Unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house in the 8th house

Beyond the Surface: Understanding the Hidden Potential of 2nd House Lord in the 8th House:

When the lordship planet of the second house posits at the 8th house of that concerned natal chart, it is considered to be an significant and complex astrological combination. The hidden challenges, potential and opprtunities to surface in the life of the ntive can easily be interpreted from this type of astrological combination of 2nd house lord positing at the 8th house. But for clearer insight I will first like to introduce to you all the significant aspects of the 2nd & 8th hosue respectively.

Get to know about the karmik pattern involved with the dungeon of the 8th house in Nadi Astrology and the role of the 8th lord in all the houses from these links of my other research based articles.

Table of Contents

Unlocking the unheard facts and astrological significance of the 2nd house of a natal chart:

Entire mouth – food habits and speech:

2nd house signifies the entire eating habit of the native – i.e what kind of food or how will he take food is referred by the 2nd house. 2nd house in astrology indicates the right eye & the entire mouth of the native – teeth, tongue, and gum. So, as 2nd house in astrology signifies the entire mouth, the speaking ability or how the native will interact with others through his speech is indicated by the 2nd house. Hence it is rightly said that the vocal cord of our body is also controlled by the 2nd house.

Bank balance & Wealth:

Again 2nd house is called the house of wealth. So your money/bank balance will be indicated from the 2nd house. So, 2nd house refers to anything related to material wealth.

Initial education & Family back ground:

2nd house also indicates the family background of the native. The initial education of the native-the first ever education that a child receives from his /her first guru is seen from the 2nd house-hence motherly education and the culture and the behavioral attitude that the child develops towards this society are seen from the 2nd house. Remember that school education and higher education will be seen respectively from the 4th & 5th house. 2nd house is also called the house of death.

A deep dive into the mysteries of the 8th house:

8th house is the house of the unexpected. But all the unexpected regarding the 8th house professions will get unveilled here in this blog post. So all kinds of  fear, superstition, death, sufferings, accident and the house of the in-laws are indicated from the 8th house in astrology. So 8th house is the house of suspense. It indicates the native’s relationship with the in-laws. 8th house is a kind of ‘Black whole’ whatever penetrates into it, gets absorbed.

So all kinds of fear, superstition, phobia, scripted accidents fall under the control of the 8th house. It is really the house of sufferings. But still there are specific sections in the sphere of career or professions which get ruled by the 8th house.

Along with the 6th and 12th, the 8th house is also considered to be malefic. 8th house in Vedic astrology rules over death, longevity, and sudden events. It has a direct impact on one’s lifespan and the nature of death. It could be natural, peaceful, accident by water or fire, suicide, violence, or due to a chronic illness.

House of sudden gains:

The eighth house in astrology is also related to wealth. Everything from sudden gains, losses, the share of profit and legacies to inheritance and insurance come under the sphere of 8th house in astrology. It is also called the house of transformations and mysteries, it can bring depression, defame, delay, dissatisfaction and defeat. It also represents the dark side of life, such as the bad karmas and hidden sources.

Chronic disease and illness:

When 8th house lord or the planets in the house are afflicted, it can affect the longevity of the person, cause chronic illnesses, miseries, fear, lack of mental peace, monetary issues, criminal tendencies, imprisonment, punishment, sexual problems, addictions, bad habits, deformities, loss of loved ones, death and so on. 8th house also represents your reproductive organs and ability, your sense of physical attraction. It also refers to your partner’s finance.

Occult science and paranormal activities:

On a positive note, when the 8th house in the horoscope is positive and strong, it can lead to a lot of positive outcomes. Native may have a long life and is likely to topple enemies and opposition. It also gives higher learning of the metaphysical realms and psychic abilities. The native may have a strong intuition and may be well versed in occult fields such as astrology and meditation. Such people are also masters of fields such as psychology, science, mathematics, and paranormal studies.

Life span:

The eighth house is also called the Ayu Bhava in Vedic astrology. It relates to the sign of Scorpio, which is known for attributes such as the air of mystery, possessiveness, passion, and ambition. Mars is the natural significator of the 8th house.

Body parts it governs include the reproductive system and the colon area.

