shasha yoga-Saturn in astrology

Let’s dive deep into discovering what is Sasa maha yoga in Kundli(Horoscope):

Table of Contents

Saturn in astrology is a must read planet in a horoscope for perfect prediction. Without Saturn posited at higher Moon-signs in the birth chart, neither a businessman nor a politician can reach the height of their dream. When Saturn gives, it gives so much that even a beggar can become a king and when it takes, even a king becomes a servant.

shasha yoga-Saturn in astrology

As for example king Vikramaditya during the period of Sade-Sati lost his kingship and had to work as a servant under a merchant. and if Saturn is

posited at his own houses( Capricorn or Aquarius) or his higher houses at the centre of the birth chart of a native, Saturn creates a Raj Yoga called Sasa maha yoga and in this case, what Saturn will give is beyond any one’s imagination. Now if Saturn in astrology is making Sasa maha yoga in your birth chart and at which period of the native’s life Saturn will give beneficial result is matter of discussion here in this post. Get to know the details of Saturn’s aspect from this very link of my another post.

Let’s discuss in short about the other “Maha-Purusha” Yogas to let you gain deeper understanding into what is Sasa maha Yoga and Saturn in astrology:

Acharya Maharshi Parashar has talked of “Pancha Mahapurusha yoga” made of Five different planets which make a native a Mahapurush inspiring or blessing him/her with the qualities of a Mahapurush i.e Great man.

JupiterHamsa Yoga
SaturnSasa Yoga
MercuryBhadra Yoga
VenusMalavya Yoga
MarsRuchaka Yoga
Any of these five Yogas blesses a native to become a pioneer in the society.

Let’s get to know the meaning of Sasa maha yoga for better understanding about Saturn in astrology:

Sasa means ruler or administrator. Saturn is the planet responsible for making a native a powerful ruler or administrator. No one can become a president or minister or an administrator without a powerful Saturn posited at the suitable Moon sign of a birth chart.

Removing the curtain from the difference between Sun and Saturn for a better insight into what is Sasa maha yoga and Saturn in astrology:

SunSun believes in Legacy( i.e the son of a king will become a king).
SaturnSaturn is completely opposite. It believes in the skill and hard work. So saturn will posit a native at the top of the administration or will make president or minister only through hard work and proper implementation of the skill. Hence you will see a remarkable bonding or connection between popular leaders and the mass population resulting in significant popularity of the native.
Saturn & Sun in astrology.
shasha yoga-Saturn in astrology

For example Atal Bihari Bajpayee can be mentioned. He was really popular, even so popular that the opposition leader also liked him. If you observe his birth

chart you will notice that Saturn is posited at the Libra Moon sign and his popularity is beyond questions. There is a common notion that a single planet can not reach the native to the desired or predicted height without the support of other planets. I want to mean that if other planets are not good and well posited at the birth chart of a Horoscope, a single planet posited powerfully making a good yoga, the Yoga will not be able to perform that much effectively that the Yoga is considered to deliver.

Let’s understand what does Saturn represents for a better understanding about what is Sasa maha yoga and Saturn in astrology:

But Saturn in astrology is a kind of planet which if posited in a birth chart making Sasa maha yoga will single handedly enable the native to reach the desired height through his/her discipline, dedication and hard work. It is because that Saturn in astrology is responsible for infesting a native with dedication, sincerity, hard work and discipline and if these qualities are brimming in a personality, the native will surely head to his/her destination without paying any heed to distractions.

There is one more reason- in the universal horoscope(the horoscope of KALPURUSHA according to Hindu Mythology )Saturn is given the position of

shasha yoga-Saturn in astrology

10th(this house represents Karma i.e the deeds of the native) and 11th house(this is the house of Income) and if the native has the benefits of deeds and income, he/she is bound to reach to an endearing height without any iota of doubt. Don’t misinterpret this Yoga by thinking that with this Yoga the native will be the king or ruler or administrator by birth. Rather it should be interpreted in the way that with this yoga, Saturn will bless and inspire the native to manifest his/her qualities of an administrator or ruler or of a king and thereby making him the same in the society.

Let’s understand the concept of “Karma-Yogi” to better understand Saturn with a view to completely understanding what is Sasa maha yoga and Saturn in astrology:

shasha yoga-Saturn in astrology

Though 90% is scripted, the rest 10% depends on our deeds. So this Yoga will deliver it’s blessings inspiring you to do the same and with the help of the blessings from

Saturn the native will surely achieve the Height through his thinking power and deeds. Hence natives with Sasa Yoga in their birth chart are considered as KarmYogi of the GITA.( man brimming with discipline and dedication for doing work). Saturn with Sasa yoga reaches the natives to the grandeurous height in the field of Meditation.

