vedic astrology basics the basics of astrology

Let’s begin the discussion about Vedic Astrology basics with proper details of the basics of astrology:

We know that the depth and essence of every subject lies in it’s basics. You can never learn any subject completely without knowing it’s basics, irrespective of how much you know about the complex aspects of that concerned subject. The subject called astrology is also the same.

The main essence of astrology is not limited only in the knowledge of these material world – I am trying to say that the knowledge about how will the career be, how will the marital life turn out to be, how much wealth is in store of future for me does not at all imply the purpose of knowing astrology. Rather the knowledge about astrology will free you from the constraints of this material world, letting you to know who you are actually – the real essence of you.

So let’s know the basics of astrology for clear insight into Vedic Astrology basics:

The natal chart(kundli) is comprised of three parts – Houses, zodiac signs and the planets.

  • Houses
  • Zodiac Signs
  • The planets

Let’s put these vedic astrology basics into table for giving you clear vision into the basics of astrology:

Vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

Vedic astrology basics with proper insight into the basics of astrology:

The first house is called the Ascendant or the “Lagna” and you have to count houses from

the Ascendant in the anti-clock-wise manner.

The planetsThere are nine planets and they are:Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Rahu & ketu
HousesThere are 12 houses present in every natal chart and they are fixed or immovable. In these houses posit the twelve zodiacs. The first house is called Ascendant or Lagna in hindi. From Ascendant the houses are to be calculated anti-clock-wise as the 1st house, 2nd house, 3rd house……………………. & 12th house.
Zodiac signsThere are 12 zodiac signs: Aries(1), Taurus(2), Gemini(3), Cancer(4), Leo(5), Virgo(6), Libra(7), scorpio(8), Sagitarius(9), Capricorn(10), Aquarius(11), & Pisces(12). These are not fixed and are movable. That means they are not the same in the case of every natal chart. They differ from person to person. Suppose the first house of a native may be Virgo and at the same time Sagitarius may be the first house of another native. These zodiacs can also be identified according to their numbers – that means Sagitarius is also identified with 9 or Pisces can also be identified with 12
basics of astrology

You have to learn or memorize the names and the sequence of the 12 zodiac signs for deeper understanding about the Vedic astrology basics with proper insight into the basics of astrology

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

Let’s understand the lordship planets of each zodiac for clear insight into vedic astrology basics:

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

For clear vision into the Vedic Astrology basics, you have to memorize the lordship planets of each zodiac to better understand the basics of astrology

Each Zodiac sign is ruled by different planets. That means every zodiac sign has their respective lords. Now let’s put them into one table for proper understanding about the Vedic Astrology Basics:

MarsAries(1) & Scorpio(8)
MercuryGemini(3) & Virgo(6)
JupiterSagitarius(9) & Pisces(12)
VenusTaurus(2) & Libra(7)
SaturnCapricorn(10) & Aquarius(11)
Basics of astrology

Let’s read about the zodiacs where respective planets get exalted for clear insight into Vedic astrology basics:

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

For clear understanding about the Vedic Astrology Basics, one must know where each planet gets exalted. This will boost up your insight into the basics of astrology

SunAries(1), 10 degree
MoonTaurus(2), 3 degree
MarsCapricorn(10), 28 degree
MercuryVirgo(6), 15 degree
JupiterCancer(4), 5 degree
VenusPisces(12), 27 degree
SaturnLibra(7), 20 degree
Basics of Astrology

Let’s read about the zodiacs where planets get debilitated for clear insight into Vedic Astrology Basics:

For developing clear insight into the Vedic Astrology Basics, you must have clear idea about the zodiacs where certain planets get debilitated. And this will enrich your insight into the basics of astrology

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology
SunLibra(7), 10 degree
MoonScorpio(8), 3 degree
MarsCancer(4), 28 degree
MercuryPisces(12), 15 degree
JupiterCapricorn(10), 5 degree
VenusVirgo(6), 27 degree
SaturnAries(1), 20 degree
Basics of Astrology

Let’s discuss about the Mulatrikona zodiacs of each planet for developing better understanding of the Vedic Astrology Basics with clear insight into the basics of astrology:

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

For clear vision about the Vedic Astrology Basics, one needs to know the Mulatrikona(main) zodiacs of each planet. This will of course boost your idea about the basics of astrology

