8th house in astrology

Exploring the Mystical Realm of the 8th house professions:

8th house in astrology

8th house is the house of the unexpected. But all the unexpected regarding the 8th house professions will get unveilled here in this blog post. So all kinds of  fear, superstition, death, sufferings, accident and the house of the in-laws are indicated from the 8th house in astrology. So 8th house is the house of suspense. It indicates the native’s relationship with the in-laws. 8th house is a kind of ‘Black whole’ whatever penetrates into it, gets absorbed. So all kinds of fear, superstition, phobia, scripted accidents fall under the control of the 8th house. It is really the house of sufferings. But still there are specific sections in the sphere of career or professions which get ruled by the 8th house.

You should read this article of mine to get information about the detailed analysis of the Karmik pattern(as referred by The Nadi Astrology) and about the role of the 8th lord in different houses from these links.

8th, 6th & 12th houses are generally considered bad houses, but still there is something positive about the 8th house. It is the house of ‘Tomb’, it is the house of suspense. And we all know nothing can be more suspicious rather than the curiosity about what happens under the tomb- to be precise – what happens after death. So whatever is inside you-the hidden qualities are seen from the 8th house. The native has to bring those qualities out from his/her deepest core. It is the house of ‘Mantras’ & meditation.

8th house in astrology controls the lower parts of the body. To be precise, the anal related part of our body is controlled by the 8th house in astrology. And the place of cremation is also referred by the 8th house.

All kinds of accidents & miseries are seen from the 8th house in astrology. 8th house in astrology also indicates the death of the spouse.

So we will have to understand the essence of the 8th house in a natal chart to discover and attain clear insight into the professions relkated with the 8th house.

Significance of 8th house in astrology unleashing the career alchemy from the 8th house:

Unleashing 8th house professions

8th house in the cosmic natal chart is the Scorpio Zodiac and hence Scorpio will bear maximum significance

in determining what kind of professions or career options will be better for a native with 8th house being prominent in his/her natal chart.

Life-Span8th house in astrology shows the life-span of the native- I mean to say that 8th house indicates how long will the native will live on this ‘Maya'(the Earth). The 2nd house is the house of death but 8th house indicates when & how the native is going to die-whether the native will die at hospital or die of disease or of accident and the kind of the accident or whether the native will die peacefully or whether the native will die after a lot of sufferings-all are seen from the 8th house.
SuicideAgain if the native will commit suicide or not and how the native will commit suicide are also seen from the 8th house in astrology. Suicide is what?-it is simply dying by own self and our own self is our 1st house, the ascendant(Lagna). So astrological interpretation of suicide is the lord of the Ascendant coming into the 8th house. Now suppose if the lordship planet of the 8th house is positing at the 8th house or somehow the 8th house is stronger, the native will never be able to commit suicide irrespective of how much attempt the native makes, because our death & the way of death is scripted.
Gain from LossThe benefits that the native will receive out of any body’s death-I mean to say the money from insurance- are seen from the 8th house because 8th house represents the benefits received from the misery & sufferings-death- of any body or himself/herself. For this reason parental property of the native is also seen from the 8th house, because parental property will be completely your’s only after the death of your parents. So, 8th house represents that any body looses and somebody is gaining after that loss. To be precise 8th house is the house of gain from loss.
Unexpected8th house in astrology is the house of the unexpected as I have already mentioned. Hence any kind of monetary gain from nowhere is seen from the 8th house. There are lot of people engaged in gambling and they may have taken gambling as profession or there will be many engaged in profession full of unexpectaions. In such cases, you have to remember one thing that the impetosity will drive the native towards gambling or share markets or to the sphere of risks will come from the 5th house and if the native will be successful with sudden unexpected gain from that sphere or not, will get determined from the 8th house. So, unexpected gains out of nowhere is seen from the 8th house.
Under The EarthWhatever we dig out from under the earth is controlled by the 8th house. Hence, mining falls under the control of the 8th house. Whatever that we can not see or predict, falls under the control of the 8th house in astrology. So anything that is sudden is controlled by the 8th house. Even, any kind of terrorist attacks are seen from the house.
Snake8th house in astrology also represents ‘Kundolini’ or (coil). Hence the creature snake is also represented by the 8th house. The most unexpected creature is snake and 8th house is the house of unexpected.
Tantra Vidya(Black Magic)All kinds of Tantra Vidya(occult science) or professions related with this are controlled by the 8th house. Anything that is performed secretly is controlled by the 8th house.
Land & PropertyLand and property is represented by the 4th house but anything under the earth is controlled by the 8th house in astrology. So, what will be produced in that piece of land is seen from the 8th house. So, such career options are seen from the 8th house.
Any Kind Of Injuries8th house in astrology indicates any kind of injuries that native has received or is hoing to receive. 8th house again indicates any kind of surgeries that the native has gone through or is going to go through in the future years. As a whole 8th house is full of negative aspects of our existence. Hence it is rightly called the ‘Doosthan House’.
Significance of 8th house in astrology

