Diving Deep into 9th lord positing at 2nd house:
Such planetary position in your natal chart clearly indicates that you have become victorious in the Darwinian struggle of existence of souls before birth for securing births in families of preferences. I mean to indicate that your family is the reward to your prarabdh. The cultural moral and educational values that you are going to get from your family is the reward to your prarabdh. The food habits that you are going to develop from your family is the reward to your prarabdh.
Lovingly tender ambience in the midst of family care and abundance is the reward to your prarabdh for your present birth. And it is only because of prarabdh that you may have received such a mother. Many of the challenges and hindrances that surface in road for becoming victorious in the Darwinian struggle of existence have already been solved for you with the kind of family abundance that you are born into.
Career/Profession Advice:
Throughout your life, always be mindful of the lessions that you learnt from your motherly education -carry forward the leafy banners set by the moral and cultural values from your family. Your path of righteousness is to being ready to stand in support of your family and mother and in engaging all your efforts and ability to keep them soaring higher and higher. Adopt any of the skills at which any of your family become successful of already and make them your profession.
Or again you may also like to going to the sphere of any kind of Food industries or industries handling finance and family management. Your basic weapon for winning in the arena of competition is going to be your speech-any kind of professional arena involving the requirement of good speakers or creative fields involving vocal cord will be the sphere for you. Your communication through speech will be amazing. €People will like to hearing from you.
Give prioriteis to whatever your mother advise you and always be loyal to your speech – to every one belonging to your family, especially your mother. Whenever confusion arises, do consider visiting your mother who will act as one stop solution to all of your problems. It is as simple as this. Again your speaking capabilities will be such that you will win the 90% of the battle through your speech. Become orators or public speakers-people will pofcourse listen to you. In a nutshell, instead of lazily enjoying your family wealth, value and reputation, get all your energies channelized towards multiplying the same-it is the very purpose of your birth.
Marital Issues:
Arrange Marriage:
But you will have to struggle a lot to win or reach to the reward to your prarbdh of marital spouse or conflict of opinion is also a must regarding your choice of spouse with your family members-here I will like to advise you to stand in support giving the due recognition to the individuality of yours spouse rather than trying to thrust the moral and cultural values upon yours spouse. Let her grow and love you freely in the midst of your family protection and do allow her to do according to his/her will. This will be the righteous behavioral response towards your spouse in terms of arrange marriage. Remember that your do’s and the don’ts should centre around giving the due recognition of your marital spouse after marriage and if you need to go against your family itself for that, you should not retreat.
same kind of social recognition in any respect or attempts in your family will
get surface towards making your spouse feel that concerned inferiority complex. But your sense of righteousness or your Dharma will always be to stand guard against such malicious conspiracies and letting your spouse feel protected in the midst of care of love through your behavioral response towards her.
And your caring and tender approach towards the in laws through your behavioral responses and reactions to them reflecting your sense of respect and honor to giving their self esteem the recognition of pride will make your spouse doubly happy and this will in return doubly smoothen your road evaporating any kind of hindrances like mists.
Here I will like to tell you that behaviours and responses of your family members towards you will ofcourse change after your marriage. Your family members are still real but their responses and reactions are simply just mere illusory presented in a way to testing your fighting spirit of keeping marital oaths-testing your masculine energy of staying in support of your love scarcely caring about whatever it may take. I am telling you that these illusory situations are only because of the fact that you have broken your marital oaths or have cheated your spouse in some way in your previous birth.
Love Marriage:
Things will of course get worse in terms of love marriage. And there are higher chances that you will love someone from a family far below in castes and reputation in comparison with your family. So going against the social norms or fighting against the morale set in your family regarding your choice of marriage will be the things that you will have to do. But again you will also have chances to betray your love for safe-play. Situations will of course give you chance for that and your social reputation will be like that you won’t have to suffer a lot if you do that.
But take my words very seriously because those situations of betraying your love for playing safe in the society or keeping your family happy are very surreal and of course illusory and if you commit to that, you will simply get doomed to death and your entire life will spend in recompensating your wrong decision.
You have got the illusory chance because you have done the same ignoring your responsibilities towards your object of love and again doing the same thing will be like death to you. Pal understand your mistake of previous birth and adore the endowed life by going to the farthest or the utmost horizon, fighting against anything to getting the prize reward of love.
And simply just going against everything to win your spouse won’t help. Your caring & loving attitude reflecting in your behavioural responses towards your spouse giving her individuality the due recognition of love is what Nemesis is wanting to see in you. And you can’t do that for a longer period of time if you really do not feel for your spouse in the same way after many days of marriage specially after the birth of your children.
And by doing this only you can rectify your behavioral responses towards your spouse. Simply just do that and see how mother nature gets you to the height of recognition that your already reputed family will recompensate their decision of going against your marriage. They will simply die out of jealousy.
Concluding Facts:
So whateverway you get married-love or arranged-simply do not worry because this guide from the ultimate court of the Nemesis is here to showing you light to knowing what you should do to rectifying youre behavioral responses and reactions. And do remember my words that only appropriate behavioral rectifications will work-because 1000 dollars for gemstonse irrespective of how real they are will be a mere matter of illusion for you. And as you do not know which situation is real or which one is illusory to teach you a lesson, you believe it or not, you need advice.
For more information on 9th house, you may consider reading this article of mine from this link
You may also consider visiting Wikipedia for more insights from this link.
Thank You.