what is hamsa yoga in astrology-hamsa yoga benefits

Let’s dive deep & explore what is Hamsa Yoga in astrology and it’s benefits:

what is hamsa yoga-hamsa yoga benefits

Maharshi Parashar has told of “Pancha Mahapurusha yoga“( made of five different planets posited at their own Zodiac or highest Zodiac. These

planets are: Mars, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. And the names of the yogas are as follows:

JupiterHamsa Yoga
MarsRuchaka Yoga
SaturnSasa Yoga
MercuryBhadra Yoga
VenusMalavya Yoga
A careful reading about those Yogas will enhance your depth into what is Hamsa Yoga in astrology and it’sbenefits.

Here, I will discuss what is Hamsa Yoga and it’s benefits on the natives during a single life-span. Get to know all the specific details about Jupiters aspect from this link of my another post.

Of these five planets and of all the planets Jupiter is the most pious plant and jupiter gives the native the blessings of Religion, Respect, Establishment, Home, Son,

what is hamsa yoga-hamsa yoga benefits

wealth, Status, and Education and so on. Now think when jupiter creates Hamsa yoga by positing at his own Zodiac or higher Zodiacs of a birth chart, what pious blessings Jupiter is going to shower on the native. This Yoga means that the native has done something really pious in the previous life and for this reason he/she has been blessed with Jupiter posited at such Zodiac for creating Hamsha Yoga. Let’s get to know what is Hamsa Yoga and Hamsa Yoga benefits in detail.

Let’s know how is Hamsa Yoga is formed:

1st, 4th, 7th & 8th houses of a natal chart are considered to be the centre Zodiacs of the concerned birth chart. When jupiter is posited at any of the centre zodiacs of a birth chart which are actuaaly the own zodiacs of the Jupiter(sagitarius”9″ & Pisces”12″) or the highest Zodiac of jupiter(Cancer’4″), Hamsha Yoga is formed.

what is hamsa yoga-hamsa yoga benefits

It is better when calculated from “Lagna Kundli/Horoscope” but if it is calculated from “Chandra Kundli’, there comes in to surface one condition that is that moon

has to be posited at the natal chart very powerfully for the effective benefits of Hamsha yoga. For this Yoga to be really powerful and flawless, Jupiter has to posit alone and no malefic planets should neither give their aspect to the house where Jupiter is posited.-And thus the blessings of Hamsa Yoga come in to the life of the native.

Let’s understand the meaning of Hamsa to understand clearly the benefits of Hamsa yoga:

Hamsha means swan who always stays with goddess Saraswati. if a swan is given milk mixed with water, it will very easily seperate the milk from the mixture and drink that through it’s beak whareas the water will be thrown out like a jet of spray.

So people with this Yoga will have the same capacity of identifying the truth from the False with simple logic. This means the native will simply be a man of wisdom.

what is hamsa yoga-hamsa yoga benefits

There on the palm of the native with this Yoga will be few symbols as shown in the images. These people are really intelligent from childhood and they are the worshipper of wisdom and spiritualism.They are full of energy and kind always ready to help others. They in real meaning are the Gyan Yogi of the Gita as they completely implement  the concept that knowledge and wisdom are the most pious of any thing in this universe. Thus are the benefits which a native can achieve in his/her life span on this maya with Hamsa yoga getting formed in their natal birth chart.

Demystifying the blessings of Jupiter on the native with Hamsa Yoga in birth charts:

People with Hamsa Yoga in their natal chart tend to have very serious eyes with stunningly beautiful appearance. They spend their life more or less free from the torments of diseases. As Jupiter symbolises Life-Force, these people always brim with Life-Energy being very much happy. Jupiter is considered the source of all kinds of knowledge and who has such powerful “GURU” in his/her natal chart, just think how much wise the person is going to be. These people considered to be the most favorite native of the goddess Saraswati.

what is hamsa yoga-benefits of hamsa yoga

They are the Pundits of the Shastras and they show direction to the society. To be precise they play the role of pioneers. If they go to the sphere of religion, they

will become “Religious Guru” or if they go to the corporate sphere, they will become ‘Management Guru”. The most prferable professions of these personalities are: Teacher, Professor, preacher, Author, religious Guru, Management Guru, Advisors, Counsellors, Ministers, social advisors & Blogger. Their words always carry the blessings of Goddess Saraswati and they always keep their audience spell-bound through their speech. Their advices are like that from the mouth of Goddess Bramha.

