Exuberant vibes of 6th lord in 2nd house in Vedic Hindu Astrology
Diving deep into the 6th lord at the 2nd house: Again 2nd house is the house signifying our entire mouth. So such planetary position of the 6th lord in the…
Diving deep into the 6th lord at the 2nd house: Again 2nd house is the house signifying our entire mouth. So such planetary position of the 6th lord in the…
Diving deep into 6th lord positing at the third house: In a natal chart, 3rd house is the 10th from the sixth house as far as Vedic Hindu Astrology is…
Diving deep into the 9th house and the trial in the ultimate court of the Nemesis: 9th house is the house of the gifts according to your desires for your…
Diving deep into the den of the 8th house and the 6th lord: 8th house is ultimate court of the Nemesis where your Praarbdh is kept stored. And your Praarbdh…
Diving deep into the 6th house and it's lordsdhip planet:Obstructions with such planetary position of 6th lord in the Ascendant:The remedies to overcoming challenges of the 6th lord:Strength with 6th…
Following will be the role of 9th lord in your natal chart to shaping what you are destined to become depending on your Prarabdh at the 8th house and the…
Diving deep into the dungeon of the 8th house: According to The Gita, we start moving towards death or death starts running after us the moment we get distracted from…
Diving Deep into 6th House: Your debts, financial losses, chronic diseases, your enemies will start coming out of their dens afteer your marriage. Conflict of opinion with your spouse, with…
Let's dive deep into the 7th house: As 7th house represents the world of Maay that Nemesis has given you on the basis of your Prarabdh for the purpose of…
Diving Deep into 9th lord positing at 2nd house: Such planetary position in your natal chart clearly indicates that you have become victorious in the Darwinian struggle of existence of…