Aspect of Mars

Let’s understand Mars first:

Mars translated into bengali or hindi reads as ‘Mongol’ denoting something auspicious. Though there persists a general notion referring Mars as a cruel and malefic planet. But trust me- Mars is not that much negative a planet. Rather Mars is a soldier-a fighter always providing protection and nourishment-always fighting to win and nourish.

Now think who protects our country and us-teh answer is very simple. It is the soldiers. It is true that they have to be cruel in the battle field but at last it is also the soldiers who bring peace. So to understand Mars completely you will have to try to understand  Mars from the perspective of soldiers or Generals or Police. Even you can see Mars as a doctor. Doctors are also fighters-they fight against diseases. Docotrs also do not get emotional while penetrating knife through our soft skin. Very carefully their knife penetrates into our bodily parts-remove the unwanted or malfunctioned, rectify the infection and with exact perfection comes out of our body curing us. And thus a surgeon heals us – nourushes us.

So, Mars also provides us nourishement. The only difference is that it acts like Generals. It does not like slow pace. Mars carries an aggression of general with him and it is remarkably evident in their ways of conceptualizing things and acting to accomplishimng solution quickly.

To know more about the Red planet, you may consider clicking on this link of my another post on Ruchaka Yoga formed by Mars.

Digging out legendary tales of describing Mars as Bhumi Putra(The son of Earth):

There were two Rakshasas(demons) called Hiranyakashyap and Hirniyaksha. They were two brothers. You may also cite ‘Devi Katha’ as reference to this legendary inclusion. Once Hirniyaksha stole the Earth and hid with it in the Dungeon of Hell(Pataal Lok). Then Shri Hari Vishnu took the form of Varaha(Varaha is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘boar’ or ‘wild boar’)-I mean to say Vishnu Dev took tha Avatar of Varaha and brought back the Earth to it’s place on it’s horns. Then when Earth shaped into it’s beautiful appearance of a woman, Vishnudev got attracted to her and love got them merged into one another. Then a beautiful celestial burning energy came into existence. Then it was given place in our solar system with the name of Mars. Mars began to be deemed as the General with the purpose of preotecting the Earth.

Legendary tales speak in resemblance or symbols. The reason for Mars being given the responsibility of protection of theEarth is that who else would have better performed the task of protecting the Mother Earth other than the one born out of the one who have already saved teh Earth once. As Mars is the son of the deity Varaha and the earth, Mars will be highly potential for the purpose of saving the Earth because it has the quality in-built. All the quailties required for the security of teh Mother Earth will surely be very much prominent in the son of the one who has already saved the Earth.

Planetary Aspects:

Aspect of Mars

Mars lords the 8th house of the universal natal chart and hence the 8th aspect is very very special with Mars. Except this like other palnets Mars also possess the 7th aspect.

7th aspect is teh direct aspect. Every planet aspects quite naturally the 7th house from the zodiac it is positing at- I mean to indicate the house directly 180 degree opposite. Again like Jupiter and Saturn one more extra aspect is alos given to Mars and that one is the 4th aspect.

4th Aspect of Mars:

4th house symbolizes our mother-our family-our Home. Our vehicles, wealth, luxuries and so on fall under the control of the 4th house. As we all know that Mars is the protector, a soldier-a fighter. And a General is always the best to guard our home-our mother because it is the most important. Hence, the first aspect of Mras i.e the 4th aspect is reserved for the purpose of giving prtection. And it is also for this reason that Mars has been made the lord of the Ascendant of the universal natal chart of Kaalpurusha and from the 1st house of the cosmic natal chart Mars aspects the 4th house to protect the Mother Earth-the home, all the assets within and everything that makes Kaalpursha happy about home.

So it will be no exaggeration to state that natives tend to get protective about the stuffs related with house getting aspect by Mars with it’s 4th aspect. To protect, one needs to be strict-very often scolding or showing aggression is required-who else would have served this purpose other than Mars? But again you will have to understand that this very protecting attitude very often makes natives possessive.

Lets try to understand this from the perspective of soldiers. Hmm. It is the soldiers who are very tough to match in terms of patriotism. Their indomitable spirit while chanting for their mother land and running wildly without paying heed for a second thought before plunging into enemies dens is really unmatching. They know the real worth of Mother land because they fight in the battle field ignoring death for protecting borders. They feel that their country is their mother.

