ruchaka yoga benefits-ruchaka yoga effects

Let’s Dive deep into Ruchaka Yoga:

In Vedic hindu Astrology, Maharshi Parashar has spoken of “Panch Maha Purush Yoga” and of these five Raj Yogas, one is Ruchaka Yoga and it is formed when Mars posits very powerfully at one of the centre Zodiacs of a Kundali(natal chart) and the Zodiac has to be one of the own Moon-sign Zodiac or the highest Moon-sign Zodiac of Mars.

MarsRuchaka Yoga
JupiterHamsa Yoga(Hans Yoga)
SaturnSasa Yoga
MercuryBhadra Yoga
VenusMalavya Yoga

The 1st,4th,7th & 10th zodiacs are called the centres of a natal chart and when Mars posits at one of these in his own Moon-sign or highest Moon-sign zodiac, Ruchaka Yoga is formed. And as far as astrology is concerned, in the qualities of Mars hide all the benefits of Ruchaka Yoga. Get to know all the details about the Aspect of Mars frokm this link of my very post.

ruchaka yoga benefits-ruchaka yoga effects

The term “Ruchaka” stands for will or area of interest(ruchi) and it denotes that natives with this Yoga get lot of interest in doing things that match their interest-it also means that if these

people take any job in their hand, they won’t get distracted by any means before the completion of the job, doing justice to their characteristics of the General – “Going ahead of the army and staying till the end”.

Before knowing the details about this Ruchaka Yoga, in astrology you will need to know what Mars stands for and for what kinds of blessings in the life of the native, Mars is responsible and this will provide you with a better understanding of the benefits of Ruchaka yoga.

Demystifying Ruchaka Yoga:the representations of the planet Mars:

Mars is the planet of stamina and aggression-it is the planet of Agni Tatva(Fire). And the universe can’t be imagined without fire. Suppose fire is removed from all the factories-it will indicate the stoppage of the process of production. Even cooking food will cease without fire and the greatest discovery of mankind is Fire itself also. It is the planet of speed. People with powerful Mars at their natal chart have slightly red eyes or piercing eye sight.

Their attitude is like a lion-fearless. Mars is the planet of will power and determination. Whenever a person having powerful Mars enters a room, it happens giving a

ruchaka yoga benefits-ruchaka yoga effects

realization to others of their presence. It is the planet of hard work. The spheres of sports and army are under the control of Mars as these spheres require the mentality to go beyond the boundaries or to be ready to do anything for the sake of the country. Powerful mars never fears to sacrifice even their life. These people always occupy the top ranked posts in the army or police. Mars is the planet of commitment-these people can do anything to keep their words-they do not know how to retreat-natives get blessed with these qualities as Ruchaka Yoga benefits and Ruchaka Yoga effects.

They do not take the road of placing things in a different way through sweet words-they will speak the truth without adding any sugar to their words without believing in any kind of diplomacy. They tend to be straight forward. For principle these people will fight fearlessly against the most powerful of the opposition. In astrology Mars is the planet of friendship. They can turn out to be real friends even in the worst of the situations. If a native with powerful Mars takes some one as his friend, then the person will find no better friend any where in the world but if the native takes someone as enemy, then the person will find no bigger enemy anywhere in the world. Such stubbornness is also evident personalities as Ruchaka Yoga benefits and Ruchaka Yoga effects.

ruchaka yoga benefits-ruchaka yoga effects

This is the natal chart of our prime minister Narendra Modi and have a glance to see the blessings of Mars. Without powerful Mars, no one can become a

good doctor or a good engineer or a military officer or a good manager. Few popular personalities with this famous Ruchaka yoga at their natal chart are: Narendra Modi, Sardar Ballav Bhai Patel, Dharmendra, Akshay Kumar, Kapil Dev and Rajini Kant and so on. All of these are known for their personality and manly images. Mars is  always burning – full of energy and responsible for controlling the blood circulation system in our body and hence rightly called the Red Planet.

At the same time it is also to be mentioned that a negative and weak Mars may make the native suffer from blood related diseases. As all of you know these personalities very well, so an analysis of their natal chart will of-course give you a better conception about Ruchaka yoga benefits.

Let’s Unravel how mars forms Ruchaka Yoga:

The revelation of the conditions for Ruchaka Yoga will enable you to determine if Ruchaka yoga is there in your birth chart or not. See this horoscope of Kapil Dev for example and have a glance at the Ruchaka yoga formed in his natal chart. Here, the 1st,4th,7th and the 10th house are the centre Zodiacs. If Mars is posited at any of these zodiacs at his own Moon-signs(Aries & Scorpio) or at it’s highest Moon-sign(Capricorn) i.e 1,8,10 Moon-sign Zodiacs, then Ruchaka Raj yoga is formed.

