neech bhang raj yog benefits

Let’s dive deep into Neech bhang raj yoga:

The term “Neech bhnag raj yoga” refers to the cancellation of the debilitation of a concerned planet or the debilitation of the planet getting nulified with a kingly combination. The term “Neech” refers to being debilitated, “bhang” refers to cancellation or nulification, and “raj yoga” refers to kingly combination. Hence the term “neech bhang raj yoga” describes itself very well in it’s meaning.

As we know there are certain zodiacs for each planet where the respective planet gets debilitated. For example, Venus gets debilitated in Virgo, which again the highest Moonsign of Mercury that means Mercury gets exaulted in this Moonsign. Now there are certain conditions when the debilitation of venus will get cancelled, providing the native brilliant result of Venus by creating “Neech Bhang Raj yoga“.

You should have read my other dedicated posts on Ruchaka yoga, malavya yoga, bhadra yoga, sasa yoga, hamsa yoga, gajakesari yoga, and vedic astrology basics to gain deeper insight into vedic hindu astrology.

Unravelling the conditions for “neech bhang raj yoga” to come into surface or get formed:

Condition 1:

If a debilitated planet posits in a zodiac sign in the birth chart of a native conjunct with the planet which gets exalted in that particular zodiac, or the planet which gets exalted in that zodiac aspects the concerned debilitated planet, the debilitation of that concerned planet will get nullified and “Neech Bhang Raj yoga” will come into surface in it’s the most powerful form, showering  utmost benefits to it’s peak on the life of the native.

neech bhang raj yog benefits

Suppose, Mars is positing in Cancer getting debilitated. And we all know that Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer. So if Jupiter posits there at the Cancer conjunct with Mars or if Jupiter posits either at the

Scorpio or at the Capricorn or at the Pisces, giving it’s full aspect to the Mars, the debilitation of mars will get nulified. And the native will be blessed with the benefits of the “neech bhang raj yog” to it’s utmost level, because in this condition “neech bhang raj yog” becomes the most powerful.

And specially this kingly combination takes place at the 3rd, 6th, 8th,10th or 11th house, the power of this yoga gets to it’s peak.

neech bhang raj yog benefits
neech bhang raj yog benefits

For example, Venus(11) gets debilitated in the moon sign of Virgo. And if Venus posits in the Virgo together with Mercury, which gets exalted in the Virgo, the debilitation of Venus will get nullified and the native will

get the “neech bhang raj yog benefits” to it’s peak.

Again suppose that the Sun is positing in the Libra(7) where it gets debilitated. Now if Saturn also posits there, the debilitation of the Sun will also get nullified because Saturn gets exalted in the Libra.

neech bhang raj yog benefits


If a debilitated planet posits in a zodiac together with the planet which lords the same zodiac, or the Lord of that zodiac aspects the concerned debilitated planet, “neech bhnag Raj yoga” will also gets formed.

neech bhang raj yog benefits

For example, suppose that the Mars is positing at the cancer in the birth chart of a native . We all know that Cancer is the own zodiac of the Moon. And now moon is also positing in cancer conjunct with Mars or is

positing in the Capricorn giving it’s seventh aspect to the Mars in the Cancer, the debilitation of Mars will get cancelled, resulting in providing the native with the “neech bhang raj yoga benefits.

Again suppose that Sun is posting at the Libra conjunct with Venus. We all know that Libra is the own Moonsign of Venus. So in this case also the debilitation of the Sun will get cancelled and Sun will undergo “neech bhang raj yoga” ushering in the life of the native Neech bhang rajy yoga benefits.

