2nd house in astrology

Exploring the body parts under the control of the 2nd house:

Your entire mouth-food habits and speech are signified by the 2nd house. 2nd house signifies the in take habits of natives- what kind of food or how he/she will take food are seen from the 2nd house. The right eye and the entire mouth- tongue, teeth and gum-speech are referred by the 2nd house. It is also for this reason that the speaking ability of natives – how he or she will interact with others through their speech is referred by the 2nd house. And again as 2nd house contr5ols our speech, the vocal cord of our body stay under the control of the 2nd house.

You should also read my other articles on the astrological significance of the 9th house, 8th house, 6th house, and the 7th house from these links.

Bank Balance & Education:

2nd house is the hosue of wealth- bank balance and finacial condition of natives are refferrred by the 2nd hosue.

Family back ground and initial eduaction are alos referred by the 2nd hosue.- Initial education, the first ever education that a child receives-the motherly eduaction – the education before schooling- the cultural and moral values infesting in him/her consequent behavioral attitude towards the society, he/she is existing in are referred by the 2nd house.

To be noted: School education is seen from the 4th house and higher education from the 5th house. 2nd house is also the house of death.

Exploring the Career options from the 2nd House:

  • As 2nd house refers wealth and the bank balance of a particular native- finacial organizations handling monetary transactions like bank and so on are indicated by the 2nd house.
  • As 2nd house relates the intake habit of the native, any kind of food industries like hotels, restaurents and Bevearage industries are referred by the 2nd house.
  • 2nd house is the entire mouth- the speaking ability of natives are controlled by the 2nd house, so creative fields where vocal cord matters the most- such as poetry recitation or singing are referred by the 2nd house. Without strong 2nd house, success in music industries will always stay behind the horizon. Again spheres where speaking capability is required fall under the control of the 2nd house. Hence famous public speakers or orators who influence the mass through their speech possess strong 2nd house.

2nd house – the hard disk of the system of operation:

2nd house is the hard disk of the system of our existence. And the software of our bodily existence runs from the hard disk of the 2nd house. All the programming-the initial education, proper upbringing, cultural and moral values leading to the development of behavioral attitude towards the society we exist in are given by the 2nd house- the lordship planet of that 2nd house.

Family Background as the reward to our Prarabdh:

Hence it will be no exaggeration to state that 2nd house is our family back ground- motherly education. The upbringing of a baby-what and how the baby will eat where and what level of education will the baby receive depends entirely on the background and financial condition of the family. Like family- like us being. And the most interesting thing about this is that we can not choose our family- it depends on our Prarabdh- on what and how ewe did through cycle of previous births- so good family back ground is the reward of the auspicious deeds done through cycle of previous births.

Signification of 2nd house across the entire natal chart to determine the life-span:

Remember that 2nd house – the 2nd zodiac from a particular zodiac determines the sustenance, the persistence and growth of that concerned zodiac.

Persistence to the Ascendant-to your very self:

The Ascendant (1st house) is ourselves. And 2nd from the ascendant shows the sustenance and the persistence of us- how we will grow on this Maya. At the time of birth, a baby requires food and family- the entire existence of that baby depends on it’s family as he/she can’t do anything but relying on its family. Even at an old age or at the time of death- i.e how the native will leave this world of Maya- getting good care amidst the company of the loved ones or feeling to leave as a source of respite to punishment in utter loneliness also depends on our family- depends on the 2nd house- the placement of the 2nd lord in a particular natal chart of the concerned native. So the track of the entire train of existence on this Maya is determined by the 2nd house.

Such is the significance of the 2nd house in our life bearing the responsibility of giving family, food and wealth- without which life can never be thought of. You can excel your skill(3rd house), your happiness(4th house), your higher education(5th house) by your hard work and effort but you have no control over the choice of your second house- your family- your upbringing-only Nemesis has.

Arrival of the soul & the Ultimate Awareness:

So pals you have nothing to be afraid of living on this Maya- only be afraid of your Karmaphal- your Prarabdh- the accumulated result of what you had been and are doing. No stone or gems can serve as remedy. The only solution is that – being patient and working towards the betterment of Mother Earth- the sole purpose of the arrival of a soul on this Maya.- getting birth on this earth- our Mother. But quite ironical we forget this instantly at the time of our birth. And it is also for this reason that a baby cries at the time of our birth. If a bay does not cry, heart does not start functioning- i.e we do not start living. Now the question stands why Nemesis does make us forget the very purpose of our arrival instantly at the time of our birth or why he does not give us the remembrance of the very purpose of our existence.

It is because he does not want betterment of Mother Earth through us- through our deeds leading to the freedom of our soul from this Maya-the happiness of the soul- the Moksha?

Why does not Bholenath give us this awareness when this ‘Aghori’ gives us everything- all the material abundance very easily? why? why? and why? The reason is very simple- because we do not ask this- every soul is free and bholeshankara respects the freedom of every soul or doing whatever we require to attaining material bliss caring a little about the  perspective of Mother nature and keep wondering through life cycle on this Maya.

Understanding the Concept of Moksha:

Moksha is not taking Sanyas- it is about doing the right in the right way leading to the attainment of the unimaginable- the utmost material bliss. Mother Earth has in offering for all of us- all the souls. Remember that till you become happy in abundance, you won’t be able to leave.

Understanding the persistence from the 2nd house to each house in a natal chart:

Now let’s understand how a particular house serves persistence sustenance and growth to the stuffs related with houses to which the concerned house is positing 2nd in a particular natal chart.

We have already understood how 2nd house sustains the 1st house.

2nd house proving persistence to the 3rd, 4th, 5th & the 6th house qualities:

Again the courage and skill of the 3rd house will get sustenance from the happiness, family bliss and motherly care of the 4th house. Again the mother and family bliss will get persistence from the education of the 5th house. And again the knowledge earned through education will get growth and recognition by the hard working attitude and competitive skills of leading to victory from the 6th house. And again the never giving up attitude to win in competition for growth and persistence of knowledge will get support from the spouse- the 7th house

Persistence to the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & the 12th House:

And again spouse the support from the spouse and the life span for the victory to materialize at is determined from the 8th house- the house of the in – laws and death. Again 8th house is also the house of the occult- the sense of spirituality from the Almighty depending on your Prarabdh. And this sense of spirituality, religious incline- all the hidden, unknown and the luck will get determined from the father referred by the 9th house.

And again all the auspicious rewards of the 9th house will get sustenance through the deeds referred by the 10th house- the house of Karma. And the rewards of your Karma(deeds) will survive through the struggle of existence on this Maya by the material gains or profits- simply the accumulation of money of the 11th house. And these material gains can only be sustained through spirituality or the submission to the creator as refers  by the 12th house. And finally this submission to Bholeshankara the Almighty in the shape of Aghori can grow getting sustenance and leading to the Moksha from your very choice- your very self- the Ascendant.

Conclusion-definition of life-span through the natal chart:

Thus a anatl chart defines the entire life cycle – and the choice is on you whether to get freedom with ultimate bliss from this Maya or to stay bound in the material pursuits, Nemesis has in offering for all of us- for the Rahu- teh Ravana. But I am assuring you that on both the roads of your choice, Bhioleshankara is there to give respecting your choice.

Thank you Maa.

You may consider reading about 2nd house from wikipedia also.

By sandip

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