6th house astrology

Diving deep into the 6th house:

6th house signifies your indomitable zeal, the never-giving-up attitude to fight obstacles to win through anything. Whether you will be able to set your leafy banners high in the Darwinian struggle of existence to becoming victorious defeating your competitors or enemies can easily be interpreted from the 6th house and the position of it’s lordship planet in a particular natal chart.

9th house depicts rewards to your Praarbdh for this present birth and those rewards will get persistence, growth and recognition through the 10th hosue-through how you react and respect the reward through your deeds or what you do with  those rewards.

6th house astrology

And the material gain of abundance is interpreted from the 11th house-3rd from the 9th house.

Praarbdh and the 6th house:

So the reward to your prarabdh will get you material gains depending on your efforts, your bravery, courage and ability to work strenuously which provides persistence and growth to those rewards. To be precise, your bravery, will power to keep on fighting showing respect to the reward of your Praarbdh from the Ultimate Court of the Nemesis let you reach your desired height.

Now how you will react or work to respect the verdict of reward from the Ultimate Court of the Nemesis can be interpreted from 6th house as it is the 10th house from the 9th- And material gains from that reward of your Prarabdh will be interpreted from the 7th house-10th from the 9th house.

Hence, 6th house is your will power – is your never giving up attitude to fight obstacles to show respect to the verdict of your reward to let Nemesis know that you want that reward.

Verdict from the ultimate court of the Nemesis:

Let’s understand the verdict first precisely. According to your Praarbdh, Nemesis has stored that reward for you for this concerned birth but at the same time Nemesis respects your freedom of choice-and hence It has not forced that verdict opf reward upon you. Rather, It has kept that reward in store for you so that if you want, you can get that and the only road to getting that is your Karma. The obstacles in the road are there to testing if you really want that or not. So 6th house is the determination of every soul, teh never giving up craving for that reward of Prarabdh verdicted by The Nemesis.

Now that determination will get persistence and growth from your reactions and responses to this world of Maya-to all kind of spouses(with the term ‘spouse’ I am referring to every single being you are building connection with be it thorugh marriage or else-spouse through marriage will be considered as marital spouse) or stuffs you are encountering in this world of Maya and 7th house depicts that world of Mayta in front of you. In my another post dedicated to teh significance of the 7th house, you will get detailed analysis on the 7th house. The material gains of abundance as every one of us seek entirely depend on your behavioral attitude to this world of Maya.

6th house and the 8th house:

6th house

And the final outcome of your will power to get to the reward to your Prarabdh entirly lie hidden under the control

of the Newmesis in the 8th house-12th from the 9th house. And it will be according to your deeds towqards reaching your gift of reards in previous births-the way you showed respect through your deeds and behavioral reactions to this world of Maya got naccumulated by the venerated super computer in the court of teh Nemesis to form your Praarbdh, ultimately verdicting the final outcome of your fighting spirit to the accomplishment of the reweard to your Prarabdh.

obstacles from the 6th house:

So, the obstacles in your road are teh result of your own behavioral reactions to Mother Nature and as 6th house is 10th from the 9th, you can reduce the obstructions only by inserting the sense of righteousness in your deeds- in your behavioral attitu8de towards Mother Nature. And what you should or how you should work to reach to the dream gift of your heart from Nemesis can easily be depicetd from the 6th house.

Remember that obstructions in the road are not for posing hindrances, rather they are meant for guiding myou to the right track-And traffic police is there to show you the right track, Mother Earth is asking you to go and hence he stops us very often. But as it is the world of Maya, we can not see that. And from 6th house, it can easily be depicted.

But believe it or not, this guide from the ultimate Court easing the purpose of the super kind Nemesis has very good connection with the traffic police and can help you understand the signal.

6th house-3rd house and the 4th house:

6th house astrology

Now again 6th house is 4th from the 3rd house-the house of your ability, your effort and the happiness

of it lies in your never giving up attitude to fight through anything to winning which will get persistence through your behavioral attitude and reactions to this world of Maya-to your marital spouse.

6th house astrology

Again 6th house is 3rd from the 4th house-so the happiness of your home,

family lies in your fighting spirit making your efforts victorious in the Darwinian struggle of existence.

6th House and the 2nd house:

6th house astrology

Again 6th house is 2nd from the 5th house-the house of your skills, intelligence, wisdom and most importantly your children

depicting your future which will also get persistence and growth through your indomitable zeal to win through anything in the struggle of existence which is nothing but Maya- a meer reflection of your Praarbdh.

Remedies to seeing through the illusory representation of situations:

Now you can not break this illusory presentation of your Praarbdh nor you can move ahead ignoring it. You can only understand this, learn what you have been sent to understand and reach the horizon. Time is still and only we are moving forward and the moment you decide to stop you will get merged with time and get the spiritual awakening of the dos and the don’ts which will in return show you the right track through obstacles.

So stop reacting instantly. See the reality through the illusory representation of situations-through the black curtain present in front of your eye-balls and transform your behavioral responses and reactions towards everything in this world of Maya, especially to your marital spouse.

You may also read my another article on the significance of 6th lord in 7th house from this link.

You may also consider reading about 6th house from wikipedia from this link.

By sandip

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