They really feel it. Their zeal, indomitable spirit, bravery, valor-everything get merged with the feeling of possessing their country as their mother. And this very feeling of possessing their country as their mother(their own mother) drives them insane when they hear enemies stepping into their mother land and plunge into the darkness with a wild run to save their mother from enemies-to provide protection to their mother’s dignity.

Without this feeling of possessing or owning, such zeal to fight ignoring their self will be very tough to ooze out into reality. So possessiveness always go hand in hand where protection is concerned.

4th aspect of Mars

Now suppose that mars is positing at the ascendant of a natal chart. From there Mars will aspect the 4th house with it’s 4th aspect. Such natives will get protective about the stuffs related with the 4th house.

Such natives will also be sensitive and protective about their home, family or family assets and abut their mother. They will be very sensitive and caring towards their mother. Such passion and zeal to do everything for mother stay evident in the characteristics of natives with Mars positing at the ascendant of their Natal Chart. Again with natives with Mars being the Ascendant lord or with Mars getting connected with the Ascendant and aspecting the 4th house, happens the same.

Now suppose that Mars is at the 4th house of a natal chart aspecting the 7th house(the house of the spouse). Such natives will be very much protective and sensitive about their spouse.

4th aspect of Mars

For the reason of getting more and more protective, over-possessive attitude is bound to surface in the personality traits of the native resulting in advent of air of suffocation in the sky of their marital relationship. Sooner or later they also turn out to be very rigid and austere not ready to compromise with anything as if he/she has been fighting a war to protect his/her spouse. Quite unknowingly, they become very possessive about their spouse worsening the existing predicament. And it is also for this reason that People with 4th house Mars are called ‘Manglik’.

So natives become extra-protective and gradually over-possessive regarding the stuffs related with house getting aspect by Mars with it’s 4th aspect. Remedy for such natives lies in understanding the difference between protecting and becoming over-possessive or getting engrossed in owning sort of attitude.

7th Aspect of Mars:

All the planets possess this aspect. This is the direct and complete aspect because it is exactly 180 degree opposite from the house the concerned planet is positing. There has been a general notion that 7th aspect always brings challenges. But Mars is itself a fighter. So what is a matter of challenge in front of Mars?-In fact Mars is brimming with energy to fight through anything to winning. Mars does not care about a big deal regarding challenges.

Instead he plunges into the unfathomable depth without a second thought and return winning relying on it’s courage, braver, valor and the never giving-up-attitude. So natives will feel a deep incline from the innate to win or set their ‘leafy banners high’ on stuffs related with the house being aspect by Mars with it’s direct 7th aspect.

7th aspect of mars

Now suppose that Mars is posited at the 1st house of a natal chart, aspecting the 7th house. such natives will always try to boss their spouse. They won’t understand the problem with it-because

they possess the attitude and mentality of a General who is not used to taking orders. He will try to dominate his/her spouse. So conflict in such relationship is a must because spouse is not a thing to win or to dominate-spouse are to be adored and loved. And only love can ascertain happiness in relationships. Bravery, courage and valor evaporate like mist in this arena. These can win you respect, reputation and popularity outside home. These natives stay under the impression that their spouse should also respect them for their qualities because he/she deserves that. But unfortunately such emotions do not work in relations. Here only love matters.

And again it is quite irrelevant to ask a General to offer a banquet of Roses to win battle of love because they know only one language to win battles. Love does not win you things. Things stay with you because you love them. So spouse is not a thing to win or dominate. Such natives should stop thinking ruling their spouse. And it si for this reason that natives are deemed as “manglik’ with Mars positing at the Ascendant in their natal chart.

So it is quite natural with Natives to always stay in pursuit of winning and capturing everything regarding the house getting the 7th aspect from Mars. Again if Mars is not that much strong in a specific natal chart, and fails to win and achieve stuffs related with the house getting the 7th aspect from Mars, a strong and prominent desire will be noticed in the natives for stuffs of that particular house.

Again suppose that Mars is at the 2nd house in a natal chart with it’s 7th aspect falling on the 8th house. 8th house is the house of death and occult. so such natives will be fearless.

7th aspect of mars

They can match their eyes with that of the death. They will plunge into danger without a second thought. They scarcely care about what will happen. So people engaged in thrilling jobs involving risks such as stuntman and other such profession. Such natives want to do and to see what happens. The 8th house may be negative for a particular birth chart or Mars may be afflicted in that specific birth chart indicating dangerous out come. But such natives won’t get bogged down in fear. They will take the plunge because they want to win that danger.