In mundane astrology, the 8th house represents natural calamities, the death rate of a country, debts, loss of battles, import, export, taxes, budget shortages, scarcity, and so on. It also refers to hidden things and secrecy, research, mines and minerals, archeology.

House of transformation:

The eighth house in Vedic astrology essentially is considered difficult because this is the house of transformations. It makes the person withdraw from the material pleasures by inflicting miseries but the ultimate aim is salvation and spiritual liberation. It leads to the transformation of the soul, by purifying it and eradicating bad karma.

The process nonetheless is agonizing but rewarding. We can also understand transformations in the context that the 8th house shows the biggest changes that happen in one’s life which are life-changing in nature.

Let’s explore the hidden potential of 2nd House Lord in the 8th House:

The general interpretation of the 2nd house lord positing at the 8th house in a natal chart implies that occult science, inheritance or service to others or any other mysterious ways will leave a significant impact on the wealth and other resources of the native. The natives may succeede in the spheres of professions like occult science practioners like magicians or astrologers or mining industries. Even career options like entrepreneurs, and tax & audit may also favor the native.

Below mentioned are the aspects very commonly vissible in teh life span of the native with 2nd house lord positing at the 8th house of his/her natal chart:

  • **Deep Transformation: 8th house is the house of mystery and the unexpected and when the 2nd house lord posits at the 8th house, it indicates that an individual’s values, resources, and possessions can undergo significant and serious changes throughout their life. This could be because of the facts of financial ups and downs, sudden windfalls, or inheritance.
  • **Financial Matters: With 2nd hosue lord positing at the 8th house very often leads to financial fluctuations. And there are always higher chances for hidden financial resources or unexpected inheritances to come to light. So, I will suggest such natives with 2nd house lord posited at the 8th house wisely and intelligently manage financial issues and stay prepared for sudeen mishaps like financial changes.
  • Intense Speech and Communication: Since the 2nd house controls our speech and the 8th house is associated with intense, mysterious and unexpected matters, natives with his/her 2nd house lord placed at the 8th house always may manage out ways with words that can be used effectively in situations requiring depth, investigation, or negotiation.
  • Interest in the Occult and Mysteries: Natives with 2nd house lord at the 8th house very often possess an incline towards occult, mysticism, or metaphysical subjects. These natives may be drawn to unlock hidden knowledge and the mysteries of life.Strong Family Ties: The position of the lordship planet of the 2nd house in the 8th house is also indicative of deep family connections, especially concerning shared resources and inheritances. The natives with such type of placement of lordship planet amy ahve shoulder rsponsibilities and duties family matters
  • Potential for Healing and Rebirth: When the lordship planet of the 2nd house posits at the 8th house, it is very often indicative of profound personal transformation and healing. These natives may undergo intense life experiences that ultimately result in rebirth or renewal.
  • Challenging Aspects: Involvement of specific planets and any kind of malefic or challenging aspects to this sort of placement of the lordship planet of the 2nd house positing at the 8th house may cause the native to face difficulties related to financial matters, power struggles or issues of control and manipulation.

Again results may vary according to natal charts. Malefic or challenging aspect from other planets to this kind of placement of the 2nd house lord at the 8th house or placement of other planets together with the 2nd house lord at the 8th house or the 2nd house lord itself being retrograde or being combust may result in different kinds of situations in the life span of the native.

The degree strength of the 8th house lord also matters a lot because 2nd house lord is diving into the 8th house of the sudden and the unexpected. Hence individual natal chart translation is of utmost importance for precise and exact prediction.

Let’s Unravel the Mysteries in the behaviors of different planets positing at the 8th house as the 2nd house lord:

Sun as 2nd house lord at the 8th house:

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the th house

For this to happen the ascendant of that particular natal chart has to be Cancer(4). And in that case the 2nd house will be Leo which is ruled by the Sun and the 8th house

will be Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn. As we all know that the relation between Sun and Saturn is quite representative of troublesome relationship between father and son, the relationship between the native and his/her father is bound to undergo several challenges and consequent transformations. Corporate world or scientic research on any topic very often turn out to be a good career option. However Sun positing at the 8th house will make the native lacking in confidence.

Moon as the 2nd house lord at the 8th house:

For Moon to be the 2nd house lord, the natal chart has to be of Gemini ascendant and in such case the 8th house will be Capricorn which is also ruled by Saturn.