There are specific zodiacs which are considered to be the Mulatrikona(main) zodiacs of every planets. Let’s put them into one table for clear insight into the Vedic Astrology Basics:

SunLeo(5), 0 to 20 degrees
MoonTaurus(2), 3 to 30 degrees
MarsAries(1), 0 to 12 degrees
MercuryVirgo(6), 15 to 20 degrees
JupiterVirgo(6), 15 to 20 degrees
VenusLibra(7), 0 to 15 degrees
SaturnAquarius(11), 1 to 20 degrees
RahuVirgo(6) and Aquarius(11)
KetuScorpio(8) and Pisces(12)
Vedic Astrology Basics

Let’s discuss about the friendly planets for gaining deeper insight into the Vedic Astrology Basics with Proper knowledge about the basics of Astrology:

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

To understand clearly the Vedic Astrology Basics, you need to know the friendly planets of each planet. This will surely enrich your vision about the basics of astrology

Every planets have their friendly planets. Now for proper knowledge about the basics of Astrology, let’s put them into one table:

SunMoon, Mars, & Jupiter
MoonSun & Mercury
MarsSun, Moon & Jupiter
MercurySun, Venus & Saturn
JupiterSun, Moon, & Mars
VenusSaturn & Mercury
SaturnVenus & Mercury
RahuVenus, Mercury & Saturn
Vedic Astrology Basics

Let’s read about the enemy planets of each planet for gaining proper knowledge about the Vedic Astrology Basics together with the proper knowledge about the basics of astrology:

Again your knowledge about the enemy planets of certain planets will enrich your knowledge about the Vedic astrology basics, boosting your insight into the basics of astrology

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

Like friendly Planets, every planet has their enemies too. Let’s put them into one table for gaining deeper insight into the Vedic Astrology Basics:

SunVenus & Saturn
MarsSaturn, Venus & Rahu
JupiterVenus, Mercury & Rahu
VenusSun & Moon
SaturnSun, Moon
RahuSun & Moon
KetuSun, Moon, Venus & Mercury
Basics of astrology

Now let’s read about the planets which bear nutral effects to concerned planets for better understanding about the Vedic Astrology Basics with proper insight into the basics of astrology:

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

Your knowledge about the planets bearing neutral effects for certain planets will develop your insight into the Vedic Astrology Basics. And your vision of the basics of astrology will get enriched

There are also planets bearing no effects(neither friendly or of enemity) for respective planets. Let’s put them into one table for clear understanding about the Vedic Astrology Basics.

MoonMars, Venus, Jupiter & Saturn
MercuryMars & Jupiter
VenusJupiter & Mars
Basics of Astrology

Let’s discuss how the universal or cosmic natal chart shows the creation of us and of the cosmic universe which is nothing but “maya(illusion)” around us for clear insight into Vedic Astrology:

Here, I have termed the universe around us as illusory (or Maya) to let you understand the absolute truth – the truth of “Oneness” or the truth of infinity. And this discussion, though philosophical to some extent, will enable you to understand your real self or to understand who you are actually freeing you from the confusion of this material world.

Ultimate reality or absolute truth is of the nature of non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss which is beyond space, time & causation.

Before understanding the cosmic natal chart for clear insight into Vedic Astrology, let’s discuss two significant aspects:

  • Things that are subject to change or that is transient can never signify the ultimate truth or reality.
  • Things that can be experienced also can never relate to the absolute truth or reality

Logical interpretation of these two will let you better understand the basics of astrology.

This has a very simple reason and that is that whatever we experience is an object. Objects can not take you to the absolute truth, and it is not also our matter of search because we are in search of the subject which is none other than ‘us’. We want to know who we are.

But in this material world of illusion where we are living, there is so much confusion that very often we tend to subjectify ourselves with the objects. We begin to consider the objects as our existence. In the same way, we also take transient things as the real manifestation of the absolute truth. But it is completely a wrong approach.

We have to understand this from the perspective of our body. If we keep on introspecting ourselves implementing this in our bodily existence, we will be able to understand better. If we go deeper and deeper into our body, at the ultimate level we will find that we have reached to Zero.

Our physical body is susceptible to change – once a child will grow & get adult and one day will get prone to disease resulting in death and we can also experience our body.

