Table of Contents
Bringing into light the significance of the Birth – the arrival of a soul into this world of Maya:
Pals we all are aware of the fact that the cries of a baby marks the arrival of a particular soul in this world of Maya.
Pals we all are aware of the fact that the cries of a baby marks the arrival of a particular soul in this world of Maya. And till we cry at the time of our birth we do not start existing. And why we cry, we cry because we forget at that very instant all the lessons we have learnt from the mistakes of our previous birth and the verdict from the ultimate court of the Nemesis on the basis of those mistakes and the road map to rectifying the same.
Nemesis does not make us forget those odds of our previous births for getting us in trouble
for the purpose of punishing us, rather the intent from the ultimate court of the Nemesis is for smoothening our road in the existing birth because remembrance will make every day and night nightmares because our deeds are thus.
And again we are made to forget about the roadmap of rectifying those mistakes for the reason that Nemesis respects our free will and He does not want to thrust upon anything on our free will to live. we forget all the proceedings before our birth taken place at the Ultimate court so that we can choose on our own and live freely according to our understanding of the situations.
You should also consider reading my other articles on rahu-ketu transit to 2nd and 8th house, rahu-ketu axis in 1st and 7th house, rahu-ketu axis in 7th and 1st house, and on the karmik pattern involved with Rahu-Ketu axis from this links of the web-pages within my website.
Illusory representation of situations and the lessons to be Understood:
We have already learnt that we are taught necessary lessons through illusory representation of situations according to our Prarabdh for bringing about transformation in our behavioral reactions and responses to the Mother Nature and for adopting the rectified one towards attaining that freedom of Moksha in the ultimate bliss of abundance that Mother Earth has in offering for all of her children.
And whether we will try to self understand and see the reality hidden behind the black curtain present in front of our very eyeballs through the illusory representation of situations or get succumbed or lured to material profits for our very self being completely oblivious of the very purpose of our arrival of adding value to the Mother Nature through adopting the rectified and the most appropriate behavioral reactions to the same will be entirely our choice. But be sure whatever we will do is predefined according to our Prarabdh.
Significance of the energy Axis of Rahu – Ketu and the right Track to adopt to:
Now the energy axis of Rahu and Ketu indicates the illusory representation of situations getting presented in front of us for the rectification of our very soul based on the prarabdhial significance of our previous existence or the Karmik legacy we are carrying forward to this existing birth concerned.
Now the topic of astrologization is going to be the analysis of the ways leading to the attainment
of the ultimate awareness enabling to discerning the real from the illusory and to adopting the rectified behavioral reactions to all our counterparts, ultimately channelizing our free will to getting back to the right track, Traffic police is asking us to move forward so that Mother Earth can bless us or brim our heart with freedom in happiness.
The Concept of Time- Meta-verse – the Black whole – The entire process of creation and destruction:
Now let’s understand the concept of Time. We all have heard a famous line quoting – Time and tide waits for none. But trust me that the ultimate reality is that there is no concept of time. We the human beings have introduced this concept for easing the process of measurement and it is also relevant to something else. In our Universe everything is moving forward for infinity to get destroyed only to get created again.
Destruction leading to creation and the repetition of the same process again and again to moving forward and forward
is the only concept of this entire cosmos. And everything in it has no capacity of self reacting and is constantly moving in it’s own way. In fact there is no existence of anything-all that exist is nothing but a black whole and the rest is a process only. Things start existing the moment we start conceptualizing the same relative to our thought pattern.
So everything that we feel or see is relative, relative to our will or wish and our wish will be according to our Prarbdh present with us in the shape of black curtain in front of our eye balls. And the moment we hid that black curtain of relativity according to Prarabdhial pattern with eye lid, everything turns out to becoming black again and the same concept is followed towards the creation of the Black Whole-getting destroyed to getting created again for infinity without any concept of the so called Time.
Yes, you are getting it right that the term ‘Meta verse’ had already been discussed with exact analysis many years back in the scriptures of Vedic Hindu astrology that Nasa is trying to understand now. Only the concept of relativity persists, because otherwise everything is Black.
Understanding the concept of the Anti-clockwise motion of planets in Natal charts:
In natal charts planets move anti-clock-wise whereas in reality everything including the planets
in this meta-verse is moving forward clockwise for infinity. So you should conceptualize that the moment you get birth we get stopped for a while to complete a cycle of realization for your very freedom and the moment you die, you again start moving forward again with everything. And babies cry at the time of birth because they know that their ultimate awareness of moving forward will get paused a bit(though they will keep on moving forward) for getting material realization for the purpose of self rectification and trust me that you will keep on getting detached from the ultimate awareness of moving forward(though in reality you will keep moving forward) till you get yourself rectified seeing the reality through illusory representation of situations.
Energy Axis of Rahu & Ketu is actually the axis of Time:
Instead of energy axis, I will term Rahu-Ketu axis as the axis of Time. Rahu – Ketu moves clockwise forwrad and we term their movement as retrograde, but trust me that we are retrograde and the transit of Rahu-Ketu indicates the exact direction – the direction entire Cosmos is moving to. Life-span is a point around which we will keep on revolving till we get rectified after which we will start moving with the cosmos-The Moksha.
Our revolution is quite similar to the pattern of our solar system which is altogether moving towards
getting destructed into black-whole to getting created again. The planets represent our emotions or feeling and they keep us bound in the concerned point of life span(our soul) through illusory representation of situation as they stay bound in the solar system and this force is what you call Gravitational force. Once you understand the illusory representation of situations, you will get freedom from this gravitational force and reside by the Ultimate creator enjoying the live telecast of the process of destruction and creation for infinity.
And the gravitational force or the illusory representation of situations are Rahu and the severity of the gravitational force trying to keep you bound in chains will be according to your Prarabdh-or the Karmik legacy – the Ketu. And the moment you understand your Karmik legacy, you will be able to understand the reality behind the illusion, and thus freeing yourself from the constraints of the Time zone of lifespan to moving along in the infinity.
Rahu-Ketu axis is the axis of the Time that you will have to break-free. Rahu is your futuristic intent or never satiable desire keeping the Ascendant(you) engrossed through illusory representataion of situations presented according to your past – the Ketu.
For more information on Rahu and ketu, you may consider visiting wikipedia also from this link.