Venus Saturn Conjunction

The conjunction of Venus and Saturn indicates the traits of having a very sensible approach about love and relationships with a grounded aptitude and firm footing in any commitment. All these characteristics are defined in your horoscope based upon the strength of the Venus-Saturn conjunction.

Venus Saturn Conjunction

Venus represents relationship and our compatibility in relationships in Astrology. Venus reveals how we value our relationships, and how we react in relationships, especially in the romantic realm of feelings and emotions.

Saturn defines restrictions and limitations in our life as Saturn is the planet of practical approach in every aspect of life where we are directed by your planet to focus with a disciplined attitude and actions towards our goals or relationships and not work on a mysterious level.

  • Saturn’s mature and traditional effect on Venus makes it desire for a mature and sensible person as a partner.
  • When Venus-Saturn come close to each other in any house in terms of degrees in both male and female horoscope during horoscope matching, then your conjunction reveals that both partners have a different portfolio of nature, preference and perception.
  • With Venus-Saturn Conjunction, you are vigilant in your relationship and will take responsibility and care of your partner with detailed action, but they will think about the security concerns, materialistic comfort, pros. and cons. in the relationship and are unable to define or express your love and affection with endearing words.
  • When Venus-Saturn conjunction is present in any individual horoscope, you may indulge in a relationship with partner of mature age and low profile and weak status.
  • Venus-Saturn conjunction in any horoscope can indicate problems in marital life with sustainability issues which is due the fear of restrictions and discipline that are imposed on the other partner influenced by planet Saturn which can create marital issues.

Effect of Powerful Venus

When the planet Venus has the dominating role in Venus-Saturn conjunction it indicates that you may prefer partners who are younger in age than yourself. Physical maturity may not be a barrier for indulging in Venusian pleasures; you may feel young at heart due to Venusians effect and will not take care of the norms/criticism of the others.

In conclusion, Venus is the significator of love pleasures, art, entertainment, interior decoration, beauty pageants and any event related to fun, so you will discard Saturn’s practical behavior and enjoy the pleasures offered by planet Venus with open expressions.

Effect of Powerful Saturn

When the planet Saturn has the dominating role in Venus-Saturn conjunction it indicates that you may prefer partners mature or older in age than yourself. There will be problems in relationships as Saturn will impose discipline of loyalty and honesty in relationships with the influence of following the social norms, so struggle for personal space and freedom may occur among partners.

The partner will not have very good looks and there may be delay or reduction in the Venusians traits such as luxury, comfort and the benefits of self-earned money and reputation will come upon reaching maturity age-wise, around the age of 30-36 years. There will be restrictions in the expression of love in your relationships.

Positive Venus-Saturn Conjunction

Venus-Saturn conjunctions are frequently occurring in any horoscope as Saturn is the slow-moving planet and Venus is a fast-moving planet that indicates that the person has the qualities of both planets in uniform ratio where he/she will take responsibility in relationships and create an aura of love and security with discipline and clear perspectives of following the undescribed boundaries in relationships.

The positive combination of Venus-Saturn can make you more creative in your respective profession of designing, crafts and many creative sectors though the realization of gains may be later in life.

Negative Venus-Saturn Conjunction

Negative Venus-Saturn Conjunction indicates though the conjunction of Venus-Saturn works with a friendly attitude to some extent but with opposite mannerism to each other. with Venus-Saturn negative conjunction, you are not very expressive in your love relationship.

You are shy in expressing your love for your partner and this lack of expression can lead to misconceptions in relationships. Saturn is a slow-moving planet with traditional instincts, but Venus represents speed, glamour, so the different pace of both planets brings about conflicts in the expectations, difference in opinion and thought process in certain periods of life.

Some Notable Houses Placements For Venus-Saturn Conjunction

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 2nd house is considered good for financial gains where you is blessed with good name and fame.

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 3rd house indicates that you get monetary gains from your father or ancestral money but also the money earned and gained from relatives and spouse.

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 4th house can give sudden gains/promotions and perks on the work front. It will give you good social recognition, reputation and stability in the wealth quotient.

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 5th house will give you a good education but will not give the benefits of good education as desired. Delay in the progeny-related matters and recognition are also on the cards for your conjunction.

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 6th house will give you the strength and technique to win over your rivals with success.

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 7th house will give you good spouse but there are chances of differences in relationship based on the strength of planets.

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 9th house will bless you with good qualities of increasing the gains, assets and reputation manifold that they inherit from your parents or with your hard work.

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 10th house is the best placement for your conjunction for good reputation and influence in your respective field.

Venus-Saturn Conjunction in 11th house indicates success in all ventures with less effort with good materialistic gains and luxury throughout life but especially in the mature age of life.

Famous People With Venus-Saturn Conjunction

  • Hema Malini (Indian Actress)

She has Cancer Ascendant with Saturn-Venus Conjunction in the 2nd house in Leo sign. Hema Malini is an Indian actress, director and producer, Bharatanatyam dancer-choreographer, a politician with great balance and attraction in her personality and eloquence of speech and has won many Film Fare Awards and a Padma Shri award in the year 2000 for her contribution in Indian Cinema.

  • Sunil Bharti Mittal (Indian Entrepreneur)

He has Sagittarius Ascendant with Saturn-Venus Conjunction in the 12th house in Scorpio sign. Sunil Bharti Mittal is an Indian telecom entrepreneur, generous contributor for charity and the founder, chairman and Group CEO of Bharti Enterprises with interests in Telecom, Space Communications, Digital Solutions, Insurance, Agri-Processed Foods, Real Estate and Hospitality. Bharti has joint ventures with several global partners like SingTel, SoftBank, AXA, Del Monte and the UK Government.

  • Mandira Bedi (Indian Actress and TV Anchor)

She has Gemini Ascendant with Venus-Saturn Conjunction in the 12th house in Taurus Sign. She is a well-known Indian Actress, Model and television Anchor who has the daring knack to play her roles in diverse forms that are not only innovative for the Indian screen but are appreciated worldwide. She is famous for her honesty in purpose, speech and money affairs.

  • Divya Dutta (Indian Actress)

She is a widely acclaimed Indian actress who has worked in lead roles in various experimental and social topics through television and cinema. She has Scorpio Ascendant with Venus-Saturn Conjunction in the 10th house in Leo Sign. She is a renowned Indian actress who appeared in the Indian and Punjabi films. Her roles in the movies reflect her connectivity with the reality of the world with the essence of original character that made her new technique and evolving solution to problems. She has won over 6 national awards for supporting actress in some good Bollywood movies.

By sandip

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