Our body experiences the world around us through senses. But this physical body is simply just a tool. And if we dive deeper, we will find that the body is experiencing in the mind. Our heart is infested with the qualities of emotions, thoughts, compassion and so on. And we all know that these feelings of our mind change thousand times a day. So the mind is also subject to change.

If we introspect deeper, we will find that there is of course someone witnessing & experiencing all these and we have to catch, know & understand that witness entity. Our mind is the experience of that witness consciousness and that witness consciousness is the absolute reality – that is you merged in complete oneness.

Then comes the intelligence. In intelligence there is your knowledge, learning and body control (if we are being able to digesting our food or if our heart-beat running smoothly or not). We can experience all these and it is also susceptible to change. Again here also we have to catch & understand the witness entity that is experiencing our intelligence to head to the absolute reality.

At last comes the ‘ego’- it is of two types: one is true ‘ego’ and the other is false ‘ego’. Very often we tend to develop false ‘ego’- it is not the matter of your arrogance. It is those things that we superimpose or identify with this material world falsely. For example, it is me, Sandip Sarkar. I am an Indian. I have this knowledge. It is my house. I am this or that. Everything like this is false ‘ego’ because none of these is me. We have superimposed all these on ourselves after coming to this society & all are susceptible to change.

We have not given ourselves our Names nor have we decided the country in which we are born. We have not decided our religion or political beliefs also. Even we have not decided our being male or female. So all these that we wrongly super-impose on ourselves identifying with the society are our false ego.

Now again get back to the topic of understanding creation through the analysis of the cosmic natal chart for understanding the absolute truth for clear insight into Vedic Astrology Basics:

The cosmic natal chart starts either from the 5th or the 9th zodiac. Let’s start from the fifth zodiac(Leo) and Sun lords this zodiac. Do not take the planets literally that planets from the solar system will control your life. They are simply the personified versions. Sun is the personified version of our soul to reflect the non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss of ‘oneness’. The literal Sun and even the entire creation is a part of this ‘oneness’.

Let’s discuss first from the 5th house for gaining clear insight into Vedic Astrology Basics:
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For clear insight into the Vedic Astrology Basics, we have to understand the cosmic natal chart first to develop clear vision about the basics of astrology.

The Sun represents the Non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss of oneness and from here starts the creation. Moon represents the awareness of this non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss of oneness. And this is the changeless principle behind everything that is changing.

So Sun is the light representing the witness entity and the Moon represents the awareness of it. And with the awareness of who we are, the creation comes into surface. But the process is

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not complete yet because there is no duality, there is only the awareness of the non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss of oneness. This is simply the realization that ‘I am this experience’. Now this process goes further and takes the form of “This is me”. “I am this” is completely different from “This is me”. Still the consciousness of the unified oneness is still there and it is gradually gaining the consciousness of the divided entity. And it is my point of discussion how ‘non-duality’ gets converted into “duality”.

Then in the Lagna(Ascendant), Mars represents the conversion of the non-dual pure existential consciousness of the absolute bliss into an individual subject with finite consciousness. Now the process of creation is complete with the coming of the limited sentient individual being.

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Limited sentient individual being is the manifestation of “I am this” in physical bodily existence. And all these are represented by the Ascendant. So the Ascendant symbolizes how a native

realizes himself/herself confined in this limited world of “maya” far away from the absolute non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss of oneness.

And mercury plays the role of giving the intelligence or logic to the individual sentient being to identify himself/herself with the “maya” believing it to be the only truth & being completely oblivious of

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the absolute truth of oneness. And it can be easily understood from the position of mercury in the cosmic natal chart(immediate in front of the moon and immediately after the sun).

Now in front of Mars posits Venus at the 7th house, the individual environment. So Mars is the individual sentient being and the environment in which he is surviving is created by Venus through “maya” or illusion for him to see or experience.

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It is the objective consciousness. Thus the duality of subjective and objective consciousness has come into surface. So in the individual level Venus is showing Mars the environment or the “maya”.