Let’s understand the conditions for Sasa maha yoga to get formed in a natal chart is for attaining deeper insight into Saturn in astrology:

In the image you have been shown a basic birth chart without any planets. I am going to show you position of Saturn in specific concerned houses to let you know how Sasa Yoga gets created by Saturn. Here, 1,4,7 & 10 are the centres of the birth chart.

shasha yoga-Saturn in astrology

If Saturn is posited at the centre in his own Moon sign(houses) or in his higher Moon sign, Sasa yoga is created. The own Moon signs of Saturn in astrology are Capricorn & Aquarius and

the Highest Moonsign of saturn is Libra. This can be viewed from both Lagna Kundli(ascendant horoscope) and Moon Horoscope( Chandra Kundali). But in the respect of Moon Horoscope, one condition comes in to consideration. Here, the Moon has to be powerful for this Yoga to perform effectivity or powerfully. And this yoga becomes flawless only when Saturn is posited alone. No planets should either give their aspects to Saturn is also mandatory for this Yoga to give it’s blessings. habitually Saturn likes to be alone.

Let’s demystify the blessings of Saturn on the life of a native to enrich your insight into Sasa maha yoga and Saturn in astrology:

People having sasa maha Yoga in their Natal Chart are usually very disciplined, reserved in attitude, punctual and sincere in terms of doing hard works.

Once this people take something in their hands, they don’t even think of taking rest in the middle and keep on working until the job is finished being completely oblivious of

shasha yoga-Saturn in astrology

how much time is being consumed. These people are good finishers. They prefer working late at night and hence also tend to suffer from rheumatism. Hence Saturn is also a responsible planet of rheumatism. These people tend to be thin and don’t interact with others with free-frank attitude. Rather they prefer to be introvert but they are really kind from the deepest core of their heart.

Whenever they make donations, they do it secretly. They like and care much for their sub-ordinates. But these people will never forgive mistakes and will give punishment for the rectification of the same.

Let’s understand the difference between Saturn and Jupiter in the way of approach for rectification of the native and thus gain deeper insight into Shasha Yoga and Saturn in astrology:

JupiterJupiter prefers forgiving and rectifies the person by developing a realization in him/her of the mistake he/she has done.
SaturnSaturn is like a judge and prefers to give punishment according to what is written in the books without showing any kind of emotions-irrespective of his son being involved in the case. But Saturn punishes never with the purpose of taking revenge-rather he does it for the purpose of rectification.
Jupiter and Saturn both like rectification of mistakes but there is a remarkable difference in their way of approach to this act of rectification. This is what is sasa maha yoga and shasha yoga benefits.

Jupiter and Saturn both like rectification of mistakes but there is a remarkable difference in their way of approach to this act of rectification. This is what is sasa yoga.

Let’s get to know what does saturn bless being the representative of the established system to better understand what is Sasa yoga and Saturn in astrology:

Saturn in astrology represents established system. Hence people with Sasa Yoga in their natal chart become successful in the sphere of administration like legal fields, corporate world, management field. These people listen to others very carefully with patience and only after that they deliver their verdicts. This is the blessings that is delivered by what is Sasa yoga and these are the Sasa yoga benefits.

Let’s learn about what Saturn delivers on the life of the native being the representative of anything on the earth for gaining deeper insight into Sasa maha yoga and Saturn in astrology:

Saturn also represents anything under the earth and darkness. Hence the metals, petrochemicals and minerals stay under the control of Saturn. And people with powerful Sash yoga tend to become oil magnets and business tycoons. The biggest companies in the world do oil and minerals related business. Dhuirubhai Ambani, Mukesh Ambani or the Russian Oil Tsars all all have powerful Sash yoga in their natal chart. Rubber, Chemical, Paint or Liquid industries are also made for people with powerful Sash yoga. One more thing people with powerful Sash yoga start their career with service and gradually they shift their interest in to business.

So if you have a Sash Yoga in your natal chart you will sooner or later prefer any of the above mentioned business and will reach your endeared height. According to the Sastra, Sash yoga will make the native the chief of a society who will take the responsibility of so many. If it is interpreted in modern terms, Sash yoga will give the blessings of having business empire where the native will be able to create employment for so many. So, if the Sash yoga is powerful in natal chart the native will rule the world of business and in the case of less powerful Sash yoga, the native will do service. These factors are to be considered to know what is Sasa yoga and Sasa yoga benefits.