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the  8thouse

The natives with such planetary positions are bound to develop significant incline towards occult science and it also indicates that natives mind will experience significant transformation due to certain real life situations. These natives very often dream of other world or of paranormal activities. They tend to show soft corners for people facing similar typese of topsy turvy in their heart. And they may get blessed with inheritance from their mothers.

Mars as lordship planet of the 2nd house positing at the 8th house:

For Mars to be the lordship planet of the 2nd house, the natal chart has to be either of Pisces or Libra Ascendant as Mars is the ruling planet of the Aries and Scorpio Zodiac.

Pisces Ascendant:

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

In such cases, Mars rules both the 2nd house(Aries) and the 9th house (Scorpio) and Mars posits at the Libra, the 8th house of that particular zodiac.

As Mars is naturally a malefic planet in terms of relationship, the natives may have to undergo aggressive and transformative circumstances in their relations. The troublesome situations often may result in physical abuse between couples.

Libra Ascendant:

Now with this ascendant, Mars becomes the ruler of the Scorpio(2nd house in this respect) and Aries(7th house in this respect) and the 8th house automatically becomes

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

the Taurus for this concerned natal chart. So Mars in this position will usher in life-changing transformation for the natives. Mars in both these positions infest the natives with undaunting will power to fight out of troublesome situations. Again in such cases also Mars does not indicate healthy relationship because Venus the ruler of Taurus is in no way friendly planet to Mars. As a result, the natives may get deprived of marital benefits. Mars positing at the 8th house will harm relations with the in-laws and brothers.

Mercury as the 2nd house lord positing at the 8th house:

Mercury rules Gemini(3rd house) and the Virgo(6th house). So for mercury to be the 2nd house lord in a natal chart, the specific natal chart has to be either of Taurus or Leo ascendant.

Taurus Ascendant:

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

In this ascendant the 8th house will be Sagitarius the 9th house of the cosmic natal chart and Mercury rules the 2nd and the 5th house.

The natives tend to get infested with a curious attitude to occult sciences or philosophical world. They also desire to serve others with knowledge of the unknown. Hence the natives will dare to go to the ultimate depth of secrets or mysteries of occult sciences and will sirely earn through communications related to mysteries.

Leo Ascendant:

In such ascendant the 8th house will be Pisces and Mercury positing at this house will make the native experience transformation to staying always eager to attaining Spiritual knowledge

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

rather than the Philosophical ones. In both such cases, the natives will earn through communications. Again as Mercury stands for siblings, it’s position at the 8th house shows that the natives relationship with siblings will do go for a toss.

Venus as 2nd house lord placed at the 8th house:

For Venus to be the 2nd house lordship planet, the natal chart has to be either Aries(1st house of the cosmic natal chart) or Virgo(6th house) Ascendant.

Aries ascendant

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

In Aries ascendant, Venus rules the 2nd house(Taurus) and the 7th house(Libra) and 8th house of this ascendant is Scorpio.

So Venus positing at Scorpio which is ruled by Mars indicate the same energy exchange of Venus and Mars which result in turmoils and sufferings in marital life. Hence transformations in relation can not be avoided in this case also. As we all know that Venus is representative of conveniences, the natives will surely get good results if they desire to serve others with the honest intent of making others life convenient. Natives will prosper in Restaurent business or in any kind of service providing sectors.

Virgo Ascendant:

In this ascendant, Venus will rule the Libra (2nd house) and the Sagitarius (9th house of that particular zodiac) and the 8th house will automatically be Aries the

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

1st house of the cosmic natal chart. As Aries is ruled by Mars, the energy exchange of Venus and Mars harming marital life will also prevail her. And again as Aries represents the individuality of the native, whenever any of the partnera will try to assert their individual importance on aother, conflicts are bound to get surfaced.

Jupiter as the 2nd house lord positing at the 8th house:

For Jupiter to lord the 2nd house, the natal chart has to be either of Scorpio(8th house of the cosmic chart) or the Aquarius Ascendant.

Scorpio Ascendant:

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

In Scorpio Ascendant, Jupiter rules Sagitarius in the 2nd house and Pisces in the 5th house and the 8th house where Jupiter is positing is the Gemini.