Then Venus will take the responsibility of creating the “maya” to hide the absolute consciousness. This gives birth to the illusion or ‘maya’ which will hide the existence of the ‘Shiva’ or the ‘oneness’. ‘Maya’ refers to what can be measured. ‘Absolute oneness’ is immeasurable or infinite and ‘maya” is the power to convert the infinite into finite. ‘Maya’ is the veiling power, it covers up the real truth. It gives the realization of the finite, letting you to see only the finite because the “infinite” has already been covered.

“Maya” creates confusion to present the illusion in front of us in such a way that we almost forget our connection with the infinite oneness. And the absolute consciousness gets converted into material consciousness of finiteness. “Self-realization” refers to re-attaining the consciousness of the bliss of the oneness.

Let’s understand the five steps through which, “maya” converts the infinite into finite for developing clear knowledge about Vedic Astrology Basics:

  • *with the Sun (light of ultimate consciousness of the oneness) and the moon (the awareness of that consciousness) starts the “maya” and the consciousness gets divided.
  •  *Then Maya overpowers us and we start believing this “maya” to be the utmost truth.
  • * Maya hides form us the “absolute doer-ship(the capacity of the ability to do everything)”, “absolute knowledge”(the intelligence of knowing everything)”,”absolute satisfaction & desirelessness”.
  • * Then Maya brings the concept of “time”. In absolute consciousness there is no concept of time because with the concept of time, comes the concept of impermanence and absolute consciousness is eternal.
  •  *Then “maya” will bring the concept of “space” to limit the absolute consciousness into boundaries. Mercury posits in between the Sun and the Moon, representing the consciousness which will divide the ‘Infinite” and the “finite”.

Thus Mars has created the subject in the form of individual sentient being, that is “us”. And positing in front of him, Venus has created the object.

Let’s understand the types of the environment created by Venus for deeper insight into Vedic Astrology Basics:

Environment is of three types: “Satwa gun”, “rajas gun” and “tama gun” which is created by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Then mind, intelligence, thinking level and ego is developed and ‘panch mahabhut is also created. And through all these the entire cosmic universe & the highest manifestation of the consciousness in the form of human is created. Thus the entire process is indicated by the cosmic natal chart.

Mars is the planet of ‘Agni tatva’. In fire there is both light and heat. Light is represented by the Sun & heat is represented by the Mars. So, light is transforming into individual sentient being in Lagna(Ascendant) and heat is the energy required for the survival of the individual sentient being.

Let’s read about the process of creation from the 9th house for gaining better understanding about Vedic Astrology Basics:

From the 9th house we can also see the creation. 9th house is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter represents “Akash Tatva”(Absolute truth of non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss of oneness).

In the cosmic natal chart, existence is being derived in the same way from the 9th house. From ‘akash(the absolute truth of oneness)’ comes the ‘Bayu(air) tatva’, from “bayu” comes the ‘Agni tatva’(Fire)’

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from the fire comes the ‘Jal(water) tatva’ and from ‘jal tatva’ comes the ‘prithbi tatva’(the earthly things).

Saturn is the planet of ‘bayu tatva’ and Mars is the planet of ‘agni tatva’. So, Akash creates bayu, bayu creates agni, agni creates jal and jal creates prithbi. Akash is the representation of the absolute non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss. It creates ‘Bayu’. Bayu(air) means movement. Bayu creates Agni(fire) through friction.

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We all know that if there is movement, there should have to be friction and out of friction fire will get created. And to cool down the fire, water is created. In Bayu(air), there is excessive chaos

and in Agni there is the object created in that excessive chaos. Water is meant for the purpose of cooling down the chaotic situation or entropy. That means Agni(fire) created Jal(water). So the process of creation which started is now taking visible form.

And finally it will clump out and Prithbi tatva(earthly things/anything solid) will get created. All the earthly things or all the molecules or whatever we see such as planets or galaxies or so on in solid form

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belong to the Prithbi Tatva. Akash tatva is the representation of the absolute non-dual pure existential consciousness of the bliss of one-ness and it also indicates the same concept of changeless principle behind all the changing things. The second thing is ‘pran’(life-force). It is simply an energy. It exists both inside and outside us. ‘Akash’ and ‘pran’ always stay together. Akash does not create, it simply gives the platfrom for creeation. And in that platform, ‘pran’ creates.

Let’s read about Kendra houses(central houses) of a natal chart for deeper insight into vedic astrology basics to let you know all the basics of astrology:

The 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th houses are considered to be the Kendra(central) houses of a natal chart. These houses are the main pilaars of our life. These four kendra houses have a deep impact in our life and without the kendra houses our existence is impossible.