Hence Shastras always mention Guru as Brilliant Ministers because without the suggestion of minister king won’t perform a task. Raja Rama always took suggestion from his Guru Vashisth. so, counselling is the best option for these people with Jupiter creating Hamsa yoga in their natal birth chart as career. The minds of these people are always pious and innocent and they tend to be very straight-forward. With the age growing, these people turn out to become the worshipper of Spiritualism. They get married at early age and become fathers also at early age. These people become more orthodox and they are the real worshippers of traditional values.

Let’s understand the basic characteristic difference between rectification process adopted by Jupiter and Saturn to attain clear idea about Hamsa Yoga benefits:

JupiterThe natives of Jupiter’s decision won’t ever harm others. Jupiter forgives and rectifies the native by giving realization of the mistake done by him. Hence people with this yoga at their natal chart will take the pain on himself/herself but still won’t harm others. Goddess Rama has this Yoga in his Lagna(ascendant). What Rama did?-  he has not hesitated a little to obey his father and go to the forest or to send Maa Sita to Banbas paying heed to the words of the Dhobi( a character from The Ramayana). Later Goddess Rama also had forgiven The Dhobi also. All these qualities brim in personalities having this Yoga in natal chart.
SaturnBut Saturn is completely the opposite. Saturn gives punishment without showing any kind of emotion as written in the book for the rectification of the mistake committed by the native.
Jupiter creating Hamsa Yoga.

Let’s have look at the key-factors for Hamsha Yoga to be powerful :

The Ascendant of the natal chart, the lord of the Ascendant, Sun,& Moon are powerfully posited at their friendly ZodiacHamsha Yoga blesse the native with heavenly bliss & wisdom
Jupiter is powerful degree wise. (remember Jupiter in 15 degree will give better result as compared to Jupiter posited in 2 degree. Jupiter in 15 degree becomes powerful, whereas the same Jupiter becomes weak.)- Jupiter in 2 degreeThe Hamsa yoga will only be in name-it will not be able to fetch the desired results on the life of the native
Jupiter posits at it’s highest Moon-sign(cancer,4)The native will get better results as compared to those having Hamsa Yoga with Jupiter positing at it’s own Moon-sign like Sagitarius and Pisces(9&12) because Jupiter posits at his own Zodiacs(Sagitarius and Pisces) creating a Hamsha Yoga won’t be able to deliver results as powerful as the Jupiter posited at his Highest Zodiac(Cancer).
Hamsa Yoga is formed with Jupiter positing at the 1st and 4th ZodiacsThis will give better result as compared to Hamsa yoga with Jupiter positing at the 7th 710th Zodiac. This has a reason. In the universal natal chart (that of the KAALPURUSH), 1st house is the house of Mars(Mesh Zodiac) and the 4th house is the house of the MOON(cancer zodiac). Both Mars and Moon are friendly planets of Jupiter. But the 7th house is the Moon-sign of Venus(Libra Zodiac and 10th house is the house of Saturn(Capricorn). Venus is the guru of the Asuras(demons) and Saturn is an enemy planet to Jupiter. Hence Jupiter can’t deliver better results positing at 7th and 10th houses as compared to the 1st and 4th house Jupiter.
suppose that Jupiter is not a positive planet for the Natal chart where it is creating the Hamsha Yoga,Jupiter won’t able to deliver the utmost effect of this yoga for that concerned Birth chart.

Let’s understand the facts with example for a better understanding about what is Hamsa Yoga in astrology and it’s benefits:

For example let’s take chart of Libra Lagna(Ascendant) and suppose Jupiter is posited at the 10th house creating Hamsha yoga. For this chart Jupiter is the

what is hamsa yoga hamsa yoga benefits

lord of 3rd and 6th house which represent respectively the house of struggle and enemies. Though Jupiter will deliver the benefits of the Hamsha Yoga being at the 10th house(the house of career), the career of the native will be full of struggles. Competitors or enemies will always keep their eyes on the career of the native.

what is hamsa yoga-hamsa yoga benefits

Hence the concentration of the native will remain focused on protecting the success already achieved rather than feeling the experience of happiness for the same.

