9th house in astrology

Let’s dive deep into the 9th house:

In astrology, 9th house is the house of Guru. It is the house of luck. Whatever you are destined to get in this birth are seen from the 9th house. All kinds of religious deeds are referred by this house also. So it is rightly called the house of religion. What will be the native’s concept regarding religion-whether he/she will change his/her religion-all are seen from the 9th house in astrology.

Unlocking the significance of the 9th house in astrology:

Things or professions ruled by 9th house in astrology

If the native will get Guru, how will be the relationship with Guru are indicated by the 9th house. The concept of spirituality of the native can bee understood from the 9th house. We can not choose our father, religion, Guru and so on-we get all these through luck and in astrology whatever is got out of fate are indicated by the 9th house.

Again according to Vedic Hindu Astrology, whether the native will become theist or atheist is determined from the 9th house. All kinds of religious travels are indicated by the 9th house. As it is the house of the relationship with father, this house indicates the native place, birth place-the home of the native. Whatever is related with fate is indicated by the 9th house.

We very often say that this boy is born with silver spoon in his mouth-in such cases, the fate of the native is really strong-I mean to say that the 9th house of that native is strong. To become successful, we need go through strenuous deeds, but still after all the hard work, fate plays an important role in becoming successful and in astrology that fate is indicated by the 9th house.

Hence 9th house is the most significant house in a natal chart-it’s significance in the lifespan of the native is beyond expression. And if this house is weak, the native will fail even after doing all the required hard works whereas people doing less hard work will get the success if his/her 9th house is strong.

Lower castes in the society like labor class or whatsoever work harder as compared to the upper classes, but their reputation, social status and wealth- all are less as compared to us. This means that the 9th house of those people are weaker. Such is the importance of the 9th house in our birth chart. It is also the house of father. Remember that father is seen from 10th house also. It is the house which shows your younger brother or sister-in-law. I mean to say that the younger brother or sister of your spouse is seen from the 9th house.

Exploring the potential of 9th house in Judiciary system:

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, 9th house is also the house of judiciary-all famous judges do have strong 9th house. All your moral responsibilities like your duties to society, your duty towards your son, your responsibility towards your parents and so on and your attitude towards the execution of these duties are indicated in the 9th house.

Demystifying the role of 9th house in developing moral values:

If your 9th house is strong, you will perform all your responsibilities with proper care otherwise your attitude towards these moral duties all be completely the opposite with weaker 9th house. Hence it is called the house of ‘DHARMA”. Judges are the protector of the “DHARMA”. Hence judiciary falls under the control of the 9th house. That important is the 9th house in our life-span.

Suppose you are very wealthy but you are not performing your duties towards your parents-you are simply a rogue son. That means your 2nd house is strong but 9th house is weak and hence you are not doing your “dharma”(moral duties-the right approach).

Again we should love our mother land. But still there are terrorists and people working for the destruction of the motherland. These people have very bad 9th house and hence they are working against the stream-against what should be. So, whether the native will be on the right track or on the opposite track, are determined from the 9th house.

  • All kinds of God gited talents or potentials-are seen from the 9th house. If the this house is strong, the native is bound to get unique talent or potential from God. And whether the native will use this talent positively or in the opposite direction for bringing about destruction or for the purpose of cheating others-will be determined from his/her 10th house(the house of Karma). Very often we find religious Gurus cheating on people. That means that the native’s 9th house is strong but as his 10th house is bad, he/she is using his/her God-gifted talent in the opposite direction.
  • Again Donation is also seen from the this house. According to astrological scriptures, how will the native’s attitude be towards the concept of donating for charity is also seen from the 9th house. So again whatever you are destined in this span of life-all your talents & potentials- can be seen from the this house.
  • 9th house is also the house of higher educations such as post graduation or PHD. In vedic Hindu Astrology, 9th house has been given the control over Such higher level education.
  • 9th house again refers to the native’s wisdom what he/she has learnt through his/her experiences gradually. It is the house of the way we approach our existence. And as all these are controlled by Jupiter, Jupiter is the lordship planet of the 9th house.
  • According to the concept of ‘Bhavat bhavam’, 9th house is the 5th house from the 5th house and 5th house is also the house of the native’s offsprings. Hence 9th house is also the house of Offsprings.
  • This house also refers to the native’s teacher or Guru– the eminent personality who has given you the necessary guidelines or who has guided you on the road of struggle or who has given you the most important advice which has changed your life-all these are seen from the 9th house.

Unlocking Profession or career options ruled by the 9th house in astrology:

  • In astrology, Professions related to education-teachers, professors and so on-all are seen from the 9th house.
  • As far as astrological facts are concerned, 9th house is the house of religion, and hence all the religious organizations and the people working in those organization are seen from this house.
  • Again philanthropists or people loving charitable donations are controlled from his 9th house.
  • Since Vedic Hindu Astrology has given 9th house control over law & order to maintain the balance between good and evil, the profession related to law & order such as judges is seen from the 9th house. Specially people working to create law are also controlled by the 9th house. Ministries working for any kind of amendment in law structure or working for the implementation of the law are controlled by this house. People working in those ministries or in the sphere of judiciary do possess strong 9th house.
  • Tour & travels organizations working specially for religious travels are also controlled by the 9th house.
  • 9th house in astrology may also indicate corporate jobs or administrative services with few conditions. If Mercury, Mars and the Sun or any of them are positing strongly in the 10th house, there are chances that 9th house will lead to jobs like these or to 9-5 jobs. And these planets have to be the lordship planet of the 9th house in that concerned natal chart. But if the 10th house lord is positing at the 9th house, the native will have no nack for such kind of jobs because this house is the 12th house(the house of losses) from the 10th house.

I have already made dedicated posts on Raj yogas mentioned in astrology, astrological basic insights and Mantras. If you have not read them yet, do read them from these links to enrich your astrological knowledge.

You may also read about the different houses in astrology from this link.

Let’s conclude facts about 9th house in astrology:

It’s been really a matter of great pleasure for me to be able to share my astrological views with you rgarding the symbolic representations of the 9th house and the professions or career options ruled by this particular house in a natal chart. If ou have any more issues, do write to me in the comment box because this will inspire me to write another dedicated posts.

Thank You, all.

Who is the 9th house lord in astrology?

Things or professions ruled by 9th house in astrology

In Vedic Hindu Astrology, Sagitarius is the 9th house in the universal cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha and Jupiter lords this house.

What does 9th house in astrology represent?

Things or professions ruled by 9th house in astrology

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, Sagitarius is the 9th house of the cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha and the lordship planet of this house is Jupiter. As far as astrological facts are concerned, 9th house represents fortune, fate, desstiny, the moral responsibilities towards society or family, higher education, religion, judficiary system and so on.

What does the 9th house rule?

Things or professions ruled by 9th house in astrology

According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, Sagitarius is the 9th house of the cosmic natal chart of Kaalpurusha and the lordship planet of this house is Jupiter. Fortune, fate, destiny, the moral responsibilities towards society or family, higher education, religion, judiciary system, long-distance travel, most typically international in nature, foreign relationships, immigration and so on are governed by the 9th house as far as Vedic hindu Astrology is concerned.

By sandip

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