1st house in astrology

Let’s dive deep into 1st house:

Before plunging into the astrological aspects & representations of the 1st house, you should read my other dedicated posts on the basics of vedic astrology, nakshatras in vedic astrology and mantras as suggested in Vedic Astrology . If you have not read them yet, do read them now from these links because it will provide you with clearer insight into Vedic astrology.

1st house significance & representations

Let’s Decode the astrological significance of 1st house:

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology,1st house is the ascendant of a natal chart – it represents the personality of the native – how the native thinks about himself/herself. It signifies the intellectual capacity of the native. Again the overall structure of the body of the native is represented by 1st house.

Exploring the importance of Ascendant(1st house) in our life:

Ascendant can also be seen as the receiver as whatever we receive in this present existence, we receive through our body. If a native lacks intellect, he/she is bound to face failure and hence Ascendant is rightly considered to be the strength of the native. In the case of paralysis, our brain gets damaged resulting in non-functioning of different body-parts.

So there will be no such exaggeration if we say that paralysis signifies that the ascendant of the concerned of native has ceased to perform. Ascendant represents the mental ability of the native. The basic personality- i.e how he/she interacts or behaves with others, his/her intellectual capacity, his/her social image, & his/her taste or preferences-can be defined from the ascendant.

As far as ancient Vedic Astrology is concerned, The zodiac sign of the ascendant and the lordship planet of the ascendant according to it’s traits define the basic characteristics of the native. So the body, structure, nature, social image, behavioral attitude, facial expression and the overall composition of the native are defined by the 1st house(ascendant) in astrology. In astrology this house is considered to be the most important house of a natal chart.

Unravelling biological representations & impact of 1st house on our bodily existence:

Suppose everything is good but the first house is bad-in this case the receiving capacity of the native will be zero. All our body parts are run from the signal delivered from our brain. So if the capacity of our brain is limited, the outcomes in the life of the native is bound to get limited completely irrespective of the fact how efficient other body parts are. So the in astrology ascendant is considered to be the brain of the native.

If ascendant is weak, it signifies that the intellectual capability of the native is weak. How many messages are coming and how good they are – they will not get received because the receiver/antenna of the native is weak and hence the desired outcomes will never be met. And again if the ascendant is strong – i.e the lordship planet of the ascendant is posited powerfully in the ascendant or positive planet is aspecting the ascendant-the receiver of the native will be stronger and may win you matches in spite of other deficiencies because ascendant runs the native. In this case the native will be able to receive more & more information resulting in delivering higher performances.

If you closely observe highly successful people, you will find one thing common in them and it is that they do not get tired working. The different body parts are controlled by different houses and the leader of them is our brain(because the way our brain signals, other body parts follow that only) and our brain is the ascendant. So if it is strong, the native will never tend to get bogged down under pressure or stress and keep on delivering high performances. Hence native with good 1st house does not get tired easily while working.

Take an example of a company. There will be various talents working for that company. But still the desired outcome of that company will depend on the owner of the company because it is him who will run all these talents. Similarly ascendant or the planets posited at the 1st house run the whole natal chart. So, ascendant is our owner.

Unlocking the career or Professional options indicated by the 1st house in astrology:

  • According to astrological facts, 1st house represents career in the field of politics. This house is your social image and in the field of politics how a person portrays hi,self/herself in front of others matter the most.
  • Any kind of business or construction industries are also defined from the ascendant.
  • Fields related to education are seen from the 1st house in astrology. Profession like mentorship/guide/trainers – all are defined from the ascendant.
  • Fields of sports are also associated with the first house. Sports require mental ability to read real life situations instantly, stamina, fitness and strength for a native to become successful and all of these are defined from this particular house. Hence Ascendant bears higher significance in the field of sports.
  • Highly designated officers performing higher administrative duties for the government(I am not talking of decent government jobs or careers as they are seen from the 10th house) are also defined by the 1st house.
  • As far as Vedic Hindu astrology is concerned,fields of spirituality is defined from the 1st house also. Though spirituality is controlled by the 12 th house, this particular house in astrology is responsible for our intelligence and mental ability. If a person does not possess intelligence it will be impossible to become successful in the field of spirituality which require vast wisdom & knowledge.

Bringing into light two important astrological facts to remember while determining professions from the 1st house or the ascendant:

  • If the ascendant bears significant impact on the choice of fields of profession, it is very often seen that those natives suffers from confusion about the selection of fields. They can not understand what they should do and this confusion bothers them till the age of 25. But as they grow up and gather experience, they gradually discover their capabilities-the fields in which they are strong. And based on their experience and the gradually acquired knowledge about their expertise, they reach the height in their fields of profession gradually resulting in earning fame for themselves.
  • Planets bearing the second highest degree in the natal chart is considered to be the ‘amatwa karak planet’ for that concerned natal chart. Suppose in a natal chart venus bears 28 degree and saturn holds 26 degrees. In that case saturn will be the ‘amatwa karak planet’ for that natal chart. And if the ‘amatwakarak’ planet gets connected with the ascendant, the business related with the 1st house will be more beneficial for the native.

You may also read about 1st house in astrology from this link of wikipedia.

Let’s conclude astrological facts about 1st house:

Remember that to be more accurate in terms of selecting profession for a native one has to take into consideration 4 factors – first: Zodiac sign, second: planetary position, third: houses, fourth: nakshatra. It’s been really a matter of great pleasure for me to be able share my astrological views on the significance of the 1st house. If you have any more issues do write to me in the comment box which will inspire me to write another dedicated post like this one.

Thank you all.

Which planet is good in 1st house?

1st house significance & representations

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, Aries is the 1st house in the cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha and Mars lords this house. So quite obviously Mars is auspicious for the first house. But gain Jupiter, Sun & Moon also deliver positive results positing at the ascendant(1st house) while this particular house is not considered good for Saturn & Venus to some extent.

Which house is for marriage?

House of Marriage

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, Libra is the 7th house in the natal chart of Kaalpurusha and Venus, which represents our spouse, lords this particular house. Hence, quite obviously 7th house is the house of relationships and marriage. Again to some extent, 2nd, 8th & 12th house also play major role in our marriage.

What is the first house karma?

1st house significance & representations

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, Aries is the 1st house in the cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha and Mars lords this house which represents our own body, our brain-oue very self. So it represents debt to our own self. It is a very strong Karma. We should respect ourselves & perform all the duties for the betterment of ourselves. Again 3rd house represents debts towards siblings especially the younger ones, whereas 5th house indicates our karmic debt towards children and co-workers.

What rules the 1st house?

1st house significance & representations

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, Aries is the 1st house in the cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha and Mars lords this house which represents our own body, our brain-oue very self.

By sandip

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