8th house in astrology

Diving deep into the dungeon of the 8th house:

8th house is the house of ‘life-span’ – the final outcome of your existence on this world of Maya – what your prarabdh has earned from Nemesis for this present birth and what you should do to get back to the righ track towards the attainment of the ultimate bliss in the midst of abundance that Mother Earth has in offering for all of her children – I mean to say the Moksha.

Please answer me one  very simple question- how many of you have consulted already or is thinking of consulting astrologers for remedies to get out of the troubles you are in – I think that the answer will be many. But trust me that no gemstones or any form of remedy works- It is only the awarness that can help you out – the awarness of the very purpose of your arrival on this world – the awarness of the right track nemesis is asking you to move forward so that Mother Earth can give you the bliss of abundance so that you can also brim in happiness.

Traffic police and the 8th house:

So only by following the track of Nemesis, you can earn anything on this world because with gemstones you are only going to get lost in the so called Darwinian struggle of existence – irrrespective of win or defeat sooner or later you will get caught by the Traffic police and you will asked to produce papers- trust me with gemstones there are 95% chances for papers not getting white. So red signal will get turned on.

Hence for white papers, understand the very purpose of your existence- start doing what destiny/Mother Nature is asking you to do and see magical things working wonders for you. But the most interesting thing about it is that you won’t have to spend even a single penny for this remedy- because it is simply just an awarness – the awarness of what you should do- precisely the ‘dos’ & the ‘don’ts’ for you from the ultimate court of the nemesis – the ultimate court always in work to safe-guard ever caring Mother earth from the Rahu or the Ravana within our brain.

And you will be amazed to to know that this ultimate court of the Nemesis is empowered by Bholenath- so no punishment com,es out in verdict from this court and only the right track is suggested so that you can avoid punishment – Now it is completely up to us to choose and on either way Lord Shiva will be there to give whatever you want not only because He is an Aghori but also because the He ahs utter trust in the power of the court of the Nemesis.

Now as I have read all the articles of the constitution of teh court of teh Nemesis, I am assuring you that a natal chart clearly interprets and tells the track Nemesis or Destiny is asking the concerned native to follow.

And herein lies the significance of the 8th house depicting the ‘dos’ and the ‘don’ts’ of every soul arriving on this world of Maya- Empty your pockets for securing remedies from branded astrologers or endow your soul accepting the message from the ultimate court of the Nemesis completely free of cost- the choice is completely yours.

From the Ascendant, 8th house is 8th and it clearly indicates the final outcome of your very self – how your basic characteristic traits are going to get recognized in the surrounding you are existing in till your body exists and how they are going to get remembered after your death.

From 2nd house 8th house is 7th and from the 7th house 8th house is 2nd house:

8th house clearly interprets the final outcome of your marital relationship – the final outcome of your family after marriage – the sustenance, persisitence and growth or deccay of your mmarriage or family after marriage. Again 7th house is a killing house in a natal chart, 2nd house symbolizes wealtha nd family, 8th house also interprets finacial losses and lossses of pre-marital relationships with or after marriage. And as 8th house indicates persistance and growth of your relationship with the spouse, 8th house refers to your in-laws also. Adopting efforts to maintaining good relationships with your in-laws will improve your skill regarding maintaining good relationship with your businessd colleagues. Needless to say that you will get quality solutions for issues persistent in your professional arena.

From 3rd house 8th house is 6th, and from 6th house 8th house is the 7th house.:

6th house symbolizes never giving up attitude to fight through anything to winning. So 8th house clearly indicates the antive’s ability to fight to win in the field of the occult or in any kind of secret mission or in the field of research. Again 6th house is the hosue of disease and debts- so from 8th hosue the capability or the severity of the disease or debt related issues can also be calculated – again the natives ability to maintain healthy daily routine or discepline for spending can also be interpreted from the 8th house.

8th house is 5th from the 4th house and 8th house is 4th from the 5th house:

5th house is the house of romance, children, higher education. And 4th house is the house of happiness, home and higher posts. Whether the native will be able to have romance with higher posts or with home, mother, luxury, vehicles and so on – I mean to say whether the native will be able to get them or not lies hidden in the den of the 8th house according to his/her Prarabdh till this present birth.

Again whether the native will be happy with their children or with things they love or with higher education- I mean to say if natives will get them or not to their satisfaction lies stored also in the darkness of the 8th house according to Prarabdh.

From the 9th house 8th house is the 12th house:

9th house is the reward to your Prarabdh for this present birth – is your religion – I am not referring to about being Hindu or Muslim or Christian, rather by the term ‘religion’ I am referring to your awareness of the right or wrong – your sense of conceptualizing and thereby doing the just- simply the ‘dos’ and the ‘don’ts’ of life.

And as 12th house is the house of detachment, 8th house clearly indicates whether natives will get detached from this awareness of the Just and die or will get detached from the surrounding and awaken himself or herself to this awareness of the ‘dos’ and the ‘don’ts’. It will happen entirely according to the Prarabdh of the native for this present birth.

From 10th house 8th house is the 11th house:

10th house is the house of father, Kartma mand recognition.

11th house is the house of material gains or profits.

Gain from father is inheritance- so inheritance from father or from the father of fathers(Bholenath) lies hidden under the control of the Nemesis in the dungeon of the 8th house. And it will materialize according to the prarabdh of the native. And recognition – fame or defame as a result of your deeds also entirely depends on your Prarabdh and lie hidden under the control of the Nemesis in the darkness of the 8th house.

From the 11th house , 8th house is the 10th house.:

Profits/material gains/recognition/support in the professional arena- all depend upon your Karma in this present birth and that lie hidden under the control of the Nemesis in the dungeon of the 8th house and it is for this reason that your actions or whatever you are doing in this present birth are pre-defined according to your Prarabdh.

From 12th house 8th house is the 9th house:

12th house is the house of Moksha(freedom or captivity) Happiness or misery, Abundance or lackage. As it is 9th to 8th, which way you will go, what you will choose lie hidden in the dungeon of the 8th house and it will of course materialize according to your luck which is entirely dependent on your Prarabdh.

You should also read my article on the role of 8th lord in different houses from this link within my website.

You may consider reading this article of mine for information on the spheres of profession related with the 8th house and broadened analysis of the role of 8th lord in 2nd house from this link

You may also consider visiting Wikipedia for more information if you deem it necessary from this link.

By sandip

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