Again such  natives may develop a deep incline – a passionate zeal to win in the field of the Occult. They can become master of the Tantras. People involved in secret services also bear such planetary position in their natal chart. Such natives are passionate from the innate to win in any kind of secret mission. The 7th aspect from Mars indicates the indomitable spirit to win-or to reach accomplishments.

8th Aspect of Mars:

8th house is an understandable house. It’s depth is unfathomable. It is completely unseen and hence unknown. No none can guess it’s brightness or darkness. It is the dungeon of hell. Similarly as no one can apprehend the timing of death- or how far or near death is, 8th house is also secretive and unknown and unprecedented every time. Where does it in the end?-No one knows. Astrology also falls in the realm of the occult. It also has no end and no can have grasp over the entire spheres of astrology.

And Mars lords teh 8th house in the cosmic natal chart of the Kaalpurusha and hence is assigned the 8th aspect. 8th aspect of Mars symbolizes the daring – the valor required to penetrate into that world of dungeon-world of darkness and the indomitable zeal to search the unknown, to research way out to a handsome solution and to win back into the world of light through that darkness. Hence it is rightly said that the 8th aspect of Mars also indicates Struggles-struggles that the native has to face while moving forward in the realm of darkness to reach accomplishment successfully.

Every one does not have the daring to step into the darkness-into the unknown because results can be anything. While fighting in a forest in the dark, with the order from their senior pro soldiers also start moving forward to win over their enemies. They care a little about what will happen in the dark. They ignore completely how far away death is awaiting them. They simply just take orders and plunge into the darkness without paying heed to any precautionary second thought.

8th aspect from Mars infests natives with the bravery to peep and plunge into the darkness to find out what is within there that they can not overcome towards winning success. The house aspect by Mars with it’s 8th aspect symbolizes those struggles of the native in which they take risks and plunge thoughtlessly to win the stuffs related to that house. The basic intent of Mars is to win and doing good by winning.

So natives will find the house which is getting aspect by Mars with it’s 8th aspect as a riddle-this will be a hidden house of darkness for such natives. And they will never ever give up in their attempts to solving the riddle. They will stay engrossed in digging out light from that house of darkness. So natives try to conceptualize and understand things related to that house of darkness and ultimately thus soaring their ‘leafy banners high’ in that realm.

8th aspect of mars

Suppose Mars is positing at the 6th house of a natal chart with it’s 8thy aspect falling on the ascendant. Such natives will never stop working on him.

He/she always stay under the impression that they have no idea about their potential because first house is ourselves and in this case the first house is the world of darkness for the native. He will consistently keep on digging inside and more inside to find out what more they can do. The more they plunge deeper within his/her very self, the more he/she will discover himself/herself in a new way. I mean to say that these natives are unknown to themselves.

And they will never give up digging inside to find out something more out of himself or herself. They will try to understand and conceptualize the riddles about himself/herself. Again Mars also indicates weapons, doctors or surgeries. So natives with such planetary placement may also have higher chances for injuries in battle field like loosing a limb or for undergoing several surgeries.

There are so many examples of soldiers getting badly injured in battlefield due to the asapect of Mars in the ascendant. But such natives did not think of such outcomes at the time of going to battle field. They simply took the challenge and plunged into the unknown to fight battles. 8th house involves struggles and hindrances and the 8th aspect of Mars infests natives with the daring to take challenges and win over that.

You may consider visiting this link from wikipedia discussing about the astrological significance of planetary aspects.

Rounding up things:

As you have read so far I do not think that there will be any more issues related to any of the aspects from Mars. But if you still find any peroblem, do feel free to write in the comment box and I will come up with another post with a view to providing you with a handsome solution to your issue.

Thank You all for reading.

By sandip

One thought on “Decoding Mars: Astrologizing the significance of all the 3 aspects from the warrior planet:”
  1. […] The 1st,4th,7th & 10th zodiacs are called the centres of a natal chart and when Mars posits at one of these in his own Moon-sign or highest Moon-sign zodiac, Ruchaka Yoga is formed. And as far as astrology is concerned, in the qualities of Mars hide all the benefits of Ruchaka Yoga. Get to know all the details about the Aspect of Mars frokm this link of my very post. […]

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