rahu ketu transit to 2nd & 8th 2024

Diving into the Universal natal chart of Kaalpurusha of the Cosmos:

For the purpose of analysis I will take the universal natal chart of Kaalpurusha of the cosmos or Lord Vishnu or Sri.Rama. Now Rahu is positing at the 2nd house of Taurus with the ascendant being Aries.

In terms of Taurus, Aries will be the 12th house signifying the qualities that the Kaalpurusha will have to loose or get detached from as 12th house is the house of detachment. Again Ketu positing at the Scorpio(8th house – the digi-locker of our prarbdh) will end it’s journey at the Pisces(12th house) with lessons learnt till this present birth to get birth anew and afresh in the ascendant(that is you) with Karmik legacy from the past. Now Rahu in the 2nd house marks the beginning of new journey of the ascendant getting birth from the 12th house with experiences from the past.

You should also consider reading my articles on rahu-Ketu axis in 1st and 7th house, rahu – ketu axis in 7th and 1st house, rahu-ketu axis of Time and the Karmik pattern involved with Rahu and Ketu axis from these links.

Rahu(the Future), Ketu(the Past) & the Ascendant(the Present):

2nd house is the house of family. And in this particular natal chart, Pisces is 5th from the digi-locker of the Prarabdh of the Ascendant or the native itself. 5th house is the house of education and learning, so the Pisces here signifies lessons that the ascendant has learnt through his journey of previous births and the way the ascendant or the native has executed the lessons leading to adopting necessary rectified behavioral reactions will determine it’s claim for choice of family in the Darwinian struggle of souls at the Ultimate court of the Nemesis and similar will be his/her family background or the position of the dispositor planet of Rahu in that particular natal chart and similar will be the condition of the lordsdhip planet of the Ascendant in that particular natal chart. And thus the cycle of birth and death will start for the native.

Track of the soul arriving at the Ascendant:

Now the native will have to get detached from the negatives associated with the Ascendant based on his/her learning from the previous birth at the 12th house. And Rahu at the 2nd house will keep on presenting illusion according to the praarbdh of the soul. The native will have to see through those illusions to attaining rectification. So Ascendant is you(your present), Rahu is the illusion(your desires for the future) and Ketu is your Prarabdh(your knowledge from the past.

Exploring the Karmik Pattern through Taurus Ascendant:

For Taurus Acsendant, natives will tend to stay detached from the Martian qualities of the Aries(12th house) of discipline and always ready to fighting through obstacles. Natives will develop inclination towards luxurious kind of living and getting lazy to some extent. And rahu at the 2nd house will indicate to leaving all those lathargic intent and adopting to means of working harder. Now if the native acts thus leaving all the negatives at the very beginning from the Acsendant, he or she will start moving on the right track. Here, they will have to understand that family background allowing them to be lazy to some extent is merely illusory. The family background of such natives will be gain for themselves – for their present but they will have to adopt to hardworking attitude for their Rahu or the future to shine.

Again the dispositor house of the Rahu being Gemini or Mercurial, natives will adopt to clever maneuvering mentality to gaining stuffs for the satisfaction of their very self and they will learn these skills of maneuvering attitude of being clever from their family. They will quite intuitively know whom to request and whom to show anger or shadow of anger for personal gains. They may tend to adopting such measures getting succumbed to the illusory representation of situations presented in front of them to teach them the necessary lessons required for purification. But they should adopt those Martian qualities of hard work and standing tall for the protection of their family values and wealth rather than enjoying on their family bliss getting lazy. Do remember that these are general analysis for the purpose of your understanding and odds will vary from natives to natives according to the dispositor palnets of Rahu and Ketu in their specific natal charts.

So for the Ascendant or the native, 2nd house is the house of gains in the shape of family bliss according to their Prarabdh represented by the Ketu positing at the 8th house. But for the future of the Ascendant or the native, that 2nd house will be their identity or their very self. Now with the luxurious sort of attitude tending to get lazy no one can ever proceed to gaining self development. Disassociation from those qualities and standing tall to safeguarding their family- their very self will be the right track for the present or the Ascendant to the future of the Ascendant i.e the Rahu.

3rd house from the Ascendant:

Now the 3rd house- the Cancer is the house of Motherly benefits and efforts for the native which is again the house of gains for the Rahu or the future of the native. Now as we know that 2nd house provides sustenance to it’s previous one, the 3rd house from the Ascendant will provide sustenance to the future of the Ascendant – to the Rahu through tireless efforts devoid of any kind of lazy intent that Venus may come along. Cancer is the house of our heart and hence if the native keeps on putting effort from the deepest core of their heart mingled with the Mercurian approach of intelligence, they will be able to hit the Bull’s eye and their efforts will turn out to becoming fruitful to their heart’s content.

