what is Bhadra Yoga Bhadra Yoga benefits

Let’s Dive deep into Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Yoga:

In Vedic Hindu astrology, Maharshi Parashar has spoken fo five Mahapurush Yogas fromed by five different planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Mars.

MercuryBhadra Yoga
JupiterHamsa or Hans Yoga
SaturnSasa Yoga
MarsRuchaka Yoga
VenusMalavya Yoga

Of the five “Panch Maha Purush Yoga”, Bhaadra Yoga is one which is created when Mercury posits at the centre zodiacs of a natal chart in his own Moon-signs or in his highest zodiac. ‘Bhadra’ is a Bengali term which refers to being intelligent. So, from this meaning it is easily understood that the natives of this Yoga will automatically be intelligent.

what is bhadra yoga bhadra yoga benefits

Here, I would like to mention few names with this Yoga in their natal charts and they are: the founder of Microsoft company Bill Gates, popular

and famous cricketers like Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Virat Kohli, the ex-prime ministers of India Dr. Manmohan Singh and P. V. Narasimha Rao who is also known as the pioneer of Indian Economic Revolution, the ex-president of India Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan whose birthday is celebrated as “Teachers Day” in India. The details of their birth chart will enhance your knowledge aboutt Bhadra Panch Mahapurusha Yoga in astrology.

Bringing into light the birth charts with Bhadra panch Mahapurush Yoga:

All of them are famous for their intelligence. Not only them but several Nobel Prize winners, Famous Sportsmen, Writers and Poets were also born with

what is Bhadra yoga-Bhadra yoga benefits

this yoga delivering desired results in their natal charts. To understand the desired results of Bhadra Yoga, one has to be aware of what the planet Mercury stands for and it will give you better insight into the odds regarding this Panch Mahapurush Yoga.

Demystifying what Mercury represents:

Mercury has all the controls over our hearing and smelling senses. so if Mercury is weak or mal-posited in your natal chart, the native is bound to lack these senses(I am not referring to being deaf or unable to smell).

what is Bhadra yoga-Bhadra yoga benefits

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and in astrology Mercury is referred as the prince planet or planet with childish intelligence.

Children have better grasping ability. As their memory is not filled by the experiences of this material world they can easily grasp whatever they face with utmost simplicity. They stay at the present moment. And mercury is the lord of this ability. Hence Mercury is the planet of intelligence with quick learning abilities. With powerful Mercury, natives are able to memorize instantly whatever they listen to and can repeat the same also. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom-a big book but Mercury is the summary of that book. Mercury is the collection of necessary and effective information from a vast source of knowledge. These information is going to enhance your knowledge about Bhadra yoga and it’sbenefits.

Unravelling the power of intelligence associated with Bhadra Panch Mahapurussh Yoga:

Suppose there are five keys for a single lock-in this case Jupiter will tell that locks are opened by keys but Mercury will easily by dint of its intelligence will minutely

what is Bhadra Yoga-Bhadra Yoga benefits

observe every detail of both the lock and the keys and will instantly pick up the right key for the concerned lock through his intelligent observation. Mercury is the lord of correct observation and quick and intelligent decision. share market hence falls under the control of Mercury as in this sphere a lot of data needs be analyzed for an informative and appropriate decision. Greatest Scientists and Mathematicians are also the natives of Mercury. Such are the benefits of Bhadra yoga.

Unlocking the reference of Lal Kitab regarding Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Yoga in astrology:

In “Lal Kitab” Rahu is considerd to be the most powerful planet and it plays in second fiddle only to Mercury. Hence, Maharshi Parashar also

what is Bhadra Yoga-Bhadra yoga benefits

considered the Zemini and Virgo zodiac to be the house of the planets. According to Lal kitab, if Mercury is strong and well positted like creating Bhadra Yoga, Mercury single handedly can strengthen the entire horoscope by removing all the Mlefic sides of the natal chart.