But the power of this type of “neech bhang raj yoga” will be somewhat less as compared to the one mentioned in the first condition.

neech bhang raj yog benefits

Condition 3:

For Neech bhang rajyog benefits to come into surface powerfully, the degree difference between the planets should have to be within maximum 5 to 6 degree.


neech bhang raj yog benefits

Suppose that a planet is debilitated in the birth chart of a native and the lord of the zodiac in which the debilitated planet is posted or the planet which gets exalted in that concerned zodiac is positing in it’s own

moonsigns or exalted moonsigns at the Kendra or central zodiac i.e 1st, 4th, 7th, & 10th houses from the Ascendant(Lagna) or from the Moon, the debilitation of that planet will get cancelled also resulting in blessing the native with Neech Bhang Raj yoga benefits, though the power of this raj yog will be less as compared to the first two conditions.

For example, Venus is positing at the Virgo getting debilitated. And Mercury is the dispositor planet of the debilitated Venus. Now if Mercury is posited at either the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses from the ascendant or

neech bhang raj yog benefits

the Moon at it’s own moonsign of Gemini, the debilitation of venus will get cancelled.


Suppose that a planet is debilitated in the birth chart of a native and the planet which lords or gets exalted in that concerned zodiac, is positing at the 1st,4th, 7th, or 10th houses from the Ascendant or the Moon(but not in it’s own Moonsign or in the Moonsign where it will get exaulted).

neech bhang raj yog benefits

In this case, the debilitation of that planet will also get mitigated to some extent, resulting in “neech bhang raj yoga“, though it’s power will get restricted only to 25% or 30%.

For example, Sun is posited at the Libra getting debilitated and Saturn or Venus is in the central(kendra) houses from the Ascendant or the Moon but neither in Aquarius nor Capricorn nor in Taurus. In this case also, the debilitation of the Sun will also get cancelled.I am giving two more examples through images to let get clear vision about the benefits of neech bhang raj yoga:


If a planet debilitated in the main birth chart gets exalted in the D9 chart of that native, the debilitation of that planet will also get cancelled. But in that case, it should not be considered as a “neech bhang raj yog” and there will be no Neech bhang raj yog benefits on the native because it is just the transformation of that planet. Suppose the native has got bad results because of that debilitated planet in the first half of his life, he/she will, in the later half of his/her life, learn from those past mistakes and will rectify himself/herself accordingly to perform better.

It is like a punctured tyre, repaired properly. So, though the tyre will not become new again, but will keep on taking the rider forward.


**The power of neech bhang raj yoga reach to ultimate heights in the first condition and keep on getting less powerful in descending order in condition 2, condition 3 & condition 4.

Unlocking the secrets to attaining the full benefits of Neech Bhang Raj yoga:

neech bhang raj yog benefits

For clear understanding about “neech bhang raj yoga” benefits, you will have to see the lordship of the concerned planet which is under-going “neech bhang raj yoga” or the houses ruled by that planet in a natal

chart because that planet will give result of those houses through the house in which that is positing. For example, Venus is positing at the Virgo at 12th house of a Libra Ascendant natal chart in conjunction with Mercury creating “neech bhang raj yoga“. In this case, Venus will give results of the 1st and 8th house from the 12th house because Venus in that natal chart is the lord of the 1st and the 8th house.

Bringing into light the practical use of neech bhang raj yoga:

For example, let’s take the natal chart of the Scorpio ascendant. Suppose this at that natal chart of Scorpio ascendant Venus is posited at the Virgo at the 11th house together with Mercury. As in that house of Virgo, Mercury becomes exalted, the debilitation of Venus will get nullified. Now the question is how the native will use neech bhang raj yog benefits?

Neech bahng raj yog benefits can easily be understood from the reference of a man coming forward to help a blind man crossing the road. The man will show the path easing the process of crossing the road because the blind man can not see. And in the case of “neech bhang raj yog The debilitated planet is also like the blind man. In the natal chart of scorpio asendant, Venus lords the 12th house(Libra) and the 7th house(Taurus). Mercury here lords the 11th house (Virgo) and the 8th house(Gemini). Hence, Mercury will show venus the road in terms of the aspects of the 8th and the 11th house, because Mercury knows how to tackle the issues related to those houses.