4th house from the Ascendant:

Now the 4th house is the house of happiness and mental satisfaction for the Ascendant or the present or the soul of the native and which is again the house of efforts for the future of the native. In this case of Taurus Ascendant, 4th house is the Leo representating the soul and signifying the Sun – the father of fathers – Bholeshankara. So the efforts of the Rahu should have to be towards the Enlightment of the soul devoid of any kind of negativity of mind and if The rahu does that the present or the Ascendant will achieve the height of the bliss of mental peace or happiness for their heart. As it is also the house of Father, Ascendant will be able to please it’s father to gaining inheritance from Him.

5th House from the Ascendant:

Now let’s move forward to the 5th house – the house of children and higher education for the Ascendant or the native but for the futuristic intent of the Native or the Rahu, it will be the 4th house – the house of mental happiness and peace. Rahu being at the house of the family of the Ascendant, surely indicates it’s happiness from it’s children and adopting to romantic and lovingly caring behavioral reactions to all it’s counterparts. So the happiness of the future of the Native will lie deep in it’s efforts to gaining knowledge more and more. Now try to understand the basic Karmik pattern. If the Rahu or the future of the soul in this existing birth fails to disassociate itself from the negatives of the Ascendant – here in this case the lazy intent, the soul won’t be able to putting forth efforts from their heart and thus failing to please the father of fathers to attaining inheritance of enlightenment, ultimately ending up to becoming unhappy. Quite obviously the Ascendant won’t be able to gain education and the bliss of children at the 5th house consequently which will in turn spoil the happiness of the future of the Ascendant or the Rahu.

6th House from the Ascendant:

6th house – the house of obstacles , the steel strong mentality and skills to overcoming the same in the Darwinian struggle of existence, the house of debts resultant of casual spending of money and diseases arising out of unhealthy daily routine for the Ascendant and it is at the same time the house of learning for the future of this existing birth of the concerned soul. So the Rahu will have to learn from the difficulties posing in the 6th house of the native. See that the 6th house for the Taurus Ascendant is Libra – again Venus is coming into consideration.

So if the Rahu of the soul had disassociated at the Ascendant all the negatives as referred by the Prarabdhial pattern related to Venus adopting to the rectified behavioral responses, obstacles would not have posed at the 6th house as the native has already learnt the required lesson about it’s Ascendant in the beginning through his/her intelligence. The road would have become smooth instead. Thus the Karmik pattern works.

7th House from the Acsendant:

7th house is the house of the marital spouse and all kinds of counterparts for the Acendant and  at the same time it is the 6th house for the Rahu. In this particular natal chart it is Scorpio- the 8th house of the Kaalpurusha signifying the final outcome of a lifespan according to Prarabdh. So whether the Rahu will be victorious in the Darwinian struggle of existence or not will get visible from this house and it will entirely depend on the way it has understood the Prarabdhial mistakes of the Ascendant to rectification of the same by adopting the most appropriate behavioral responses and reactions to it’s marital spouse and all it’s counterparts in this world of Maya. Again remember that for this natal chart, this house is the ultimate span that the Rahu can expand and after that Ketu-the prarabdh of the Ascendant will start coming into the fore.

The way the futuristic intent of the Ascendant has understood to disassociating the negatives arisen out of the mistakes done through previous birth and transformed it’s behavioral approach will surface similar representation of situations that the Soul or the Ascendant is going to experience. – I mean to say that the situations regarding the marital spouse and all the counterparts in this world – the situations regarding everything in this world of Earth for the Ascendant will be according to it’s Prarabdh and they will be illusory also for the purpose of rectification of the soul in the Ascendant.

Now the Rahu will have to understand and adopt to the most appropriate behavioral reactions seeing the bigger picture through the illusory representation of situations to expand to the fullest at the house of the final outcome of the lifespan of the concerned soul for this birth.

8th House from the Ascendant:

Now the 8th house of the soul with the Taurus Ascendant is Sagitarius and the Ketu positing there clearly indicates the knowledge that the soul has acquired through it’s previous births and the lordship planet being the Jupiter – the Guru of the Devatas the deities also hints at the knowledge being really much worthy and at the fact that the native will be religious also. Disclaimer: worth of the knowledge and the perspective of the extent of it being carried forward to the present existence will vary according to the placement of the dispositor planet of the Ketu in this concerned natal chart.

