rahu ketu karmik pattern

Diving deep into Understanding Rahu and Newton’s 3rd Law:

rahu ketu karmik legacy

Rahu is our desire for material gains, name, fame, recognition and everything.

And here you will have to remember that this universe is our mother and it is very friendly always having in offering all kinds of abundance that we desire to achieve. Do remeber the concept of Newton’s 3rd law- every action bears a direct and opposite reaction. And the software of deliverance from Mother Nature operates exactly on the basis of Newton’s 3rd law and the stuffs in mother nature has no capacity of self reacting, they can never react till they are reacted. So the way you are desiring, you should react in the same way to achieve fulfilment.

You should also read my other articles on Rahu-ketu axis in 1st and 7th house, rahu-ketu axis in 7th and 1st house, rahu-ketu axis and transit in 2nd and 8th house, Rahu-ketu the axis of Time from this link for completely enriching your insight.

Ketu & the reason of the Black curtain in front of our eye balls:

Maya of Rahu

But the only hindrance is our Karmik pattern or prarabdh which will appear as black curtain in front of our

eye balls prohibiting us to see the reality by presenting illusory representation of situations in front of us according to our Prarabdh and as guided from the Ultimate court of te Nemesis for the purpose of rectification of the mistakes committed through cycle of births to maintain the balance of Mother Nature.

And this curtain of Prarabdh or the illusory representation of situations for the purpose of rectification of our past mistakes are represented by the position of Ketu in our natal chart. So you can very rightly term Ketu as our Prarbdhial legacy – the flag of our present existence designed according into our Karmik pattern or the mistakes done through the cycle of previous birth.

Understanding the Darwinian struggle of existence from the Karmik pattern of Nadi Astrology:

Remember that all of us – all the souls getting birth in this world of Maya wants freedom – Moksha through rectification of past mistakes. But the most ironical fact in this case is that we forget everything about our previous births at the very instant of taking birth. And as I have already told you earlier, that we do not start existing till we cry at the time of our birth and the very reason behind our crying is that we forget everything about our previous births. And now the only thing that we carry with us is our desires completely ignorant of the ultimate truth of our arrival in this world of Maya.

We get kept confined within the constraints of material pursuits towards becoming victorious in the so called Darwinian struggle of Existence.

Rahu-Ketu Axis and the Karmik Pattern:

rahu-ketu karmik pattern

So Rahu is what we see and desire to achieve whereas Ketu is our Prarabdhial legacy what we

should rectify to attaining freedom – Moksha in the midst of Ultimate abundance what can be achieved only through sacrifice. And between these two factors gap is created through illusory representation of situations, which will keep getting presented according to our Prarabdh till we rectify our past mistakes by adopting appropriate transformation in our behavioral reactions and responses towards our spouse – all kinds of spouse. And remember that when we will be able to react in the right way seeing through the illusion, universe will start reacting in the right way.

Do not blame the software of the reaction of this universe – it simply does not have the capacity of self reacting, it will react the way you are reacting to it.

Diving deep into the Astrological significance of Rahu & Ketu:

Rahu is our desire, never-satiable desire of our brain and in this existing birth we will keep on trying to fulfill those desires. And our deeds towards the fulfilment will get stored as our Praarbdh to form the Karmik Pattern of our next birth.

Ketu is our past legacy – indicating the Karmik pattern for our existing birth based on our deeds through the cycle of births till this birth. It is our flag which will signify what we are in this existing birth.

 Rahu being the head can be considered as our Ascendant- the way we think or conceptualize the world of Maya. And Ketu being our body can be considered as the 7th house- directly

 180* opposite from our brain.

 Remember that Rahu is our thought pattern towards the fulfilment of our desires And Ketu is our Karmik pattern based on our Prarabdh.

Rahu is the way we see the illusory representation of situation and Ketu is our Karmik pattern that we should understand and react towards rectifying the same to avoid getting trapped in the illusory in the illusory representation of situations and sooner or later getting caught by the traffic police.

Exploring the real significance of Ketu:

ketu astrology

Ketu indicates the series of mistakes that we did in our previous birth or kept on doing through previous births

and Rahu is the illusory representation of situations through which we will have to see the reality or Nemesis is asking us to see and react for the rectification of our soul by bringing about transformation in our behavioral reactions to our spouse- Kindly note that by the term “spouse’ I am referring to everything that we are encountering in this world of Maya- it may be your friend, it may be your colleague, it may be the tree you love- and most importantly I will use the term ‘ marital spouse’ for your wife or husband- so spouse is everything represented by the 7th house.

Rahu-Ketu Axis and the Karmik Pattern behind Illusory Representation of Situations(The Maya):

Rahu is our brain and Ketu is our heart. Rahu is ourselves and Ketu is our spouse.

rahu ketu astrology

Very often we find ourselves getting betrayed or cheated or used and start blaming God for our tough luck.

But we face betrayal because of betraying our spouse. The sphere of getting betrayed is relative to the sphere of spouse we betrayed. And we face betrayal and tough luck because we can not see the reality behind the illusory representation of situations presented in front of us as our Karmik pattern referred by position of Ketu in our natal chart.

Hence, the Rahu-Ketu axis in our natal chart clearly reflects the illusory representation of situations, and how we should react to them for the rectification of our soul through our behavioral responses towards our spouse, and the Karmik legacy from our past life – the series of mistakes we have been doing till this present birth.

Healing your soul through rectified and the most appropriate behavioral responses and reactions:

And this very gap can be bridged through the awareness of our Karmik legacy from previous births and reacting through our senses( our five senses through which we react is Rahu) in the most appropriate way to rectifying our behavioral reactions. So from the proper analysis of the Rahu – Ketu axis present in a horoscope, you can be guided in the most appropriate way to rectifying your behavioral responses ( how destiny is asking you to react) – and do trust that by doing this only, you can gain all the material abundance, ultimately leading you to the path of attaining Moksha completely free of cost. You can also run after securing loads of remedies by spending handsome dollars, but that won’t work because sooner or later you mare going to get caught by the Traffic police.

There is no escape from the vigilant eye of the Ultimate court of the Nemesis, endowed with the presence of all the Gods.

Conclusion of Remedies:

The Rahu-Ketu axis in our natal chart clearly reflects the illusory representation of situations, and how we should react to them for the rectification of our soul through our behavioral responses towards our spouse, and the Karmik legacy from our past life – the series of mistakes we have been doing till this present birth.

Not even a single penny for remedy can bring about change – only your rectified behavioral reactions to our spouse seeing the reality through the illusory representation of situations completely free of cost can work wonders magically.

And from Rahu- Ketu axis in your natal chart, you can easily understand which situations are real and what are illusory asking you to react only to teach you the necessary lesson according to your Praarbdh. So it will be wise to react to the real and avoid the wrath of the wrath of the traffic police – hardships or tough luck.

And this guide can help you to differentiate between the real and the illusory and to live in abundance through your rectified behavioral reactions to your marital spouse and your counterparts.

Thank You Maa and Bholeshsankara

For more information on Rahu and Ketu you amy consider visiting wikipedia from this link.

By sandip

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