Let’s learn about the significant factors for Sasa maha yoga to be effectively powerful:

The lagna(ascendant) of a natal chart, the lord of the ascendant, Sun and Moon in the concerned natal chart are powerful and well posited.Sasa maha yoga will be highly effective and powerful
Saturn is within minimum 20 degree at the Libra Moon-signThe degree of Saturn in astrology is also an important factor. Sasa yoga will deliver the desired results. Suppose Saturn is posited at Libra with a degree of 2, the Sasa yoga won’t come in to surface.
Position of Saturn in a natal chart Position of Saturn in astrology at the centre of a natal chart does not determine the formation of Sasa yoga because the Moonsign has to be either Saturn’s own(Capricorn or Aquarius) or Libra(higher Moonsign house of Saturn) for the formation of a powerful Sasa Yoga. The power of Sasa Yoga is the highest at the Libra Moonsign and is the lowest in Capricorn Moon Sign house.
Sasa yoga is formed at the 1st house.If Sasa maha Yoga is formed at the centre of a natal chart, Saturn will give best results for sure but at the same time it will destroy other things too. Suppose the sasa yoga is formed at the first house of the natal chart of a native, it will give aspect to the 7th house and will destroy the marital life of the native. Saturn will also give aspect to the 10th house also giving doldrum situations to the career of the native. If a political leader has Sash yoga as mentioned above, at some point of time he/she will loose all the powers of Sasa yoga and his/her career will be on the verge of being finished. This is also called Chatra-vanga Yoga(doldrum Yoga).
Results of Saturn in the 1st,4th,7th & 10th house.In the universal natal chart, the first house is called Aries(the house of Mars, enemy of Saturn). The 4th house is called, Cancer(the house of Moon, also an enemy Zodiac of Saturn). Hence in these two Zodiac, Saturn in spite of being posited at higher Zodiac, won’t be able to deliver powerful and effective results. The 7th house belongs to Venus and is called Libra Zodiac and here Saturn gives higher result. Saturn here possesses directional strength too. The 10th house( Capricorn )belongs to Saturn itself and here Saturn automatically creates Raj Yoga. Hence in different natal charts with different Ascendants(lagna) Sasa Yoga will deliver different results.
Saturn is positive in respect to the concerned Natal chart.Sasa yoga will deliver the desired results.
Saturn is retrograde in a natal chart In spite of Sasa yoga being formed,the natal chart really becomes complicated because it Retrograded Saturn indicates the pending Karmas(deeds) of the previous life.
Saturn in astrology.

Let’s discuss a natal chart of Taurus ascendant & explore more about sasa yoga and Saturn in astrology:

shasha yoga-Saturn in astrology

Take natal chart of Taurus Ascendants(lagna). And if Saturn creates Sasa yoga, he will be the master of the 9th(house of luck) and 10th house(house of Karma i.e the deeds of the native)

and will of cousrse deliver higher result.

Unlocking the facts to demystifying the conditions for Sasa maha Yoga to get cancelled:

Other planets like Sun or Ketu are posited with Saturn.The power of Sasa yoga will become less. As already mentioned earlier, again I will like to mention that Saturn prefers being alone. Hence the aspects from other planets will also lessen the power of Sasa maha Yoga.
Saturn gets defeated in Planetary War i.e two planets are posited at the same Zodiac within a degree difference of less than 1 degree.Sasa yoga won’t deliver desired results.
Saturn in astrology gets combust because of Sun( Both sun and Saturn are posited at the same Zodiac with a remarkable degree difference of 1 or 2).Saturn won’t be able to deliver desired results until it’s power is boosted.
Saturn in astrology

Remedies for Sasa maha yoga in astrology:

Saturn in astrology is the lord of the poor. So donate for the poor as much as you can. Helping elders will also be beneficial. Always stay on the road of honesty. For detailed discussion about remedies, you may read my another post on Panch mahapurusha yoga from this link.

Your knowledge about Ruchaka yoga, Bhadra Yoga, Malavya yoga, Hamsa yoga, Gaj-kesari Yoga, Necch bhang raj yoga and the vedic astrology basics from my other dedicated posts will strengthen your information about vedic astrology basics which will in turn let you know what is Sasa yoga and Saturn in astrology.

You may also read about what is shasha yoga and saturn in astrology from this link.

Let’s conclude facts about Shasha yoga and Saturn in astrology:

Next time before translating a natal chart, do consider all the points for successful prediction. If this dedicated post about what is Sasa Yoga and Sasa yoga benefits comes to of any help to you, I will consider this my pleasure. If you have any more issues, do write in the comment box. And this will inspire me to write another dedicated post like this post about what is Sasa yoga and Sasa yoga benefits with a view to solve your issue.

Thank you.

How powerful is Sasa yoga?

The blessings from Sasa yoga will place the native higer in the society. The natives with Sasa yoga in their natal chart generally are very intelligent with promonent leadership skills. Materialistic things run after them. State authority and power will also be with the natives with sasa yoga in their birth-chart. Since Saturn is a slow planet, the ultimate results and success will come in the later part of the life of the native.

What is 7th house sasa yoga?

7th house is one of the four central hosues of natal charts. Sasa yoga with Saturn positing at the 7th house is common yoga. Since, 7th house is the house of business and the “Maya”(the environment around us), natives generally get blessed with all the materialistic happiness, a life can offer.

By sandip

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