7th house importance

Diving Deep into the den of the 7th House:

Ascendant is your very self and the 7th house are the situations right in front of you. 7th house represents things, you are encountering with, you will have to deal with. Now while dealing with, you will have to maintain a balance on the basis of righteousness and here comes the relevance of Newton’s 3rd law-every action bears direct and opposite reactions.

7th house importance

7th house is exactly 180 degree opposite from your Ascendant, depicting the environment or the universe you are existing in,

the people you are dealing with. Now as 7th house is 10th from the 10th and as 10th house is the house of your Karma, 7th house quite naturally becomes the mirror of your Praarbdh.

Answer me one thing- Have you chosen your family members or your siblings or your elders or your neighbours or your birth place? I think that the answer will be no. You may say that we choose our friends but how many of you have no complains regarding their behavioral reactions to you? You amy have chosen your sphere of profession- but you can not choose the environment persistent there- you can not choose your challenges.

Metaverse-Newton’s 3rd Law and the 7th house:

According to your Praarbdh from the ultimate court, the Nemesis has given or sent you amidst an environment, things to deal with maintaining a balance of righteousness to manage with your intelligence. Nemesis did that not to punish you, but for the purpose of rectifying your prarabdh so that you can taste the ultimate bliss of abundance, Mother Earth has in offering for all of her children. Now if you fail to maintain the balance of righteousness while dealing with the universe you are existing in, problems start surfacing because the universe will not be able to maintain balance then- it is Newton’s 3rd law and you can not deny it or escape from it. Hence I call this universe a world of Maya. Nothing is real- only you are real-the concept of sur realism- the concept of Metaverse. What Nasa is doing can easily be depicted from the 7th house- you may not believe it, but I can do this.

7th house- the house of spouse:

You can not live in the metaverse without dealing with others- Now I am coming back to the point of the material perspective of Vedic Hindu Astrology=- You will have to manage things while surviving- And if I am not wrong, it is called relationship. Hence 7th house is the house of relationship. It is the house of the spouse. The term ‘spouse’ refers not only to husband or wife- rather it is a dynamic term- and it will change. When you are interacting with your boss, your boss is the spouse. Okk, I won’t penetrate deep anymore.

House of Management:

7th house in astrology

7th house is the house referring to the world of Maya in front of you- your capability of dealing or managing stuffs in it

– the house of relation, the house of spouse and business because without healthy relation based on mutual respect and righteousness while interacting with others, these two aspects of life can never get complete. The world of €Maya around you responds the way you will react- And your prarabdh will get stored in the diary of the Nemesis according to your reactions. You will gape in amazement that Lord Shiva has given this diary to the super kind Nemesis.

Astrological significance of 7th house:

Now let’s understand the astrological significance of the 7th house- 4th house is the house of happiness- and your happiness lies in providing happiness to things or people encountering with and it works according to the basic principle of this metaverse called as Newton’s 3rd law.- Give happiness and receive happiness in return.

4th house is the house of happiness of your heart-of your very soul. And 7th house is 4th from the 4th house signifying that your happiness lies in feeling happy with the illusory representation of situations presented in front of you according tour Prarabdh- your behavioral reactions mingled with happiness towards anything getting prominent in front of you in this world of Maya will return happiness to you. Hence it is rightly said that you will have to feel happy whatever the situation it may be. So it is nothing but the 3rd law of Newton- the way you will react to illusory representation of situations presented in front of you, similar you will get in return-it is as simple as this.

Let’s clarify the gravitational force with relevance to the 7th house:

Gravitational force is always attracting things within to keep them intact. Now believe in me that this the force of love and happiness. The illusory representation of situations will change into ones of love and happiness and will try to make you feel amidst love and happiness if you draw them towards you with love feeling happy. And if you feel depressed, frustrated and hate the illusion of your Praarbdh in front of you, they will try to attract towards your Prarabdhial representation of frustration and hatred. So the gravitational force is nothing but the way you feel towards the illusory Praarbdhial representation of situations in front of you-if you are feeling depressed, you are getting bound with this world of Maya with the bond of hatred-or the so called gravitational force of hatred.

Trust me that you won’t need to go through the the rocket science of Nasa to Understand the Galaxy-rather it is very well described in the Vedic Hindu Astrology and you can apprehend the cosmos with clear insight into the den of the 7th House.


Trust me that you won’t have to spend even a penny for gemstones to transform your predicament- Rather you can very well transform it- transform the situations in front of you according to your desire by transforming your behavioral reactions to the illusory representation of Prarabdhial situations in front of you. Feel happy and according to Newton’s 3rd law you will receive happiness. Simple as this. And this guide is always here to make you understand the illusory representation of situations is indicating what kind of Karmik Pattern of you which require rectification. And I can also pin-pointly tell you the series of mistakes regarding your behavioral reactions that you have been committing through births after births. Simply change your behavioral reactions towards this world of Maya- towards your spouse rectifying your Prarabdh and see magic surfacing in your life.

You may consider reading about the results of 7th lord in different houses from this link:

You may also consider visiting wikipedia of 7th house

Thank You Maa and Bhole Shankara

By sandip

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