12th house in astrology

Diving Deep into the 12th House:

12th house signifies limitlessness without any kind of boundary – free from any kind of constraints – the ultimate freedom- freedom of the soul after death from the cycle of birth & re-birth with rectification of Karmik debts or the freedom of the physical body of the soul in this world of Maya after birth to relishing all that you can think of or the ultimate bliss of abundance.

12th house in astrology

But here you will have to understand that the limitlessness may be in respect of abundance

or in respect of scarcity of the abundance that the soul is desiring to relish in this world of Maya or may be in respect of freedom or the absence of that freedom from the cycle of birth & re-birth that the soul is desiring after death. But whatever it is, it will be according to your Praarbdh.

You may also consider reading my articles on 2nd house, 9th house,

8th house, 6th house, 7th house, 5th house, 11th house and so on from these links to enrich your insight into Vedic Astrology.

Significance of 12th house with respect to 8th House:

Remember that 12th house is 5th from the 8th house – 8th house is the digi-locker or the store house of our Prarabdh and 5th house signifies the pleasure of relishing.

12th house in astrology

Now what your Prarabdh deserves- the relishing of the stuffs the way your soul

is desiring to relish in this world of Maya or the absence of the stuffs or hindrances in the road to relishing the same or whether you will be pleased or feel diseased to relishing while surviving in this world of Maya can be interpreted from the 12th house. Hence 12th house is rightly called the store house interpreting how you will feel living in this world of Maya and it will entirely depend upon the Prarabdhial significance of your soul through cycle of previous births.

Interpretations from the 12th House:

So you can also conceptualize it in this way that how you will feel living or you will spend life-span in this world of Maya – whether in the midst of abundance or in the midst of scarcity of the same will be according to your Prarabdhial significance and 12th house will be indicative of that.

12th house in astrology

And again how your very soul will feel after death – free or bound in the constraints

of birth & rebirth to repaying your Karmik Debts will be relevant to how you reacted behaviorally during your entire life-span and 12th house again will be indicative of that. Your approach with the most appropriate behavioral reactions and responses to the situations present in front of you in your entire life-span and thus rectifying your mistakes of previous births may attain you freedom after death – the Moksha.

Now the most important thing that becomes detrimental here is that how you will react or whether you will be able to discern the real from the illusory to understanding the ultimate purpose of your soul will be according to the prarabdhial significance from previous births and 8th house will be indicative of that.

The Concept of Moksha – The Ultimate freedom:

Till you understand the purpose of your arrival in this world of Maya, you won’t be able to understand how you should respond or what you should leave unresponded. And once you understand that you will be  on the right track , the Nemesis is asking you to be in and you will be in the midst of abundance that Mother Earth has in offering for all of her children. And that right track will take you close to the association of the Ultimate Awareness and you may also call it the Moksha.

So understand this very clearly that till you feel or relish the abundance, you can’t attain Moksha because if you are in Scarcity, it will signify in other way that you are in the wrong track and following the wrong track you can never go even close to the Ultimate truth. So forget the concept of taking Sanyas to attaining Moksha because it is hidden in the bliss of abundance – in the midst of the pleasures of relishing what is dependent on your Prarabdh in the 8th house.

12th House & Marital Pleasure:

8th house is 2nd from the 7th house-the house of marriage or the house of relishment of marital happiness. So from 12th house your maritla happiness or the consummation of marital pleasures can easily be interpreted.

Your Birth-Chart & the journey to Re-paying Karmik Debts:

8th house is the digi-locker of your Prarabdh. From the Ascendant or the house of your very self begins  the journey of you to rectifying your Prarabdh & this will be according to your Prarabdh. 2nd house provides persistence to this journey according to your Prarabdh.

3rd house is indicative of your ability to keep on working to rectifying your prarabdh. 4th house is indicative of whether you are happy or not in doing or channelizing your ability to working for the ultimate Rectification and surely it will be according to your Prarbdh again. 5th house is the bliss of skills & education required to understanding and thus rectifying your Prarabdhial debts. 6th house is your competitive skills or your ability to adopting the most rectified behavioral reactions to winning in the field of rectification of the soul.

Journey of Karmink debts

7th house is indicative of situations that you are going to face while moving in the road

of Rectification(both favorable & unfavorable and it will of course be according to your Prarabdhial significance). 8th house is indicative of your duty that you should be loyal to for the rectification of your Prarbdh according to your Prarabdh. 9th house is indicative of the higher education or the higher awareness of the right path for you, your Dahrma or the sense of righteousness for you for the rectification of your Prarbdhial significance. 10th house is indicative of your Karma for this ultimate rectification and if done right, the house of appreciation and recognition from this world of Maya.

11th house is indicative of the gains for you both material bliss full of pleasures of relishing and spiritual gains of rectification in your Prarabdh to becoming one again. 12th house is indicative of the end of the journey signifying another imprisonment in the constraints of the cycle of life & death for prarabdhial rectification or freedom, the Moksha in the midst of ultimate abundance- the final outcome of your journey begun in the Ascendant.

Indications of 12th House:

12th house signifies spending or expenditures, foreign connections, freedom or imprisonment, Ashram or Jial- the two extreme points of out-come because it is the end.

