Diving deep into 6th lord positing at the third house:
In a natal chart, 3rd house is the 10th from the sixth house as far as Vedic Hindu Astrology is concerned. As we all know that 10th house is the house of our Deeds(Karma) – the house of recognition. And such placement of 6th lord at the 3rd house getting at the 10th house from it’s actual house quite obviously indicate the back bone strength of the native staying always engrossed in devising money streak to becoming victorious in the champions league of the Darwinian struggle of existence.
You may also get to know about the 6th lord in 8th house,
6th lord 1st house and more such articles regarding the position of the lordship planets in a natal chart from these links.
Efforts towards health:
6th house also represents diseases- so the placement of the lordship planet of that concerned house clearly indicates natives constant effort to maintaining healthy daily routine to staying fit and healthy.
Karmik Debts:
3rd house being the house of siblings & society, and 6th house being the house of debts or karmik debts, such planetary position of the lordship planet of the 6th house at the 3rd house clearly hints at the karmik debts of the native towards its siblings or to the surrounding he/she is existing in.
Advice of Remedy:
Obstructions are your very spirit preventing you to work harder – I mean to indicate ‘stop being lazy- doing nothing and thinking a lot’ from this very moment onwards. You are stopping yourself from becoming victorious by doing nothing.. Conflict with your siblings and son is a must.
So be on the path of righteousness, never use your intelligence to cheat on your siblings, rather use it to sacrificing letting them win and use your education, intelligence and effort to building your own empire and in this road of righteousness you will get support from Mother Nature, ultimately gaining the height of recognition of becoming victorious in the Darwinian struggle of existence.
From this very today start exploring your creative skills involving hand like writing or playing cricket or working on digital media. Do not get home sick and encourage yourself for travelling required for work. Do not ponder a lot over your sleeping time – rather be energetic to working and enjoying your experiences with Mother Nature.
If you like you may also read about Vedic Hindu astrology from wikipedia from this link.