Table of Contents
Diving deep into the 6th house and it’s lordsdhip planet:
The 6th house and the the position of the 6th lord across natal charts depicts what you should do and should not to get name, fame, recognition-everything. Let’s try to understand this precisely.
6th house is obstructions which can easily be erased through your behavioral reactions of righteousness mingled with never giving up attitude respective of the house 6th lord is positing at.
You should also read my articles on the role of the 9th lord in 1st house, 9th lord in 2nd house, 6th lord in 7th house, 7th lord in different houses and that of the 8th lord in different houses from these links for enriching your insight with more and more information.
Obstructions with such planetary position of 6th lord in the Ascendant:
Such planetary position indicates that you are your obstruction. First of all you will have to to be happy with yourself-your efforts should have to be towards developing your personality-basic characteristic traits. You have debts towards yourself. Value yourself, take care of yourself and feed yourself well. Maintain healthy routine, be careful while spending your hard-earned money and use the most of your earnings for your very self.
The remedies to overcoming challenges of the 6th lord:
You are your very enemy and your very strength at the same time-trust only yourself, killing all the negative habits of you-leave all the negative addictions. Value your marital spouse as he/she will act as catalystic energy to your fighting spirit towards rectifying yourself, and thereby gaining the desired height of your heart.
Remember that only you can stop yourself because no one can ever match your skills in the Darwinian struggle of existence. All the hindrances surfacing in your road posing threats are illusory and your sub conscious mind is getting succumbed to these illusions because of your ignorant attitude and responses towards the gift of Praarbdh from the Ultimate court of the Nemesis.
Strength with 6th lord positing at the 1st house:
You are not aware of your capabilities, but others are- it is for this reason that others do take you as their competitors, though you have no intention of competing with them. Break the boundaries created out of subconscious illusions resultant of your Praarbdh of ignoring your very self, your spouse- created by your very self and see the magic happening. God is residing within you. Do as much as you can for your siblings-for their material gains because this will return you 100 times.
Your behavioral reactions and support for your mother will gain you the ultimate height of recognition. Your weapon to fight in the Darwinian struggle of Existence setting your leafy banners high will be your education, intelligence, your creative skills, your behavioral responses towards society spreading the message of love. Most importantly your son will also act like a savior to boost the very pious energy within you.
Appropriate behavioral responses one should adopt with 6th lord positing at the 7th house:
Destiny is asking you to do this so that you can also enjoy the abundance, Mother Earth has in offering for all of her children. Mother Earth likes such natives the most because their Praarbdh depicts that they care a little about their self interest for the purpose of saving others.
Their Praarbdh also depicts that they already had sacrificed themselves for the sake of Mother Earth itself in previous births-for social reforms or for protecting the Mother Nature. This is the best combination one can ever have-if you have such planetary position in your natal chart, believe me that you are really special for Mother Earth-simply follow the advice from this guide.
So you will have to fight against yourself to remove all the negative habits from you-And who else other than your mother will want more to see you free from all the negatives. So, mother’s advice will be like Amrit for you. Listen to your mother, being loyal to whatever she advises.
Thank you, Maa.