6th lord in the 8th house

Diving deep into the den of the 8th house and the 6th lord:

8th house is ultimate court of the Nemesis where your Praarbdh is kept stored. And your Praarbdh gets persistence and growth in the shape of reward in the 9th house. And that very reward reaches to your perishable bodily existence in the form of your ability of adding values in certain spheres- i.e your skills which are evident in the 5th house-the 9th house from the 9th house.

Now your skills will get sustenance, growth or decay according to your deeds-according to your behavioral reactions towards those gifts of skills- how you value and show respect to the verdict awarding you specific gift of skills on the basis of your Praarbdh. And your deeds are evident in the 10th house.

You should also mread my other articles on the role of the 9th lord in 1st house, 9th lord in the 2nd house, 6th lord in the 7th house, 6th lord in the 1st house, 7th lord in different houses, and that of

the 8th lord in different houses from these links.

Understanding the road to recognition in respect to 10th & the 7th house:

And again 10th house is the house of recognition also. So, the recognition of your skills, of all the hardwork put forth for expressing those skills lie stored in the 10th house from the 10th house and that is the 7th house.

7th house represents this the world of Maya- the illusory representations of situations presented in front of you to let you understand the mistakes, you had been doing through cycle of births so that you may rectify your behavioral reactions and responses towards perfecting yourself.

Digging out the astrological significance of Newton’s 3rd Law:

Newton understood this truth many years back and ended up writing that every action bears direct and opposite reaction. The software used for presenting illusory representations in the form situation in front of you are built in a way that situations react in the same way you react to them. Situations-infact every single stuff on this Earth has no capacity of self reacting-they can not react till they are reacted-because they are not real-they are reaction or reflection of the real-that is you. And it is only for this reason that situations vary from person to person according to their Praarbdh because they are lessons to be learnt and everyone does not require the same lesson. The concept of sur-realism, Metaverse-everything is based on this concept.

And 7th house represents the illusory representation in front of you according to your Praarbdh- How you should see this world of Maya and how you should behave and react-most importantly what you should do to rectifying your reactions based on your realization of the mistakes, you had kept committing through cycle of previous births-everything can be depicted from the 7th house and the 1st house(your very self)- i.e 7th from the 7th house.

Significance of the appropriate behavioral reactions and responses:

So, it can be interpreted in this way that the recognition of your hardworks for expressing your skills are entirely dependent on your behavioral attitude and reactions towards this world of Maya and most importantly towards your spouse. The way you will react and behave, you will receive in the same way. It is as simple as this-and this guide from the Ultimate court of the Nemesis can show you light to knowing what you should do and how.

And the majesty of the Nemesis sent me to do this so that you guys do not have to face the wrath of the traffic police. Change your behavioral reactions to your spouse- to all the women, especially those who are about to become mothers.

Gain of Skills of the 5th house at the 11th house through the 6th house of obstacles:

Now again 11th house is meant for showing the material and spiritual gains of your Karma(deeds)- your efforts towards your skills. 11th house from the 11th house is the 9th house- so the material gains from your skills are also dependent on your Praarbdh. The reward to your efforts lie stored in your 9th house and it will reflect according to your Praarbdh.

The reward to your Prarabdh is your skills evident in the 5th house. And the material gains of your skills lie stored in the 11th house-7th from the 5th house- So, material gains of your skills are entirely dependent on your behavioral responses and reactions to the illusory representations specially your spouse-presented to you or sent in front of you according to your Praarbdh. So your material or spiritual gains entirely depends on what you should do or how-And I can easily interpret this from your natal chart.

Persistence of skills in the 6th house- the Darwinian struggle of existence:

Again your skills will get sustenance and growth in the 6th house- the house reflecting your steel strong mentality- your indomitable zeal to fight through anything to winning, because the only mantra for becoming champion in the Darwinian struggle of existence is to keep on fighting – is your never giving up attitude to fighting.

And here, I will like to bring to your kind notice the truth that this struggle of existence, this fight, competition- all are illusory representation-these are sur-real- and presented in front of you in such a way to teaching you the necessary lessons for rectifying your behavioral reactions and responses towards this world- especially towards your spouse.

6th house challenges-the illusory representation of situations-the black curtain in front of your eye balls:

6th house is the house of challenges, strength of enemies or of your competitors, your diseases and your debts. Now as 7th house is 2nd from the 6th, these will eithr grow or decay depending on your behavioral reactions and responses towards your spouse. Kindly note that your spouse quite unknowingly will behave in a way to your dislikes- heating your temperament. now it is the challenge to your fighting spirit to calm yourself down and rectify your prarabdh of behavioral reactions and responses towards your spouse.

Remember one thing- your spouse is real but her activities, responses and reactions are illusory presented in front of you to make you aware of the mistakes regarding your behavioral responses to her only for the purpose of giving you a chance for rectifying the same from the super kind Nemesis.

So, remove the black curtain present in front of your eye balls- see the reality through the illusory representation and thus rectify your behavioral responses and reactions to your spouse- and see your romantic expression of love towards your spouse evaporating all your challenges, debts and diseases from your road like mists quite magically.

Behavioral reactions to marital spouse creating wonders:

Your behavioral reactions and responses towards your spouse can do wonders only- not thousand dollars spent for gem stones. It simply is like cutting illusion with illusion. Hence, you will find 11th house being the 5th house from the 7th house and 7th from the 5th house. in the ultimate court, the super kind Nemesis told me to spread this message and hence I am doing this.

Behavioral reactions with 6th lord positing at the 8th house:

Now if 6th lord posits at the 8th house, it will indicate that all your challenges, diseases or debts can get evaporated by rectifying your behavioral reactions and responses towards the illusory representations from your in-laws. Channelize all your energies-your fighting spirit to calming yourself down and thus rectifying your behavioral responses towards your in-laws and giving the due recognition to your spouse.

Remedy of marriage for obstacles with 6th lord positing at the 8th house:

Marry in castes lower- infact very lower to you in the society both in terms of education and culture-even in terms of finacial conditions also. It is needless to say that you will have to marry going against the norms of the society. So be brave, courageous and do that. Again as 8th house is 3rd from teh 6th house, conflict with your siblings regarding your in-laws is a must. But you do not get bogged down, simply do whatever it requires to fight for the due recognition of your spouse and the in-laws.

The higher you will make her rise, the smoother the road will become in respect to winning the Darwinian struggle of existence. Destiny is asking you to do this. And by doing this, you will shine even in Sade sati because that concerned time period of Sade Sati will come for traffic police to teach you the necessary lessons for the rectification of the mistakes you kept on committing through cycle of previous births.

Spheres of profession related with 6th lord positing at the 8th House:

From 8th house, 10th house is the 5th house. So use all your skills, intelligence and education towards your self-expression in the realm of the occult, research, and study of history. Adopt steel strong mentality and never giving up attitude in succeeding in those realms. Spontaneous support from your spouse and your courage to fight for her due recognition will provide you with the required support and courage for becoming victorious in the arena of competition.

You amy also consider reading from wikipedia from this link for gathering more information on the Vedic Hindu Astrology.

By sandip

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