9th house astrology

Diving deep into the cycle of Death & Birth:

At the time of our death in a flash of second, souls get to know what it had come for and how it had performed together with rectifying his/her behavioral responses and reactions towards everything he/she had encountered throughout his/her entire life span-I meant to say that the screenshots of our entire life span flashes through our eyes within fraction of seconds at the time of our death.

Now all our deeds, behavioral responses and reactions form Prarabdh for us depending on which the wheels of our next birth will roll on. These praarbdh-the accumulated result of our deeds towards accomplishing the reward of our birth and executing the same for the betterment of Mother Nature and towards transforming our behavioral responses and reactions based on realization of the series of mistakes through cycle of births-get stored in the 8th house the digi-locker of Prarabdh reserved for you in the Ultimate court of the Nemesis.

You should also read my other articles on the significance of the 7th house, 6th house and

the 8th house from these links of the web-pages within my website for enriching your insight into the Vedic Hindu Astrology with accuracy.

Trial after death in the ultimate court of the Nemesis:

Now in our trial, you will get to know about your mistakes and the lessons that you are going to go underr in your next birth for the rectification of teh same and also about the rewards that you are going to get blessed with in your next birth. You will also be reminded about your desires that you want to see get materialized in your life span. And the most interesting fact about that is that you will also have the option of changing your desires too.

 After that the super kind Nemesis will award you again another second chance showing you and thus making you aware of the right track of the course of your life span. But at the very moment of your birth you will forget everything about this trial and you will start crying for forgetting the ultimate Awareness and with your cries your heart will start beating signifying that you are now on this world of Maya.

Here I will like to tell you one significant thing that Nemesis makes you forget the ultimate Awareness so that you can live and choose freely-because otherwise life would turned into nightmares for you with the awareness of the mistakes you committed through cycles of previous births.

So you may consider your birth as a second chance and the super kind Nemesis will keep on awarding you this time and time again from births after births for perfecting yourself- so that you can also taste the bliss of material abundance that Mother Earth has in offering for all of her children.

Destiny-Reward & Skills:

So your destiny is written from the 8th house. The rewards from your Prarabdh lie stored in the 9th house. Reward means the gift of qualities in you or for you according to your prarabdh depending on which you will work towards attaining your hearts desire. And those qualities from your 9th house will reach to your perishable bodily existence in the 5th house-the 9th house from the 9th house- in the form of your skills.

Materialization of the Reward to your Praarbdh:

Now again as 10th house is 2nd from the 9th, your rewards in the 9th house will get persistence, sustenance and growth through your deeds. And you will be able to work according to your education and intelligence lying stored in the 5th house-8th form the 10th house signifying the praarbdh of your deeds. So according to your deeds valuing and respecting your reward to praarbdh in the 9th house through cycle of births, your education and intelligence will be for materializing your reward of the 9th house in this existing birth.

Significance of your Behavioral reactions and Responses:

Now again for materialization, efforts, bravery, courage and ability is required and these are signified by the 3rd house-the 7th house from the 9th house. So it can be clearly interpreted in this way that the reward to your prarabdh of behavioral responses and reactions in your previous births will give you the deserving courage, will-power and ability to compete in the Darwinian struggle of existence. Here you will also find the house of material and spiritual gains of your gift of reward to your prarabdh-the 11th house-3rd from the 9th. The prarabdh of your behavioral reactions and responses are that much significant.

The formation of your Prarabdh:

So the reward to your praarbdh(9th house) is your skills, education, and intelligence(5th house-9th from the 9th) and your education, intelligence and skills are your very self(1st house-5th from the 9th)_. So your reward to your prarabdh in the 9th house is what you are in the 1st house. And again your reward that is You gets sustenance and growth through your deeds evident in the 10th house.

And from the 10th house, 7thy house is the 4th house-the house of happiness and mother-Mother Earth or Mother Nature. So your behavioral responses and reactions towards your happiness-towards everything in Mother nature through previous births form prarabdh for your deeds in this present birth and you will work according towards relishing the attainment of your rewards.

Darwinian Struggle of Existence of Souls for Securing Choice of Family:

Our Ascendant gets sustenance in family in the midst of motherly care and family abundance after birth in the 2nd house-6th from the 9th. 6th house is the house of competition. And the competition for securing better family and birth place keeps on surfacing among souls before birth and the only weapon to becoming victorious in the Darwinian struggle of existence before birth is your prarabdh. And according to the reward to your praarbdh in the 9th house, you will get family, mother and birth place for your survival on this planet of earth.

Darwinian struggle of Existence of 6th house after birth:

Again 6th house is your steel strong mentality and neve-giving-up attitude to keep on fighting to winning through obstructions. And 6th house is 10th from the 9th-the attainment of recognition of your prarabdh through your fighting spirit to winning. 6th house-determining your victory is 9th from the 10th house signifying that your victory in competition both before and after birth is dependent on the reward to your prarabdh in the 9th house.