12th House in respect to the 1st House:

12th house is 12th from the 1st which signifies our physical energy. Now as 12th house signifies spending or expenditure, so it will clearly indicate the expenditure or the spending of our physical energy.

12th house in astrology

We spend our physical energy the most in pursuit of bed-happiness or securing luxury

for our very body or while meditating deeply for elevation to the next level. Hence from 12th house it can easily be interpreted where we will spend our physical energy the most to attaining pleasures of our physical body or to attaining the pleasures for your soul.

12th House in respect to the 2nd House:

Again 12th house is the house of gains from the 2nd house as it is 11th from the 2nd. 2nd house is the house of wealth. How we will spend our energy of wealth – staying engrossed in pursuit of saving to becoming rich or spending the same for relishing luxury can be seen from the 12th house.

12th House in respect to the 3rd House:

Again 12th house is 10th from the house of ability or effort the 3rd house. So whether our ability or effort will get us recognition or not can be seen from the 12th house. 3rd house also symbolizes our siblings and as 12th house is 10th from the 3rd, how your siblings will work or what they will do can be interpreted from the 12th house.

12th House in respect to the 4th House:

Again it is 9th from the 4th house-the house of mother. As 9th house indicates spirituality or the religious sense, the spiritual sense of religion of the mother of the native can be seen from the 12th house. 4th house also symbolizes our home happiness, cars vehicles or luxurious items like them.

Now whether we will relish them by being happy spiritually or from the deepest core

of our heart or we will end up being unsatisfied in the midst of fulfilment can easily be seen from the 12th house. As 4th house symbolizes mother and 12th house signifies foreign lands, so from 12th house it can be seen whether you will get detached from your mother or not. 4th house is your hearts desire and 12th house indicates foreign connections. Whether the native will feel incline towards foreign lands or not, is seen from the 12th house.

12th House in respect to the 5th House:

Again 12th house is 8th from the 5th house- the house of  off-springs. As 8th house indicates life span, the over-all health issues or the life-span of your children can be interpreted from the 12th house.

12th house in astrology

As 8th house is indicative of your Prarbdh, the Prarabdhial significance of children for you-

when you will become father or mother – late or early or whether your off-spring will stay in foreign lands far away from you can be seen from the 12th house. 5th house is also the house of the gift of skills and education and 8th house signifies the final outcome, so how you will use your Prarabdhial gift of skills and education or the final out come of your skills in this existing birth can also be seen from the 12th house.

12th House in respect to the 6th House:

6th house is the house of diseases and 12th house is 7th from the 6th house and as 7th house is the representation of your Prarabdh or deeds in the shape of situations or happenings, 12th house clearly indicates hospital.

12th house in astrology

Again as 6th house indicates legal hassles or litigations, 12th house indicates jails also.

Do remember that over debts also lead you to jail. 6th house is symbolic of your competitive mentality and the opponents or the enemies you are confronting with. Hence `12th house automatically signifies the situations dependent on the strength or capabilities of your opponents or enemies  that you will have to face in the arena of competitions.

12th House in respect to the 7th House:

7th house is the house of your relationships-your business partners or your spouse and as 12th house is 6th from the 7th, 12th house clearly indicates competitions from them.

12th house in astrology

Whether they will adopt a kind of friendly approach or they will behave like enemy

or competitors can be observed from the 12th house. Again as 7th house is the representation of your Prarabdh in the form of situations in front of you, whether situations will be full of competitions or favorable for you is determined from the 12th house.

12th House in respect to the 9th House:

9th house is the house of higher education or awareness to getting close to the ultimate reality or the spiritual sense of being religious and as 12th house is 4th from the 9th house, 12th house shows Ashrama because 4th house is the house of inner happiness and no places other than Ashrama can be more relaxing for deriving happiness spiritually while meditating and being solitary getting detached from the main current is perfect for attaining higher education. So which way you will be taken spiritaually or the extent of knowledge you will acquire to getting close to the ultimate reality can be seen from the 12th hosue.

12th House in respect to the 10th House:

10th house is the house of your Karma or how you will work or the extent your deeds will get recognized in this present existence and as 12th house is 3rd from the 10th house and as 3rd house is the house of your ability or effort, where and how your efforts are going to get recognized can easily be seen from the 12th house.

12th House in respect to the 11th house:

11th house is the house of gains-both material & spiritual and as 12th house is 2nd from the 11th house, it will provide persistence to your gains. 12th house also indicates foreign connections- so if you will attain gains from foreign lands or not can be seen from the 12th hosue. Again whether your material gains will be to that extent of abundance shifting you to the Road to attaining Moksha can also be interpreted from the 12th house.

Adopting the most appropriate behavioral reactions & responses, you can get back to the right track to get your physical body free in the midst of abundance from Mother Nature and thus paving the path for your soul to move forward in it’s journey to attaining ultimate freedom from the constraints of Life & Death. So freedom or Imprisonment- it depends on your approach to rectifying your Prarabdh and most importantly it will happen according to your Prarabdh.

To know more about the houses in astrology, you may consider reading this article in Wikipedia from this link.

By sandip

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