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

1st house or the Ascendant of a natal chart signifies our very self & our personality – it represents the way we see ourselves. It is the individual sentient being. 4th house symbolizes our happiness,

our family, our mother, our mental peace & emotions and our residence. Whatever thing from which we derive happiness and pleasure is representated from the 4th house. 7th house symbolizes the enviroment/society in which we are surviving – the maya in which the individual sentient being exists.

As we already know, 1st house symbolizes the individual finite consciousness or the subjective manifestation of the absolute consciousness and the 7th house represents the objective

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manifestation of the finite consciousness. 10th house symbolizes our Karma(what we do to meet the happiness represented by the 4th house). So long we will exist in this ephemeral “maya”, we have to keep on working for the very survival of ourselves and his ‘karma’ is representated by the 10th house. These 4 houses are unversally auspicious houses and whatever planets posit here, are considerd to be auspicious also.

Let’s understand about “Trikon(triangle)” for deeper insights into vedic astrology basics:

There are four types of “trikon” – Dharama(representated by 1st, 5th & 9th houses), Artha(wealth)(2nd, 6th, & 10th houses), Kama & Moksha. The creation of this cosmic universe(maya) and the nature of the individual finite consciousness(human beings) are comprised of these four qualities.

Dharma Trikon (the triangle with the qualities to take the native close to the absolute reality)1st,5th & 9th houses form this triangle
Artha Trikon (the triangle of wealth)2nd,6th & 10th houses form this triangle
Kaama Trikon (the triangle of desire)3rd,7th & 11th houses form this triangle
Moksha Trikon( the triangle showing if the native will get free and move back to the absolute reality or stay bound in the constraints of this material world i.e “maya”)4th, 8th, & 12th houses form this triangle
basics of astrology

Let’s read about “dharma trikon” for deeper insight into Vedic astrology basics with proper details of the basics of astrology:

The term “dharma” signifies the process of taking the native close to the absolute reality. So, Dharma does never indicate to religion. It signifies the morale, principle, ideology & the humanity present in the deepest core of the native irrespective of the religion, the native is from. It signifies your duty, the purpose of your life and your determination to reach the purpose.

The 1st, 5th & 9th houses are considered to be the “dharma trikon(triangular)” of a natal chart and these are also considered to be the auspicious houses. The reason is very simple. As we have already discussed from the Cosmic natal chart, Creation starts from the 5th and the 9th house and in the 1st house the absolute non dual pure existential infinite consciousness of the bliss gets converted into finite and dual consciousness of the individual finite consciousness.

The 5th & 9th house also represents the deeds of the past lives. They also represents our ‘luck’ . ‘Luck’ gets formed through our deeds(karma) and whatever we had done from the very first life or from the first

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manifestation of the spirit into individual finite consciousness are calculated to form our luck in this present manifestation. 5th & 9th house representing the Creation, hence are considered to be responsible of our ‘luck’. The 5th & 9th house hence are also considered to be the houses of goddess “Laxmi” and the Ascendant is the house of God “Narayan or Vishnu”.

Let’s read about “Artha Trikon”(the triangle of wealth) for deeper insight into Vedic Astrology Basics with actual vision about the basics of astrology:

“Arth trikon”(triangle of wealth) is comprised of the 2nd, 6th and the 10th houses. This bears a great significance in our life. For survival any kind of resource is required and we all understand the fact that without money it is next to impossible to survive in this “maya”. 2nd house reflects wealth and hence falls into this trikon. 6th house reflects the competitive mindset to win.

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

The resources in this “maya” is finite and as there are so many vying for the same thing within this finite resource, competition can never be ignored in any one’s life. 6th house also represents

hunger- that is the baic traits of the bodily existence required for survival. Hence, 6th house is included in this trikon. To achieve the wealth represented by the 2nd house and to win in the competition or to satisfy the hunger represented by the 6th house, we need to do work-it may be whatever in nature. And “karma” or our actions is representated by the 10th house. Hence, it is included in the Arth trikon.