7th house refers to marital life. As Venus is debilitated, the marital life of that native will face troubles. But Mercury is giving Venus “Necch bhang” to show the light leading to the solution of the trouble.

neech bhang raj yog benefits

Mercury lords the 8th house, the house referring the in-laws. Hence, the native can solve the issues of his marital life with the help of his in-laws as a result of Neech bhang raj yog benefits.

Again suppose the native is not being able to get married because of debilitated Venus. Mercury is posited at the Virgo at the 11th house, the house showing the elders. Here, this issue of the native can also get solved with the help of the elders. The native may also get help from his friends as 11th house is also the house of own friends. That means as of Neech bhang raj yog benefits, the qualities of drawing help from them by maintaining soft relationship with them will grow in the native.

Again if the native wants to go abroad and he is facing issues in this case also because of the debilitated Venus. Mercury ruling the house of friends and elders is giving “neech bhang” to Venus. Hence the native will also get solution in this case from his elders and friends as a result from Neech bhang raj yog benefits.

***Remember that For clear insight into “neech bhang raj yoga“, you will also have to take into consideration the stars(nakshatras) also.

Necch bhang raj yog will give the native benefits only in superficial level, it will give the native brilliantly stunning result in terms of professional life but in personal life life it won’t be able to deliver the desired results. It is because that the planet is debilitated in nature and is being shown light by another dispositor planet. So it can never be 100% perfect.

To be precise, in the case of “neech bhang Raj yog benefits”, the debilitated planets get repaired by with light from another planet. And repaired thing can never be the new one. Hence “neech bhang raj yog” can never perform on absolute level. The native can not be happy in personal life as in professional life because in personal life the true self of the native gets expressed.

In the case of debilitated Venus getting neech bhang through it’s dispositor planet Mercury, the native will be able to reach up to certain heights in the sphere of professional life relating to glamorous world, creative world or to the spheres dominated by Venus.The native will get rcognition for his works also as a result of Neech bhang raj yog benefits. But the marital life will remain disturbed as venus represents wife and Venus is debilitated in the natal chart of the native.

Discovering the Timing for the neech bhang raj yoga to be fully active:

neech bhang raj yog benefits

During the time period of the debilitated planet in Maha dasha or antor dasha, the native will start feeling blessed with the neech bhang raj yoga benefits. Suppose Sun is undergoing “neech bhang” through the dispositor

planets like Venus or Saturn, during the time of period of Sun in ‘Mohadasha’ or ‘antor-dasha’ or ‘protyontor dasha’, the native will start getting the benefits in personal life.

you may also read about Neech bhang raj yog benefits from this link.

Let’s conclude facts about Neech Bhang Raj yoga:

For higher results, the native having Neech Bhang Raj yog in his natal chart should have to understand first about the qualities that were missing in him/her due to the debilitated planet and what the dispositor planet is going to bless him/her with. Again the debilitated planet will get repaired only through this yoga, it will never be rectified 100%.

This information will let you understand & predict the Neech Bhang Raj yog benefits and it is really my great pleasure.

Thank you.

What is an example of Neech Bhang Raj Yog?

As for example, suppose Mercury is positing in a natal birth chart in Pisces(the lower moon-sign of Mercury). Now if Venus or posits there at the Pisces(Venus gets exaulted here) conjunct with Mercury, the debilitation of Mercury will get nulified and Neech bhang Raj yoga will come into surface for that concerned natal chart.

What are the benefits of Neech Bhang Yog?

Neech bhang Raj yoga makes poor the richest or makes the silliest the most intelligent one. Neech bhang raj yoga transforms the predicament of the native providing him/her with ultinmate benefits. Remember that Neech bhang Raj yoga will only offer stunningly brilliant results in the sphere of profession on superficial level but in terms of family & relationships, the native will face the same.

By sandip

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