And herein lies the graciousness of the kindness of the Almighty that it gives a second chance. If the Rahu of the soul has not been being able to adopt the necessary rectification in it’s behavioral reactions through it’s mercurial intelligence of understanding of the series of mistakes it has kept on doing through previous births, it may take recourse to the knowledge of experience earned through previous births from the Ketu with the help of the positive energy from the guru of the Gods – the Jupiter.

9th House from the Ascendant:

Now this very 8th house of previous knowledge of experience is the 7th house of the Rahu – the real world – the real situations for the Rahu and the Rahu should constantly eye at it to bringing about rectified transformation in it’s behavioral responses. To be exact, the way the Rahu will behave with it’s marital spouse to a larger extent will determine it’s prarabdh for this present birth at the 8th house from the Rahu(and in this case it is Capricorn- the 10th house of the Kaalpurusha- the name, fame and recognition of the Kaal purusha) and will also determine the gain of the prarbdh earned trough previous births- the gain of the Ketu at it’s 2nd house – which is none other than the house of the luck for the Ascendant of the concerned soul.

Adopting to the most appropriate behavioral responses to the marital spouse and all the counterparts getting encountered in this present world of Maya by the Rahu at the 2nd house based on the knowledge of experience gathered through previous births indicated by the Ketu at the 8th house will determine the luck or the reward for the soul arriving in this birth in the Taurus Ascendant at the 9th house.

Thus the Karmik pattern works and it is really interesting to understand- believe in me that you will only smile- smile from the deepest core of your heart the moment you understand the real significance of the proceedings of the situations surfacing in your Life. Lord Rama knew that and hence you will find through the entire Ramayana only a single character smiling always irrespective of situations and no reward will given for guessing correctly that character as Sri. Ramchandra. The prarbdh of the present birth thus goes hand in hand with the prarabdh from previous births to shape the luck or the reward for the soul arriving in the Ascendant as is evident in this natal chart.

10th House from the Ascendant:

Now the 10th house in this natal chart is Aquarious – the house of the fulfillment of desires of the Kaalpurusha. It is the house of efforts of the wisdom from the previous experiences and the house of Karma for the Ascendant. So how the ascendant will execute it’s wisdom from the awareness of the mistakes committed through previous births into efforts will turn out to becoming the luck factor for the Rahu – the future of the Ascendant.

11th House from the Ascendant:

The house of material gains for the Ascendant at the 11th house is the house of happiness of the previous birth of the Ascendant – the Ketu at the 8th house(11th house is 4th from the 8th house). So the wisdom of the Ketu put into execution at the 10th house through the deeds of the Ascendant will materialize into material gains for the soul in this existing birth. Again this 11th house is the 10th house of the Rahu – the house of deeds signifying that material profits of the soul present in the Ascendant will open up new spheres for the Rahu to work on.

It clearly indicates the moment you stop working for the future in this existing birth, material gains will also start ceasing- the ultimate truth that work, work and work is the only way to keep on shining. And again if the Rahu – the future of the Ascendant does not decide to execute the wisdom of the Ketu into efforts to keep on working, material gains will stop surfacing making the soul stagnant in a pond of water – so therein lies the significance of the free will of Humans which has equal importance similar to that of the destiny.

And how the Rahu of the concerned native will decide will entirely depend on the placement of the dispositor planet of the Rahu which will again be according to the Prararbdh. It is as simple as this. Still I will say that it is 80% destiny and 20% the free will of the Rahu of us to determine the final outcome of a lifespan.

12th House from the Ascendant:

12th house of this natal chart is the Aries and it is the house of learning for the Ketu of the soul through experiences encountered in this present birth as it is 5th from the 8th house. It is also the house of material gains for the Rahu or for the present birth of the soul. So the material gains for the Rahu in this present birth will materialize according to the extent of the wisdom learnt by the Ketu at the 8th house through the experiences gathered in this present birth.

Thus the Karmik pattern works as far as Nadi Astrology is concerned and see the most interesting fact about that it is logical and hence utterly scientific – scientific to the extent of shaping the actual dimension of the entire cosmos – starting from the gravitational force or what you will term as Newton’s 3rd law or the Meta-verse ending up in the concept of the creation of the Black-whole or the Nebula or whatever you may like to term it. Flying on this knowledge, I am assuring you, the road through the entire galaxy – to the Mars or to the moon will get lot easier. It is as simple as this.

Summing up the Karmik Pattern:

Again this 12th house is the house of death for the Ascendant of the soul – death in learning. And if the Ascendant has learnt the lesson given in this present existence, this very lesson will become the strength for the soul in the next birth as Rahu is positing at the 3rd house from the 12th house in the natal chart of the soul for this present birth.

Thank You Maa & Bholeshankaar

For more information on Rahu and ketu, you may consider visiting this link of Wikipedia.

By sandip

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