Lets dig out Mythological story to have a deeper insight into Bhadra Panch Mahapurush YogaYoga:

According to the Hindu Mythology, Moon visited Jupiter for the purpose of education and there he fell in love with Tara, the mistress of Jupiter. Mercury was born from them. Regarding this a great fight between Jupiter and Moon came into surface which ultimately ended with the interference of the Gods. Jupiter being broad minded forgave Moon and accepted Mercury as his son. Jupiter trained Mercury and made him Pundit of all the Shastras.

what is Bhadra yoga-bhadra yoga benefits

Mercury has wisdom in all spheres. Hence Mercury is the son of both Jupiter and Moon. Mercury has the wisdom of jupiter and the fickleness of Moon. Hence

Mercury always came under the influence of the surroundings. So, mercury adapts to the qualities of the zodiac it is posited at and also the qualities of the planets it is posited with. And it is for this reason that it is given the name according to the element, Mercury as mercury is so much temperature sensitive that we use it in thermometres.

Mercury has the height of the wisdom of Jupiter and therefore, Mercury has the control over speech. People get mesmerized and feel like being enchanted listening to the words from the mouth of the natives of Mercury. Sri Murari Bapu, famous as the Ramayana Reciter, has Mercury in his natal chart creating Bhadra Yoga.

Decoding the timing for Mercury to usher in the benefits of Bhadra Yoga:

When Mercury is posited in a natal chart at the centre zodiacs in its own Moonsign(Gemini and Virgo) and in its highest Moonsign(which is also Virgo), Vadra Yoga is formed. The natives of this Yoga have a well-built body and stay normally disease free. As Mercury is a child planet, it has been given the control over sports-field.

Mercury also like laughter(itself laughing and making others laugh). These natives simply lighten the atmosphere through their words and hence famous

what is Bhadra yoga-bhadra yoga benefits

comedians are born with this yoga in their natal charts.

The Suitable fields of professions for natives with Bhadra Panch Mahapurush yoga:

It is very hard to defeat these natives through speech. These people have a incline in media industry and journalism. Reputed Companies employ these people as their Spokes-person. These people also become successful bloggers, social media influencers and youtubers.

They carry an image of Intellectual personalities and they win through intelligent juggling of words. In modern world, these people rule the world of information technology and Computers. They make roads even in the most difficult of situations.

what is bhadra yoga bhadra yoga benefits

They can become Technology Solution Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalist as mercury is responsible for capitals. Literature, Charter Accountant and all kinds

of business are their realms. They are multi-taskers. Hence it is very often noticed that few great players also run successful business. In the sphere of sports, Mars also has to be strong in the natal chart of the native of Bhadra Yoga to be successful in the fields of sports because Mercury has the skill and Mars supplies to the life-force(energy) for the execution of the skill.

Let’s discover the different astrolological results of Bhadra Yoga according to the 1st,4th,7th, & 10th house:

Bhadra Yoga at 1st house(ascendant).It gives highest result because here in this zodiac mercury gets the directional strength also. These people are known for their intelligence which they use for earning money. They become successful business man. During the Mahadasha of the friendly planets of Mercury, the natives get the desired result. These people always look younger as compared to their age.
Bhadra Yoga at 4th house.The natives top the media venture and educational field. As 4th house is the house of public, they become popular public figures. 4th house is the house of home and vehicle, so these people also possess the most stylish of the vehicles and becomes the owner of mansions. These people tend to be very calculative.
Bhadra Yoga at 7th house.The natives get success in partnership business. They are the champions of the share market. They are the business tycoons. One company does not satisfy them, they build several successful companies and they are also called “serial-entreprenures”. They get very good life-partner also.
Bhadra Yoga at 10th house.These natives are guaranteed to get fame, recognition, awards and respect. Dr. Manmohan Singh and Virat Kohli have Badra Yoga in the 10th house.