People with this yoga are always energetic-they can’t even sit at one place constantly. They can both equally forgive and punish easily-Ruchaka Yoga effects!

This is the natal chart of Kapil Dev.These people will get success whenever they will ahv in their handds sharp objects. Their most suitable spheres of professions are:Medical

ruchaka yoga benefits-ruchaka yoga effects

science(both physician & surgeon), Engineering sciences, Military, Police, all kinds of private security sectors,& Factory owners where fire is used. These people are also successful managers. If Ruchak Yoga is formed at the first house, the natives tend to take risks and they stay always in hurry but being in harmony with the tune of his intention. Natives with this Yoga at the 4th house become successful in proffessions where he has to go far away from home such as military. When this yoga is formed at the 7th house, the natives become the owners of big&bigger factories and they prefer working very late at night.

Lastly when this Yoga is found at the 10th house, the natives will win the world at their own stamina. Mars at the 10th Zodiac gives better results than 1st,4th and 7th because as compared to the rest, in the 10th house Mars does not form “Manglik Dosh” and more because only the 10th house Mars has the directional strength. These details will really enrich you with better idea about Ruchaka yoga benefits and Ruchaka yoga effects.

Discovering the factors for Ruchak Yoga to deliver the Desired results:

ruchaka yoga benefits-ruchaka yoga effects

Have a glance at the natal chart of Akshay Kumar and see how popular he became with the macho-man personality even in film industry. Such are the

blessings of Ruchaka yoga when formed perfectly. Now read the point-wise factors.

  • *The Lagna(Ascendant), the lord of the Lagna of the concerned Natal chart, the Sun and Moon has to be powerful and well positioned for Ruchaka yoga to deliver the blessings of Mars on the native 100%.
  • *Mars has to be within 10 to 20 degrees for effective result of this yoga.Mars within 1-3 degree or 28 to 30 degrees will not be effective at all, infact Mars will be considered dead in that case.
  • *If mars is retrogate or not at the natal chart has to be observed also for determining the results of this yoga on the native.
  • *Mars should have to be posited alone at the Zodiac and no other malefic planets from other zodiacs should never give aspect to the house where Mars is posited either for the desiored result of this yoga.
  • *Mars has to be posited well also in the diversional chart and also in the D9 and D10 chart for effective results of Ruchaka yoga.

Decoding the factors cancelling the formation of Ruchaka yoaga:

  • *If Mars is posited together with Sun and Moon and creating the Ruchaka Yoga, this yoga will loose all its effectiveness.
  • *If Mars gets combust by Sun, this Yoga will also get cancelled because combust planets cant give any rsults.
  • *If Mars is posited-may be- with a friendly planet within the degree difference of less than 1, Mars will get defeated in the planetary war against the conjunct planet and Ruchaka Yoga will get cancelled.

To know Ruchaka yoga benefits and Ruchaka Yoga effects, you may also read from this link.

Bringing into light when Ruchaka Yoga will usher in all the benefits of Mars:

Ruchak yoga will keep on showering the blessings of Mars on the native throughout his life. But during the Mahadosha and Antordosha of Mars and during the transit of Mars through the Lagna (Ascendant), Central Zodiacs and through the zodiac of the Moon of the concerned natal chart, this yoga will get more powerful and for sure will deliver the desired results.

If you have any more comments regarding your natal chart, do write in the comment box for letting me to write more about Ruchaka yoga benefits and Ruchaka yoga effects in favor of your issues with a view to provide a solution

Thank You.

What is the meaning of ruchak yoga?

The term “Ruchaka“(from Ruchi-a bengali term) signifies intent or area of interest. When Mars posits at the central houses(1st,4th,7th, & 10th) of a natal chart in it’s own or higher Moon-signs, Ruchaka Yoga gets formed. And the natives with Ruchaka Yoga in their natal charts tend to be very energetic and dedicated to their works till the job is done. These natives follow their hearts.

Which celebrities have Ruchaka Yoga?

Below mentioned are the names of few popular personalities with Ruchaka yoga in their natal chart:
**Akshay Kumar(Bollywood Actor).
**Kapil Dev (Captain of World Cup winning Indian Cricket team)
**Barak Obaam(Former US president)

Which yoga is in Narendra Modi birth chart?

ruchaka yoga benefits

Narendra Modi has Mars in his ascendant(Scorpio, the own moon-sign of Mars). It is an example of Ruchaka Yoga. This Yoga is also called Shatruhanta Yoga and this means that all the enemies of Narendra Modi will not be able to harm him.

By sandip

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