As jupiter is a heavenly blissful planet, the natives tend to get too much inclined to spiritual matters. The natives are infested with all the occult knowledge about the other world. They even perform the role of teachers in the field od occult sciences like astrology or black magic.

Aquarius Ascendant:

In this Ascendant Jupiter rules Pisces in the 2nd house and Sagitarius in the 11h house and the 8th house automatically turn out to be Virgo.

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

The natives may experience change from financial analyst to spiritual analysts as 2nd house and the 8th house respectively symbolizes finance and spiritualism. This happens more because here 8th house is vergo, the house analysis ruled by the planet of analysis Mercury. Though the natives have an incline towards spiritualism, they don’t intend to take up spiritualism as a mode of profession. In both the cases the natives are found to lead a good and healthy marital life.

Saturn as 2nd house lord positing at the 8th house:

For Saturn to rule the 2nd house, the natal chart has to be either of the Sagitarius or the Capricorn ascendant.


unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

In this Ascendant, the 8th house automatically becomes Leo. Saturn in this position indicates a longer life span for the native

and it is due to Saturn a slow planet bringing about transformation late in the life of the native. Saturn- Sun relationship in Leo also indicates un healthy relationship with the father of the native.

Sagitarius Ascendant:

In this Ascendant the 8th house automatically becomes Cancer. In both the cases, Saturn indicates close relation with the in-laws.

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

Because of the slow motion of Saturn, the marital benefits also gets delayed for the native who becomes available to make his/her own property after the 20/25 years of marriage.

Rahu as the 2nd house lord in the 8th house:

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

As Rahu is also the ruling planet of the Aquarius, for it to rule the 2nd house of a aprticular natal chart, the natal chart has to be Capricorn Ascendant.

And in such case the 8th house will be Leo, the 5th house of the cosmic chart. As sun rules Leo, Rahu in this house shows transformation in the relationship of the native with his/her father. The native also has to undergo topsyturvy and turmoils during their life-span and things get aggravated during the Moha Dosha of Rahu. Association or company of father may limited for the native also.

Ketu as the 2nd house lord in the 8th house:

For Ketu to lord the 2nd house of a concerned natal chart, the natal cahrt has to be of Libra Ascendant as Ketu is the lordship planet of the eighth Zodiac sign Scorpio.

unravelling the mysteries of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

It is known to all that Ketu separates the native from the things related to the house Ketu itself is positing, the natives tend to get deprived of the benefits coming from the in-laws. It may even result in split in the family of the in-laws. Again the 8th house for such natal chart automatically turns out to be Taurus which is ruled by Venus. And as both Ketu and Mars rule Scorpio, we have to closely observe at first the position of Mars in that concerned natal chart. This is the best placement of all that has been discussed so far for acquaring knowledge in the field of Occult science or Spiritualism. It can also be visualized as next to Moksha Margi position in a natal chart for liberation from the life-cycle in this Maya.

For more information relating to houses in astrology from this link of wikipedia.

You may also enrich your astrological basic insights from this link of my few dedicated posts.

Let’s conclide facts about the placement of the 2nd house lord in the 8th house:

As you have read so far, I do think that all the confusion relating to the 2nd house lord positing at the 8th house might have got vanished from your mind like mists. If you have any more issues do write to me in the comment box.

Thank You all.

What is the connection between 2nd house and 8th house

2nd house is representative of natives’ accumulated wealth, family, speech, mouth and so on. On the other hand 8th house is the house of the unexpected, in-laws, inheritance and so on. Hence it shows healthy family relationship for the native with chances for unexpected gains.

Which planet is goodvin 8th house?

8th house indicates the life span of the native and again 8th house is the Scorpio in the cosmic natal chart. 8th house indicates mystery, possessive attitude, passion or ambition and the chances for unexpected gains. This house suits the position of Jupiter and Sun the most whwreas it is weakerfor Moon ,Mars and Mercury. To be exact, the ascendant of the concerned natal chart is very much significant to determine the best planet for the 8th house of that concerned natal chary.

What is the weak the 8th house?

8th house is one of the Doosthan house along with the 6th and 12 th house. It is the house of chronic diseases, suicide, sudden injuries and so on

What makes 8th house strong?

The planetary position in a specific natal chart determines the strength of the 8th house– remember that it is the house of transformation and gain from losses.

By sandip

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