Loss of the reward to Prarabdh at the 8th house:

9th house is the house of religion-the awareness of the dos and the don’ts and 8th house is the house of the in-laws. 8th house is 12th from the9th house-that is substraction and loss of that awareness of righteousness. Hence 8th house is not considered as a good house-even sri Lord Bishnu also told in the Gita that getting distracted from the path of righteousness for self losing the sense of the dos and the don’ts refers destruction of self ultimately leading to death.

7th, 8th & the 9th House-the rectified behavioral responses and reactions to Spouse:

9th house is the house of your father-your sense of responsibilities towards your inheritance. And 7th house-your marital spouse belongs to the 8th house-the family of your in-laws. And that spouse is the reason of endowment and growth for your in-laws as 8th house is second from the 7th house. And that reason of happiness of the 8th house is getting subtracted to your endowment and happiness becoming your spouse at the 7th house in your natal chart- and this is the ultimate concept of marriage. And from this concept of marriage , you should guess the amount of responsibilities to be bestowed on your spouse and the family of your in-laws. So your sense of righteousness should also centre around giving due honor and recognition to your spouse.

Again 7th house is the illusory representation of situations in front of you which centre around regarding your spouse after marriage and remember that those illusory representation of situations are getting presented to you in such a way to enabling you to understand your mistakes and transform your behavioral responses and reactions towards your spouse accordingly.

7th House & Marital Oaths:

From 7th house, 7th house is the 1st house-your very self-indicating the fact that the world around you your very self is your spouse after your marriage. All your sense of the dos and the don’ts should center around your responsibilities towards your spouse-your marital oaths.

Behavioral responses to your Spouse shaping world for you through the 3rd, 7th & 9th House:

Again from the 9th house 7th house is 3rd house-the surrounding or the society you are existing in. And from 3rd house 7th house is the 9th house-that is your behavioral responses and reactions to the reward to your prarabdh becomes the world of Maya in front for you-your spouse for you and similarly your behavioral responses towards this world of Maya, towards your spouse turns into your reward. Hence, it is your spouse, specially your wife is considered to be Goddess Laxmi herself for you.

Again 8th house is the Digi-Locker your Prarabdh and the good portion of it gets subtracted to turn into your spouse in the 7th house and your behavioral responses and reactions towards her is your very basic characteristic traits-your very self and your reward calculated in your 9th house-the praarbdh on the basis of your behavioral responses towards your spouse.

Significance & Magnificence of Marital Oaths:

So from this calculation, you should understand the magnificence and significance of your marital oaths for your spouse. Your rectified and justified behavioral responses can change your 9th house-your luck quite magically. Get back to the right track-stop spending 10000 dollars for gemstones because only your romantic, tender and caring behavioral expressions and reactions to your spouse(specially wife) providing her with the protection of love can only evaporate the challenges from your road like mists quite magically.

Do’s and the Don’ts after Marriage:

After marriage your sense of the dos and the don’ts should have to centre around giving due recognition to your marital spouse. If you have to fight against your father, go against your religion, ignore your loving siblings and the social norms, simply do this and 9th house being 3rd from the 7th house also indicates that you will have to show bravery and courage to reach to your spouse.

And it is for this reason love stories involving thrills and adventure secure more IMDB ratings because every single living being on this planet of Earth quite unknowingly understand and prefer victory of the power of Love for our spouse. The fact is very simple as this.

The Ultimate Awareness to Discerning the real from the Illusory:

Remember that your spouse is real but her actions and reactions to your dislikes heating your temperament are surreal presented in front of you to testing and thus rectifying your behavioral responses to your spouse-your better half. So stop reacting instantly. See the reality through the illusory representations-through the black curtain present in front of your Eye-balls and only after that react and respond. Your Luck will change. And about what you should do and how-this guide from the Ultimate Court of the Nemesis can show you light to knowing the same.

9th House & the Moksha-Freedom in the midst of Ultimate Abundance:

Before summing up, lets understand the significance of the 9th house from the perspective of the 12th house also. 12th house is 4th from the 9th house indicating understanding your luck-your very reward-that is none other than your better half-and transforming your behavioral reactions and responses towards your spouse to the ones mingled with real love and caring and the honest reflection of the same making your better half very happy and thus yourself also becoming happy will lead you to attain Moksha-Freedom from illusory representation of situations in the midst of Abundance. And the most amazing thing about Moksha is that you won’t have to take so-called Sanyas for attaining this- rather you will happily accomplish this loving your better half.

Thank You Maa.

You may also consider reading about the 9th house from Wikipedia from this link.

By sandip

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