(image of chart). Madhuri dixit has such a natal chart.

Let’s dig out the birth chart of Lord Rama to get a deeper insight into what is Hamsa yoga in astrology and it’s benefits:

 In the birth chart of Goddess Rama jupiter is posited at the cancer zodiac in the Lagna of the natal chart. It is the most excellent example of Hamsha yoga as it is desired to be.

what is hamsa yoga-hamsa yoga benefits

More over Moon is also posited with Jupiter creating Gaj-Kesari yoga. But in this natal chart jupiter is the lord of 9th house(house of luck) and of the 6th house (the house of the enemy). Hence goddess Rama also faced powerful enemy like Ravana because this also creates another Yoga called Astro(weapon) yoga. In such situations without struggle the native gets nothing.

Unravelling the conditions for Hamsa Yoga to get cancelled:

If Jupiter is posited with another malefic planet at the same house or any malefic planet is giving it’s aspect at the house where Jupiter is posited, Hamsha Yoga will loose it’s power or won’t deliver the desired results. Jupiter posited alone without any aspects from other malefic planets deliver the best results. One thing to note here: If Jupiter is with Rahu and at the same time is creating a Hamsha Yoga, these natives will be wise but they will use this wisdom for cheating on others quite characteristic like Rahu. They become Guru but with the purpose of cheating others.

Jupiter is retrogradeThe natal chart has to be observed very carefully as retrograde planets indicate the pending Karamas(Deeds) of previous life and hence also makes the natal chart very complex also.
Jupiter is weak in Diversional chart or in D9 & D10 chartThe Hamsa Yoga gets weaker.
Jupiter creates Hamsha yoga positing at the Cancer lagna(ascendant) and at the same time Moon is posited in it’s lower Zodiac called ScorpioHamsha Yoga gets cancelled
Jupiter gets combust by Sun or gets into within the 11 degree of the Sun at the same ZodiacHamsa Yoga will get Cancelled
Jupiter gets defeated in Planetary war(i.e Jupiter is posited with another planet at the same Zodiac  within the degree difference of as less as 1 degree from each other)Hamsha yoga will loose it’s power in this case.

Let’s discover the timing of benefits of Hamsa yoga on the life of a native:

Hamsha yoga will keep on showering it’s blessings on the native throughout his/her life. And during the Mahadosha or Antordosha or the same of a friendly planet like Mars or during the transit of Jupiter through the centre zodiacs will activate this yoga and will deliver the utmost desired results.

Remedies for strengthening the benefits of Hamsa Yoga:

You may wear yellow emerald(Pokhraj) with proper consultation with a reputed astrologer. Take Guru Diksha as soon as possible. Donate in temples and Ashram. Get more details from my another post on Panch mahapurusha yoga,

You may also read about Panch Mahapurusha Yoga from this link.

Let’s conclude facts regarding Hamsa Yoga in astrology and it’s benefits:

So, before determining the formation of Hamsa yoga in a ntal chart, all these factors have to be kept into consideration for perfect prediction. In most of the natal chart having Hamsa Yoga, Jupiter very often gets posited with Moon creating a powerful raj yoga called Gajakesari Yoga.

If all these information about what is Hamsa Yoga in astrology and Hamsa Yoga benefits have come of any help to you, it will really be a great pleasure to me and if you have any more issues, do let me know in the comment box which will in other words will inspire me to write another dedicated post like this dedicated post on what is Hamsa Yoga in astrology and Hamsa yoga benefits with the view to solving the same.

Thank you.

Can retrograde Jupiter form Hamsa yoga?

Retrograde Jupiter or association of Jupiter with other malefic planets or malefic planets aspecting the house where Jupiter is positing cancel the formation of Hamsa Yoga.

Is Hamsa yoga rare?

No, it is not rare. But natives getting the ultimate benefits of Hamsa Yoga are rare because for the desired benefits of Hamsa Yoga, it is mandatory that Jupiter is not conjuncting with other malefic planets or the hosue Jupiter is positing, should not be aspected by other malefic planets.

By sandip

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