th house indicates social services. See 10th house is the house of career. And 11th house is the 2nd house from the 10 th house. 2nd house is the hosue of family. To be popular in terms of providing social services, one has to consider society as his/her family because without considering society as your family, how can you be bale to work for the society.
  • Now to choose from the career options indicated by the 11th house, you will have to consider the planets, zodiac signs and houses together. And one has to reach a decision only after considering all these three aspects.


As you have read so far I do think that all your confusions about 6th house in astrology must have got evaporated like mists. In my website there are many posts dedicated on vedic hindu astrology like basics of vedic astrology, raj yogas and mantras. You should also read them to enrich your knowledge about Vedic Hindu Astrology.

Thank you, all.

By sandip

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