Let’s Compare the results of Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Yoga at 1st & 7th house and at the 4th & 10th:

Bhadra Yoga at 1st & 7th houseThe natives having this Yoga in the 1st and 7th house tend to be selfish as the first house indicates the own self of the native. Natives having Bhadra Yoga in the other two houses very often loose the purity of their heart.
Bhadra Yoga at 4th & 10th houseThe 4th house is indicative of the heart of the native. people having Bhadra yoga in the 4th house and 10th house always remain pure at their heart and this purity never gets destroyed with the blessings of Mercury.
As compared to the Bhadra Yoga in the 1st and 7th house, the Bhadra Yoga in the 4th and 10th house deliver better and highest results

Analyzing the significant astrological factors in for Bhadra yoga to become powerful:

Mercury posits alone at the zodiacs of a natal chart and no other planets should give their aspect to the house where mercury is posited.Bhadra Yoga delivers the desired result. There will be a respite with Friendly Planets but if a negative planet gets posited with Mercury or give its aspect to the house of Mercury, Bhadra yoga almost looses all it’s effectiveness.
The Lagna9Ascendant), the lord of the Lagna of the concerned Natal chart, the Sun and Moon are powerful and well positioned.Bhadra Yoga delivers 100% desired results.
Mercury is within the the degrees of 10-12 i.e Mercury is young.Bhadra Yoga delivers the desired results. Mercury in 1-2 degree or 28-30 degrees will keep the Bhadra yoga only in name.
Mercury is in Virgo Bhadra yoga will deliver higher results as compared to Gemini because planets give better results in their Highest Moon-sign than in their own Moon-signs.
Mercury is good and powerful in the Divisional chart and in the D9&D10 chartsBhadra Yoga is bound to usher in the life of the native all the blessings of Mercury

Unlocking the astrological secrets cancelling Bhadra panch Mahapurush yoga:

Mercury is combust by the SunBhadra Yoga won’t be effective.
Malefic planets posits with Mercury or give aspect to the house of Mercury.Bhadra yoga will be on the verge of getting cancelled.
Mercury is posited with another planet within the degree difference of less than 1 degree, and Mercury gets defeated in that planetary war,Bhadra yoga won’t be able to deliver the results that it is meant to deliver.
Mercury is RetrogradeAs retrograde planets indicate the the pending “Karmas”(Deeds) of the previous life, be careful about delivering predictions in such cases.

Astrological Remedies for Bhadra Yoga:

Green emerald is the most suitable stone for Mercury, but before purchasing this with proper identification, do consult with a reputed astrologer near you. Mercury represents anything that is green. So have green in-door plants in your house and do water plants regularly. Birds are also represented by Mercury. So, do feed birds. Sister and aunts are also represented by Mercury. So do maintain good relations with them for strengthening your mercury.

You may also read mora about Bhadra yoga from this link.

Let’s conclude Facts about Bhadra Yoga:

Next time before translating a natal chart do keep in mind all these significant factors about what is Bhadra Yoga and Bhadra Yoga effects for a pin-point translation. If all these information about what is Bhadra Yoga and Bhadra yoga benefits have come of even a little help to you, it will be my pleasure.

If you have any more issues about what is Bhadra Yoga and Bhadra Yoga benefits or about any other facts, do write in the comment box and this will inspire me to write another dedicated post like this one about what is Bhadra Yoga and Bhadra Yoga benefits with the purpose of solving your issues.

Thank You.

What is the meaning of Bhadra Yoga?

The term ‘Bhadra’ is a bengali term meaning ‘intelligent’. In astrology, when Mercury posits at any of the central houses(1st,4th,7th & 10th) in a natal chart, Bhadra Yoga gets formed. This yoga blesses the native with the stunningly brilliant results of Mercury.

What are the effects of Bhadra Yoga?

The term ‘Bhadra’ is a bengali term meaning ‘intelligent’. So natives with bhadra yoga get the blessings from mercury. With powerful Mercury, natives are able to memorize instantly whatever they listen to and can repeat the same also. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom-a big book but Mercury is the summary of that book. Mercury is the collection of necessary and effective information from a vast source of knowledge.

Which celebrities ave Bhadra Yoga?

Below mentioned are the names of the celebrities with Bhadra yoga in their natal birth charts:
*Virat Kohli(indian Cricketer).
*Mahendra Singh Dhoni(Indian Cricketer).
*Dr. Rajendra Prasad(Former presiddent of India).
*Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan(Former president of India).
*Dr. Manmohan Singh(Former P.M of India).

By sandip

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