Profession/Career Ruled By 8th house in astrology:

Unleashing 8th house professions

Scorpio zodiac is the 8th house in tyhe cosmic natal chart and this zodiac is ruled by two planets-mars & Ketu.

So, before predicting the most suitable option for career or profession from the 8th house of the natal chart of the concerned native, one has to very carefully the position of Mars and Ketu in that concerned natal chart for making the ultimate prediction regarding professions from the 8th house. The following are the professions indicated by the 8th house in general but for exact prediction will vary from natives to natives as the planetary positions vary in natal each chart.

  • The most suitable zodiac for the 8th house in astrology is Scorpio zodiac. So all the qualities of Scorpio zodiac come in the 8th house. And the profession or career scopes related to Scorpio zodiac may get controlled by the 8th house.
  • The career options like surgeons, any kind of production industries and metal industries get controlled by the 8th house in astrology. Even the fields/career options of engineering also come under the control of the 8th house.
  • The field of insurance organization falls under the control of the 8th house. The field of occult sciences such as black magic, astrology, paranormal studies and any field of profession that is suspicious and secret fall under the control of the 8th house.
  • The professions relating to anything coming from under the earth such as oil industries, mining industries, and food industries are controlled by the 8th house.
  • 8th house in astrology also shows the career options in the field of Excise & customs because 8th house represents the taxes.
  • Professions related to Research & discoveries are controlled by the 8th house in astrology because in the professional fields of research, the native has to dig into the depth of the topic. The professions such as Geologist and psychiatric are also seen from the 8th house.
  • People engaged and dealing in professions of Ratnas(stones) must have to have strong 8th house because Ratnas have to be dug out of the earth.
  • Professions related to death like doctors operating on Postmortem or people engaged in mogue are controlled by the 8th house in astrology, because 8th house is the house of death and hence it is quite normal that 8th house interprets professions related to death.
  • Any secret organization or agencies working through under cover agents like RAW, FBI are controlled by the 8th house.
  • The sectors or career options of magicians or anything that involves conjuration for casting spell to fake human eyes are again controlled by the 8th house.

Let’s Conclude Facts about 8th house in astrology:

As you have read so far I do think that all your confusions about 8th house in astrology must have got evaporated like mists. In my website there are many posts dedicated on vedic hindu astrology like basics of vedic astrology, Raj Yogas and mantras. You should also read them to enrich your knowledge about Vedic Hindu Astrology.

If you have any more issues, do write to me in the comment box and I will come up with another post like that.

You may also get to know about 8th house from wikipedia from this link.

Thank you, all.

What jobs are related to the 8th house?

8th house is the house of mystery and suspense. So jobs related to occult science, astrology, psychology, science, math or research on any topic, paranormal activities are seen from the 8th house. 8th house also signifies gain from loss. So insurance organisation also is a good choice for natives with prominent 8th house in his/her natal chart.

Which is the profession house in astrology?

The house in the natal chart that controls the career or profession of the native is the 10th house, which is again the Capricorn Zodiac of the cosmic natal chart. So 10th hosue is ruled by Saturn. 10th house will have maximum effect on your life in terms of choosing career options.

Which house is responsible for wealth?

2nd house interprets the wealth or bank balance of the native. And 2nd house is called Taurus in the cosmic natal chart and the lordship planet of this house is Venus.

Which planet is responsible for luxury life

Venus is the planet rsponsible for bestowing luxurious life on the native in general. But for precise and exact prediction about which planet is giving luxury to a concerned native can only be determined after careful study of the concerned natal chart.

Which planet is responsible for occupation?

10th house in the cosmic natal chart is considered to be the house of profession or occupation and the lordship planet of this house(Capricorn) is Saturn. So Saturn rules occupation. Again ir is required to observe carefully a natal chart and the career lord of that natal chart for providing a healthy prediction about the occupation of that concerned native.

By sandip

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