role of 8th lord

Diving deep into the dungeon of the 8th house:

According to The Gita, we start moving towards death or death starts running after us the moment we get distracted from our religion or “dharma”. By the term ‘religion I am not referring to being the Hindu or Muslim or Christian, rather I am referring to the awareness of the Just-the awakening to knowing what is right or wrong-simply the dos & the don’ts. And 8th house represents getting distracted from the path of righteousness-8th house signifies  the loss of the awareness of the just-the sense of discerning the right from wrong and it is also for this reason 8th house is called the house of death.

Significance & role of 8th lord:

Now to better understand the role of the 8th lord in our life, we need to understand the significance of the 9th house-the house of the luck-the reward to the prarabdh till this present birth. And to stay on the path of the just taking forward that reward is what we should do. And as 8th house is 12th from the 9th house and as 12th house signifies detatchment, 8th house indicates detatchment from the path of ‘Dharma’, hence being called the house of Death.

So wherever the lordship planet of the 8th house posits in a particular natal chart, it indicates our detachment from the responsibilities referred by that particular house. So all that we will have to do is to perform duties as referred by that particular house the 8th lord is positing at: Simply just do that and see magical things materializing in your life. So no more wandering-what I should do or what I should not-simply do and seriously perform the duties 8th lord is taking you away from. And my topic of discussion of today will be that.

8th lord at the 1st house:

role of 8th lord

Now suppose 8th lord is positing at the 1st house- So leave everything behind and simply take care of your

very self very carefully. Shift all your focus towards self-development-the development of your personality & behavioral attitude towards the society you are existing in and see recognition running after you.

8th lord at the 2nd house:

Now suppose that the 8th lord is positing at the 2nd house-2nd house symbolizes your family, wealth and communication

role of 8th lord

through speech- So focus all your attention towards self expression through speech and towards protecting your family & wealth-Simply your purpose of existence is that. Again 2nd house is 7th from the 8th and 7th house is the house of the spouse. So be careful while exchanging words or talking with your spouse or the in-laws as 8th house is the house of the in-laws. Make youtube your profession and the topic of your vlog should have to be the occult. Do that and see magical things happening in your life.

8th lord at the 3rd house:

role of 8th lord

Again suppose that 8th lord is positing at the 3rd house-3rd house symblolises your siblings, communication

through media and your hands-so simply perform all responsibilities to your siblings and focus your attention to communicating through writing or get into the field where both your hand is required. And again 8th house is 6th from the 3rd and 6th house symbolizes never giving up attitude to fight through obstacles with steel strong mentality that may come posing in the road towards becoming victorious in the so called Darwinian struggle of existence. The spheer of Occult or involvement in any kind of secret mission or research studies are simply made for such natives and they will of course rule those spheres.

8th lord at the 4th house:

Again suppose that 8th lord is positing at the 4th house-mother, happiness, Home, vehicles and luxury-so your happiness,

role of 8th lord

luxury home and vehicles will be from the occult. Again 4th house is the 5th to the 8th and 5th house is the house of higher education. So such planetary positions clearly indicates that natives will get home, luxury and higher status or recognition from his education in the field of the occult or from research studies or from secret missions.

8th lord at the 5th house:

role of 8th lord

Now again suppose that 8th lord is positing at the 5th house-5th house is the house of education, your son and self-expression through speech.

So you should always take good care of your son and by doing that you can avoid any kind of worse situation. And 8th house is the 4th from the 5th. Such natives should perform or do whatever they can do for their mother. Their education should have to be in the sphere of astrology. Only do this and take good care of your home and family and see wonderous things happening in your life.

8th lord at the 6th House:

8th lord in 6th house-the house of debt, disease and never giving up attitude to keep on fighting-such natives

role of 8th lord

should have to stay engrosses in maintaining strict and healthy routine for staying fit and should spend very carefully giving utmost value to their hard-earned money. Whatever the situation it may be, they should never ever give up working harder. By doing this they shine even in Sade Sati.

8th lord at the 7th House:

role of 8th lord

8th lord in 7th house-the house of the spouse and business- Such natives should always have to be loyal towards

their spouse always treating them with love. And again 8th house is 2nd from the 7th and 8th house is the house of the in-laws. So they should have to maintain healthy relationship with their in-laws for the persistence & growth of their marital relationship.

8th lord at the 8th house:

8th lord in 8th house-occult, research studies & secret jobs is the field of profession for such natives.

role of 8th lord

8th lord at the 9th House:

role of 8th lord

8th lord in 9th HOUSE-such natives may lose their faith on God…they should do whatever they can to promote religion

whichever they may like. They should be kind, help the poor & the needy. Go to temples and submit themselves to the almighty. Never ever take the path of aggression.

8th lord at the 10th House:

8th lord in 10th house: Such natives should always stay on the path of the just and take the honest road.

role of 8th lord

10th house is the house of Father, and when 8th lord posits there, natives tend to get distracted from performing their duties towards their father. Conflict of opinion with father is on. Name, fame, & recognition will be from research studies, involvement in secret profession or from the sphere of the occult. Stay on the path of honesty and try to be on the side of your father irrespective of any kind of conflict of opinion

8th lord at the 11th house:

role of 8th lord

8th lord in 12th house: Such natives never ever should try to cheat on others for their personal gains.

11th house is the house of material gains, elders or support from the colleagues. Now if 8th lord posits at the house of profits, natives may get lurred to gaining profits or doing anything for their personal gains – such natives will scarcely care before plunging in to other ways. But as I have already told you that this would be like getting distracted from the path of Righteousness. Again remember that 11th house is 4th from the 8th and 4th house is the house of the happiness of your heart and mental peace. So if you adopt to using unfair means to cheating on others for personal gains, you will of course get the material benefits, but those deeds will keep on getting stored at the dungeon of the 8th house under the control of the Traffic police. And at a certain stage of life, you will find yourself in the position deserving for your deeds. Many of you have seen dishonest people suffering at the later stage of people with their acquaintance ending up saying that things like that should have to have happened to them.

So you can analyze the concept of Tit for Tat from planetary position of 8th lord posting at the 11th house. Be honest while earning…it is as simple as this.

8th lord at the 12th House:

8th lord in 12th house: it is a very good position because – and – becomes +.

role of 8th lord

12 th house is the house of freedom from this world of Maya or getting captivated in the constraints of staying engrossed in pursuit of securing more and more worldly pleasures, ultimately resulting in a new birth. It is the house of Jail or ashram. And 12th house is 5th from the 8th – the digi locker of your Prarabdh till this present birth. And again 12th house is 4th from the 9th house – the happiness of your Prarabdh. So whether you will use your prarabdhial skills for the happiness of your Prarabdh can easily be interpreted if 8th lord posits at the 12th house.

You may also consider reading from wikipedia about different lordship planets in Vedic Hindu Astrology from this link.

You may also consider reading this article of mine also for information on the spheres of profession as far as 8th house is concerned and information on the broadened analysis on the role of the 2nd lord in 8th house from these links

And for gaining deeper insight into the 8th house, you may consider visiting and reading this article of mine on the astrological and practical significance of the 8th House from this link.

By sandip

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