Let’s read about “Kaama Trikon” (the triangle of all of our desires) to know clearly about Vedic Astrology Basics with deeper insight into the basics of astrology:

‘Kaama trikon’(triangle of desire) is comprised of the three houses namely 3rd, 7th and 11th houses. 11th house represents our desires and the 3rd house represents our stamina to work harder to meet our desires. 7th house represents pure duality or the environment or the society around us( the ‘maya’).

7th house also represents our desire to go ahead in the dominance heirarchy or to stay ahead of others in the society we live in to get reputation, power, position & respect from others.

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

Hence, 7th house represents extreme duality. It is for this reason that these three houses are included in the kama trikon(the triangle of any kind of desires within us). The term “Kama” does not merely signify our desire of lust, it represents any kind of desires(good or bad) present in us.

Let’s read about “Moksha Trikon” for gaining knowledge about the Vedic Astrology Basics with clear vision about the basics of astrology:

Moksh trikon(triangle of the road back to the absolute reality) is comprised of 4th, 8th and the 12th house. After a certain period of time, a stage comes in our life when we realize that whatever we have achieved in this “Maya” can never give us ultimate stress-free peace and happiness. So this “trikon” instructs us to return back to the source – the absolute non-dual existential consciousness of the bliss of one-ness.

Hence you will see that people at old age takes the road of spirituality and philosophy. This is the road back to the source from where the journey has started, this is the road to ultimate bliss of one-ness removing all dissatisfaction. 4th house shows happiness and the purity of the mind. 4th house also represents attachment and detachment depending on the planets posited there.

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

8th house reflects transformation – transformation in our nature, point of view and personality. So the person who used to identify himself or herself with this “maya of duality” or who has

forgotten the truth of the absolute bliss of one-ness getting succumbed to finite consciousness of the duality of the “maya”, through the series of incidents in his life-span understands the reality and try to move back to the source. 8th house represents this transformation present in our inner self. 12th house is the house to bring the native in grief and to relieve from the grief by putting the native back on track to absolute truth “Moksha” through self-realization and the knowledge about the inner self.

And the planets posited here reflects whether the native will relate to the absolute truth or will stay bound to the finite consciousness of the “maya”. Hence these houses are considered to be the house of “moksha trikon”.

For knowing the basics of astrology, you have to remember that among these four “trikons”, whichever will be powerful in the natal chart, will determine the personality of the native. Such are the significance of the “trikons”.

Let’s read about the “Upchaya sthan(houses of benefits through learning from experience)”, “Doosthan(the negative Houses)” & the “Maraka Sthan(the houses of Death)” of a natal chart for clear vision about the Vedic Astrology Basics with clear insight into the basics of Astrology:

Upchaya Sthan3rd, 6th, 10th, & 11th houses form “Upchaya sthan. These houses may not deliver good results at initial stages of life but with time they get better & better through rectification based on the learnings from the experiences.
Doosthan3rd, 6th, & 12th houses form “Doosthan Houses”. The planets posited here have the capacity to give negative results to a large extent.
Maraka SthanSo the planets posited here bear the capability of giving higher negative results of any kind of losses.
Basics of Astrology

Let’s read about the “Upchaya Sthan” for gaining clear vision about the Vedic Astrology Basics with clear insight into the basics of astrology:

3rd, 6th,10th &11th houses are called “upchaya sthan” – these are the houses which get better gradually through the experiences of the native. So these may not deliver good results at initial stages

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of life but with time they get better & better through rectification based on the learnings from the experiences. 11th house is the house of our desires and fulfilling them requires hard work which is represented by the 3rd house. But the native is not hard-working alone in this “maya”, so comes the concept of competition which is represented by the 6th house. Hence the 3rd house is the house of stamina for hard-work and the 6th house is the house of opponents to become victorious.

Let’s read about “Doosthan Houses(Negative Houses)” for gaining clear knowledge about the Vedic Astrology Basics with proper vision about the basics of Astrology:

3rd, 6th & 12th houses are considered to be the “doosthan houses – the planets posited here have the capacity to give negative results to a large extent. The human beings are given “shoth-ripu” such as Kaam, Krodh, Lov, moho so that we never get to the absolute truth and these are represented by the 6th house which is also considered to be the “doosthan house” for this reason.

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More than that the 6th house also represents the disease, debt, enemy, conflicts and hindrances. As they can never be the good aspects in any one’s life, 6th house is considered to be the “doosthan house”.

8th house is the house of up-&downs, restlessness, consistent instability, accidents, injury, surgery & death. If negative planet posits here, it tends to reduce the life span of the native resulting in early death. Chronic diseases are also seen from this house. Hence it is considered to be the “doosthan house”.

12th house is the house of expenditures and losses(losses of wealth, career, health, familiy memebars, reputation, respect, education and losses of any genre). And 12th house is also considered to be the house of death. Hence, being inauspicious it is also considered to be the “doosthan house”.

Let’s read about the “Maraka Sthan(houses of losses)” for gaining knowledge about the Vedic Astrology Basics with clear vision about the basics of Astrology:

vedic astrology basics basics of astrology

Then comes the concept of “Marak houses or the house of death” comprised of the 2nd and the 7th house-these are also considered to be inauspicious. 8th house represents “life-span” and the 12th house

represents “expenditure”.

Hence, the 12th house from the 8th house will reflect the expenditure of “life-span”. So the 7th house, which is 12th form the 8th house reflects early death

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or expenditure of “life-span”. The 8th house from the 8th house is the 3rd house, so the 3rd house will also reflect “life-span” and the expenditure of the life-span can also be viewed from the 12th house from the 3rd house which is actually the 2nd house.

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And hence, the 2nd house is also considered to be the “Maraka house or the house of death”. So the planets posited here bear the capability of giving higher negative results.

Marakesh or the lord of the house of the death does not necessarily ushers in the loss of life-span, actually it can usher in any kind of losses in the life of the native.

Let’s read about the degree of the zodiac signs for developing clear knowledge about Vedic Astrology Basics with proper insight into the basics of astrology:

In astrology we divide the solar system into 360 degree arch. There are twelve zodiac signs and each zodiac sign is of the length of maximum 30 degree. The zodiac signs are of three categories in terms of the degree:

  • Char Rashi(Movable zodiac signs)
  • Sthir rashi(fixed zodiac signs)
  • Zodiac signs with both the qualities of the Fixed & movable zodiacs
Char Rashi(Movable zodiac signs)Char Rashi or movable zodiac signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Sthir rashi(fixed zodiac signs)Sthir Rashi or fixed Zodiac signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Zodiac signs with both the qualities of the Fixed & movable zodiacsRashi with dual nature or Zodiac signs having the qualities of both the movable and fixed zodiac signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagitarius and Pisces.  These zodiac signs behave like the movable zodiac signs when within up to 15 degree and from 16 degree these zodiac signs will behave like the fixed zodiac signs.
Basics of astrology

Let’s read about the categories of zodiac signs according to “Tatvas” for gaining knowledge about the Vedic Astrology Basics with proper insight into the basics of Astrology:

The zodiac signs are also divided according to the “Tatva”- and they are:

  • Agni(fire)
  • Bayu(air)
  • Jal(water)
  • Prithbi(earthly things/ solid objects)
Agni(fire)Agni tatva zodiac signs are: Aries, Leo and sagitarius
Bayu(air)Bayu tatva zodiac signs are: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Jal(water)Jal tatva zodiac signs are : Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Prithbi(earthly things/ solid objects)Prithbi tatva zodiac signs are: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Basics of astrology

In pursuit of making your knowledge about the Vedic Astrology Basics complete in terms of the basics of Astrology, you may also read my another dedicated posts on Raj Yogas, like Gaja Kesari Yoga, Bhadra Yoga, Ruchaka Yoga, Hamsa Yoga, Sasa Yoga, Malavya yoga & Neech bhang Rajyog benefits from these links. These information will simply elevate your knowledge about the Vedic Astrology Basics.

You may also read about the basics of Astrology for deeper insight into the Vedic Astrology Basics from this link:

Let’s conclude facts about the Vedic Astrology basics giving you proper insight into the basics of astrology:

All these information about the Vedic Astrology Basics will enrich you with the knowledge about the basics of astrology and it is really a matter of great pleasure for me to be able to guide you about the Vedic Astrology basics.

If you have any more issues, do write to me in the comment box. This will inspire me to write dedidacted post on that issue like this post on the Vedic Astrology Basics enriching you with the knowledge about the basics of astrology.

Thank You,

By sandip

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